Beginning School Life

Marcus walked into the school gate admiring his surroundings, the bright grass, the futuristic buildings, and the large amount of people all seemed a bit overwhelming. Marcus walked towards where most of the students were gathered as they were looking to find out what class they were in. Looking around Marcus noticed his fashion was definitely different then the normal but he didn't mind much he liked his black clothes and his hood along with his longer black hair hid his face well. He definitely wasn't used to being around so many people and definitely didn't like a lot of attention. Marcus went to the bulletin screen and found his name, "Marcus Mortem - class A4" he walked off and continued heading into the building, when he found his class he walked in and silently moved to a seat in the back. As he came in he could hear the whispers of questions like, "who is that?" And "did you go to school with him" Marcus knew even though is was the first day of Freshmen year most of not all the other students knew others from middle school, as he was new to the area he definitely didn't know anyone. After a bit more time passed and more students found their way to class and the teacher came in. "I'm Mr. Douglas and I'll be your home room teacher for this year." He looked around the room seeming to be taking in everyone's faces, "some of you may know each other but I want everyone to one by one stand up and introduce yourselves." Some of the kids groaned at this but starting at the front they began to introduce themselves. Some of them made jokes or mentioned a hobby they had, a few of the guys flat out said what ability they had then smiled at a few girls saying they'd protect them. The girls laughed while a few looked interested, when it got to Marcus the room quieted as he stood up. In height he was about average for the class standing at about 5'8" he looked at the class and before he spoke Mr. Douglas spoke up, "ah I need you to take off your hood in class young man." Marcus nodded and pulled his hood back a lot of the class seemed surprised at how handsome he looked but most of the class was focused on his left eye as it was the one not covered but his black hair. His eye was a bright piercing grey which seemed to stare right through you when he looked at you. He spoke up his voice strong but reserved, "I'm Marcus Mortem, and I'm from pretty far away glad to be here." He sat down and a few people he could tell wanted to ask questions but a girl with a very happy bubbly personality stood up and started to introduce herself before anyone could say anything. Class went on and when they were released for lunch no one approached him, each of them had their groups it seemed and he didn't mind enjoying the solitude. On his way to the school cafeteria a commotion started when two strength protectors started duking it out, Marcus continued walking not caring. As he was walking he heard someone yell lookout, he quickly looked and saw one of the students had launched the other one. Marcus didn't need to move but the girl in front of him was about to walk right where he was going to land. Marcus lightly grabbed her shoulder giving it a light pull as he walked by, the girl who had her head down listening to music felt the strong pull as she fell back on her ass. Before she could get angry at whoever had done that the boy hit the ground hard in front of her making her realize she had been saved not bullied. She looked around but didn't see who had saved her, one of the girls from Marcus home room class had seen him save her and walked over to the girl. After helping her up she asked her how she knew Marcus, the girl explained that she didn't and asked who Marcus was. The girl pointed Marcus out though she could only see the back of his hoodie. She thanked the girl and started heading over to him, she waited for Marcus to grab his lunch and sit down before she sat down with him. Marcus looked at her and recognized her. She smiled, "hi my names Amber Parker, I just wanted to thank you for saving me back there." Marcus nodded, "it was no problem." He went back to eating seeming to ignore her being there, she looked around and noticed the older girls had already started their hunting of the first year boys. She sighed, "so this might be a bit forward but do you have a Damsel yet?" Marcus looked at her his one grey eye piercing through the shadow his hood cast on his face, "not interested." She felt a twinge of anger as she knew she wasn't the prettiest girl but she was far from ugly and felt he dismissed her too quickly. She smiled through the anger, "currently the upper class-men girls are trying to recruit all the protectors for one reason or another most likely by this time tomorrow all the protectors will have a damsel and a lot of the first year girls will be left high and dry." She looked at him who was looking back clearly listening to her, "so if you want to be left alone become my protector I'll only bug you when I actually need help." Marcus looked at her, "so I'm guessing you are a second year who was left high and dry your first year, but you should know different protectors take a different amount of mental energy to summon." He looked at her and she nodded showing she knew and he continued, "well the first time someone summoned me they ended up in a coma for a month because of the amount of energy it required from them." Marcus shrugged, "I believe I'm what's known as a death summon" the girl smiled which surprised him and she spoke happily, "oh my god that works out perfectly, as a damsel I been tested to have about quadruple the normal amount of mental energy. I guess that would mean you would have to be my only protector but if that's your only reason for refusing me then that's settled." Marcus sighed, "if you have so much mental energy you should be considered a treasure and many people would cherish how do you not have a protector yet?" She looked at him and Marcus could see she was worried but she spoke up, "ok when I started my first year I ended up pissing off a few of the more well know damsels and after they found out I was a new blood they spread that plus a lot of bad rumors and no one wanted to be associated with me." When she finished she looked at him thinking he'd be judging her but he just shrugged, "makes sense new bloods meaning the first in your family to be a protector or damsel, I heard a lot of places really don't like them." She looked at him curiously, "you say that as if you don't care?" Marcus nodded, "yeah new bloods don't bother me and I don't really care about a lot of that stuff, but if you will help me not be bothered too much and only call me when you need help I guess I can accept that." She looked positively ecstatic but paused, oh right my name is Amber Parker and I promise you I will follow what I said." She smiled looking down at her things happy to find a person that was willing to accept her, she started thinking about how she wanted to form the contract. When she looked up Marcus had moved in front of her and gave her a kiss establishing the contract, Marcus went back to his seat and continued eating. He was unaware of the pure shock he had just given Amber, she sat there confused face bright red coming to terms with that her first kiss was with a person she didn't really know. She looked to see him eating unfazed by what he had just done, she pointed at him, "why did you just kiss me?" Marcus looked at her, "I thought you wanted to form a contract?" She shook her head, "well yes I wanted the contract but there are other ways to form contracts, that's usually used to form a contract when a protector and damsel are in a relationship." Marcus shrugged, "well I was told due to my cost to call besides this contract the others won't work." Amber looked at him for a bit thinking about it and realized he was right with him being a death summon the other contracts would break before she could call him, and the kiss contract was the strongest contract you could make. She sighed knowing that it was over and done with and she shouldn't dwell on it, instead she started to pay attention to the new feelings she was getting due to the contract. She could swear that she felt the line between the two of them, and knew due to her studies and knowledge that now she was the one with the power as only Damsels could break the contract. She heard a ding and watched Marcus take out his phone and sigh while responding to a text, before he could put it away she took hers out, "so can I get your number to contact you in case of something?" Marcus nodded and took her phone adding his contact info, he then handed her phone back and started leaving with his tray. She got up and followed him which Marcus didn't mind, due to the contract between protectors and damsels a certain level of understanding and sense of ease gets established between the two making them feel like closer friends then the new acquaintances. She ended up following him for a little bit before Marcus asked her, "class is about to start for next period did you need anything else?" She nodded, "um well you see I haven't been feeling the safest walking home lately so I was wondering if you could maybe walk me home?" Marcus could feel that was a lie at least the feeling unsafe part but chose to ignore that and agreed to do so, she happily left. He sighed thinking how if he got a damsel on the first day this school will probably be more interesting than he thought.