Sharing the past

Crystal sighed looking at her drink, "well when our families were attacked I had been spending the night at a friends house. When her parents came in all flustered the next morning I was very caught off guard," she paused seeming to relive it, "that bastard Richard Tenro had the nerve to come find me and brought me to the police station while everything was still going crazy. He and the other family heads looked perfectly fine, as the sat me down and for some publicity they recorded themselves telling me about what had happened. Lying to my face about how your family was evil and when they tried to stop them they used my family as shields." She paused again breathing through some anger. After taking a drink of the soda she continued, "after being told that my entire family was dead they continued talking but I didn't hear any of it, next thing I really remember was Tenro taking me into his home and having a maid bring me to a room to sleep. After some time they test me to see how strong of a damsel I was, after finding out I was a pretty powerful one he announced to me that his family would be adopting me." She sucked her teeth, "tch not like they gave me a choice, but at that time I wasn't sure what to believe and needing to use the restroom after a few nights there I ended up overhearing a conversation between Tenro and someone else. He was saying how he felt that even though they all helped wipe them all out and plant the fake evidence he had was getting less of a slice of the loot." She stared at him, "I walked back to my room with this knowledge and a hatred started its fire in me, everyone I knew was gone just so they could profit." She proceeded to stand up yelling at their pictures, "I want to kill them all, I want to kill their entire families to watch as they suffered from the pain of it. I will make them pay one way or another, not just the heads but their entire families will suffer for their actions!" When she looked back at Marcus her desire for revenge clearly on her face he smiled showing he enjoyed her voicing her desire for revenge. After a second still angered but a little calmer she sat down and Marcus spoke up, "well I guess I should share a bit too, hopefully it doesn't disappoint you. Unlike you I don't really care too much about whether my birth family really did what was said or not but going off what you said I guess they weren't." He shrugged clearly showing his indifference towards the info, "as you can see from this room I'm after the four families too, but not because of what happened to people I didn't really know." He paused thinking about it for a second, " actually I guess they made the desire for revenge a bit stronger but I found out a little bit ago that my family that raised me was also killed by them and it was all because of a rumor about a child with an eyes that turned red." His eye that was showing turned red, "due to these eyes changing color and somehow the families hearing about it they sent a kill squad to just make it look like a burglary turned homicide. When they did it I wasn't home like you at a friends house, but sadly I came home to them still being there." He moved his hair to show the scar on his face, "last thing I remembered was getting this scar on my face then blacking out, at that time there was a lot I didn't know but someone I consider family ended finding me and after some time told me everything that they knew." Marcus one red eye seemed to get darker, "everything I suffered through after that was all due to them so like you I'm going to make them pay greatly." He stood up and his eye was back to grey, "but as trust has been built and stories have been shared to solidify our current partnership I think we need a stronger drink." She looked confused that a 15 year old was saying that as he walked into his kitchen and came back with a nice bottle of scotch. He poured the two of them a shot and Crystal sighed, "I guess it would be a bit hypocritical to plan mass murder with you but condemn you for underage drinking." Marcus laughed, "maybe just a little bit, but this is more of a tradition a friend of mine showed me when making friends." She shook her head and took one of the shots taking it with him, the rest of the night they talked about info they knew, plans they wanted to enact, how they wanted to do each of the killings. The night went on as they drank and talked of revenge as well as different plans, eventually they both fell asleep.

