Learning the school

When Marcus got back to the classroom a few people were already there and after he sat down a couple people came over asking him questions like, "so where are you from?" and "what ability do you have?" He didn't respond instead he looked away from them to the screen at the front of the class room. The screen instructions read, "students to your seats please." Seeing him look over a few of the other kids did too and after reading it they went back to their seats wondering why he ignored them. Most of them just thought he was stuck up or rude but Marcus just didn't want to answer them. The screen started a video after all the students had sat down, giving them a brief history lesson. The video showed different pictures of past events as it started, "the year was 2158 when the first people were born with the abilities that are known today's as protectors and damsels. While men have shown abilities in increased strength, speed, and defense, women have shown an increase in intelligence and the ability to summon protectors they have formed a bond with. It has now been almost over four hundred years since their first discovery and now majority of our population is either a protector of damsel. Though due to how different the abilities can show most protectors can only be seen as above average while others have shown to have above super human abilities; but those abilities were in a very small minority, as such the world is changing to accommodate these changes. Laws have been passed for damsels and protectors giving them rights to protect themselves and each other in dire situations, as all things are with a lot of good in the world there are a lot of bad as well. But thanks to the continued work of the four families we have been enjoying years of peace." It listed the names of the four families on the board as it mentioned them, the names went by, "Geaia, Ifirt, Shiva, and Tenro" the video continued, "after dealing with the Bahamut family ,aka the Demon family as they had been referred to due to the horrible deeds they committed in an attempt to take over the government and establish a dictatorship. The four families worked closely with the government setting up the war arena as well as helping with laws and regulations. All of this leading up to this school, set up years ago this school is here to help train the more super powered protectors and damsels. Whether your goal is to join the ranks of one of their families or not this school is here for you all. The video ended and Mr. Douglas came back in to the class, he began tell the students more about what they offered as a school. By the end of school everyone was ready to go after having their ears talked off, when Marcus reached the gate to leave the school area he found Amber waiting for him. He walked her home like he said he would and to his surprise her house was huge almost a mansion, she smiled, "thanks for walking me home and sorry if I talked your ear off I just don't really have many friends in school so it's nice to just chat." He nodded, "it doesn't bother me your mine damsel now I should at least be here for you when I can be." She smiled, do you mind if I eat lunch with you from now on?" Marcus shrugged, "if you want to." She waved by and had the thought that she never asked what type of protector he was, when she went to turn around she felt a light gust of wind and he was gone. She smiled realizing he had to be a super human speed type.

The week passed with nothing big happening just a bunch of orientation and showing around, Amber and Marcus had gotten closer as she would chat with him during lunch and when walking home. He had found that she could in fact summon him without passing out but only once then she'd need to rest for a few hours. During the next week they were informed they would be using the pool for PE class and they needed to bring clothes for that, when the PE class ended he walked over to Ms. Smith who was the PE teacher. She looked at him, "yes Mr. Mortem what do you need?" Marcus sighed, "is it ok if I wear a shirt with my shorts during tomorrow's pool PE class?" Ms. Smith felt it was an odd question but gave him and answer, "yes that's acceptable, but if you don't mind me asking why?" Marcus half shrugged, "I have a scar or two that I'm a bit self conscious about." Ms. Smith nodded, "that's completely understandable." The next day during the pool class he continued to get looks as he was the only guy with a shirt on while the guys seemed to be flaunting their bodies. After a few planed workouts Ms. Smith let them just have fun in the pool, Marcus was the only one to get out of the pool and open a book to read. While Ms. Smith was talking with some of the other female students a few male students approached Marcus. The first one spoke up asking if he'd remove his shirt as they had a bet going and wanted to see who was right, one of the other guys said they though he had an embarrassing body he was worried about. The third guy laughed and said it had to be a disgusting birthmark or something like that, Marcus ignored them like he always did but to his surprise they were ready for this and the three of them grabbed him pulled him to his feet then using their strength and all three pulling a different way they ripped his shirt off. This action gathered everyone's attention and the three laughing boys that were curious now fell back to the ground feeling fear, what they uncovered was a torso the was riddled with scars. As the frozen room stared they couldn't help but notice that some of the scars went to his legs and arms that were showing before his shirt ripped off but they didn't pay much mind to it. Ms. Smith looked and could see stab scars, burn scars, even gun shot scars. Many of these scars would have definitely been life threatening injuries when they happened, only a few of them noticed past the scars his body was that of sculpted muscle. Each muscle looked like he had trained it to its upmost, he looked at the three of them then sighed and sat back down opening his book again and began reading. This simple act seemed to get Ms. Smith back out of the shock, "alright guys stop staring get back to your own things." She walked over to Marcus and the three boys gave a weak apology then left, she looked again at his body before slightly shaking off the staring and asked him, "so these are the one or two scars your self conscious about?" Marcus closed his book, "yeah in truth I don't mind them but I thought they'd be a bit distracting in class." She nodded, "that's very understandable because I'm sure you noticed it was very stared at." Marcus smirked, "ma'am are you telling a student that you couldn't keep your eyes off them?" Ms. Smith slightly blushed at the unexpected flirting but quickly shut it down, "young man it's not appropriate to tease your teacher, but seriously I won't pry I just need to know is everything alright?" Marcus nodded, "yeah this all happened a while ago and I'm fine now, nothing to worry about." She nodded and left for a few minutes coming back with a shirt, "here it's from the lost and found should be ok to wear. He took it and put it on then thanked her, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful besides him hearing that people were talking about his scars but as no one had proof not many people outside the class believed the rumors. After about a week no one brought it up, Marcus was sitting in class when he stood up suddenly startling the class and teacher then an instant later he was gone.