The next morning, Crystal woke up in a bed she didn't recognize and slightly panicked before feeling sick and grabbing a nearby bucket she saw. After cleaning up she wandered around the house to her surprise she found Marcus wasn't in the house. She noticed the back door was slightly open and went out it, as she looked out she saw what she couldn't believe. Marcus was a speed protector a very fast one but definitely a speed protector so why was she seeing this speed protector doing push-ups outside with a boulder the size of a small car on his back. She watched in amazement as not only did he do about 10 more that she saw when he ended it he pushed off the ground so hard the boulder left his back and then he landed on his feet and caught it setting it down nicely she watched as he turned in her direction and a thought entered her head, he had been beaten mercilessly by the principal just yesterday but looking at him now you couldn't tell he had been even hurt. Marcus seemed to finally notice Crystal and smiled, "good morning you feeling ok?" Crystal still looking at him answered back, "good mo-, don't give me that what the fuck?" Marcus looked at her as she motioned to the boulder then to him, he laughed, "oh right guess you blacked out before I got to that last night, you asked me how I was so confident I'd win when I said I wanted to kill most of them with my own hands. Well." He with one hand dug his fingers into the boulder and picked it up, "I'm the most powerful protector this world has ever seen, I was born with the traits of all three and not just low leveled in each I'm talking high level." Hearing this Crystal slightly fell back sitting on the steps she had walked down, Marcus could tell she was processing this information quickly as the smile formed on her face, "why plan anything then if your this strong you could just march down to each of them and kill everyone there." She said that excited, Marcus laughed, "I love the confidence you seem to have in me but sadly I can't for a few reasons, firstly using multiple abilities at a time drains me pretty quickly. So I'm a long fight I won't be able to last, but lastly I promised someone that I'd deal with them all in a way that I'd be able to have a normal-ish life once it's done. That and well that I wouldn't attack while school was still going." Crystal sighed, "so you're very powerful but burnout quick the more you use, and we need to legally kill them during summer break?" Marcus nodded, "these seem like big problems but I'm sure we will be fine." She sighed holding her head and Marcus walked over beside her, "you got lucky with it being a weekend or you'd be beyond late right now." She looked at him, "I only accepted the drinks because I knew that, but I am a little surprised how are you ok?" Marcus shrugged, "if I had to guess due to my abilities I burn through energy quicker so it helps out like with healing, I'm fast but I also end up eating like a lot more." She struggled to get up but Marcus swept her into his arms and carried her inside to the couch, she smiled, "you know I'm a little surprised I didn't find you in bed with me." Marcus smirked as he set her down, "you're neither my lover nor one of my damsels." Crystal laughed, "so you're saying if I became your damsel you'd be flirty and trying to get with me?" Marcus smiled leaning in being face to face with her, he whispered looking into her eyes, "if you were my damsel I'd be willing to do just about anything you want me to do to you." Crystal staring back into his eyes felt her body tighten a little in excitement as she stared unable to look away. Marcus slowly leaned closer and let his lips lightly brush hers before pulling away with a devious smile. She blushed bright red feeling that she had moved in slightly for the kiss, she felt even more embarrassed remembering how much older she was and how she was the one being teased. Marcus still looking asked, "so do you want to be my damsel?" Crystal smiled, "saying that now aren't you just telling me you want to have some fun with me?" Marcus blew past the comment and spoke again, "if you do I have to warn you I'm a death summons, as such I'd have to be your only protector and well I'm sure you should be ok summoning me at least once. I figure though I might need you to help with some of the revenge we want and you being able to summon me will be a big help." Crystal nodded, "true that makes sense given you're abilities and yeah we could set up some traps if you can surprise them after being summoned." She gave it some more thought then after considerable concentration she sighed, "ok all three of my other contracts are broken now should be all set." Marcus laughed, "three huh?" She looked at him as he walked closer, "they were temporarily made as being the school nurse can be dangerous." Marcus now again face to face with Crystal smiled as he kissed her, after the contract was formed they kissed a couple seconds more. When he pulled away she sighed, "you're skilled for your age." Marcus smiled but before he could speak his phone went off alerting him to a message, he looked at it and sighed, "forgot I have to deal with the aftermath with my other damsel." Crystal smiled, "right so what are you planning with her?" Marcus shrugged, "no real plan just using her so I don't stick out too much, though I guess that backfired." Crystal nodded, "only a bit so what are you going to do because if we're going to go through with our revenge she'll probably get roped in as well." Marcus shrugged, "that's true and it'd be a bit fucked up to get her involved without her knowledge, but I think I'll just warn her that I'll be most likely killing more people in the future and making more enemies and that she should leave now." Crystal laughed, "so basically it's not you it's me though I guess in your case it really is you." Marcus nodded, "yeah so I'll be off for a bit did you want me to bring you somewhere?" She looked around the shook her head, "nah I'll probably take a nap and once you get back we can actually talk about realistic plans." Marcus nodded and left with a wave bye.