Unexpected Answer

Marcus made his way to Amber's house and found her already waiting outside for him, when he walked over to her the look on her face showed the mixture of emotions she was feeling, Marcus as well could sense it through their connection. Marcus still smiled and greeted her normally, "Hey Amber." She got up off the steps she had been sitting on and looked his way, "would you mind walking with me?" Marcus shook his head, "not at all." As they walked Marcus silently and patiently waited for her to talk to him, about five minutes of walking later she finally spoke up, "do you care that you killed him?" Marcus looked at her, "no I don't." His cold response seemed to shock her and he knew for her that is far from normal. Marcus walked a few steps ahead of her, "you see the life I lived up until coming to this school, killing people was pretty normal." Her face seemed to question everything he had just said and he continued, "ok well not normal in that it happened everyday but normal in a way that no one hesitated to kill." She still stared at him unsure of how to understand this, Marcus thought about it for a bit and shrugged, "well here's what you need to know and understand, I'll probably kill more people and get you wrapped up in some dangerous situations as long as your my damsel." She looked at him, "wait what?" Marcus now stopped looking her in the eye spoke clearly to get his point across, "as you hold the means to break our contract it's solely you're decision but I felt you should know by staying my damsel you'll be getting involved in situations where your life will be in danger." She held up her hand seeming to just want him to stop talking, "look I was feeling very upset that I put you in a position to kill someone for me, but then you're telling me all this so I need more time to understand what you're saying." Marcus laughed, "ok but really sorry for putting me in a position that I might kill someone, that what protectors are for someone's coming after your life it's your protectors job to save your life and end the enemies isn't?" She nodded mind still thinking of other things, he silently walked beside her for awhile, until they were back at her house. She walked up the stairs then turned to him, "I'll give it some more thought, either choice I make I'll inform you before I do anything." Marcus nodded and just turned around and waved, as she closed the door Marcus took off back to his house. When he got there he found Crystal passed out on the couch with the TV on the news. He went to the kitchen grabbing a few files on the way, while he started making lunch he reviewed what he knew about all the families abilities as well as their temperaments. After he made lunch for both himself and Crystal he went to the living room leaving her plate on the table, he turned the tv down a bit and started searching for something to watch. While going through the channels a show caught his eye, simple names the Arena he saw small groups of people fighting each other. To his surprise they were killing each other as well, he looked more closely and noticed that while they were very injured most were still alive but a few of them were dead. When the match ended and a team had won and announcer came on, "another glorious victory held here in the arena, have any bad disputes with another family challenge them to an Arena battle." The pictures began to go through different photos of previous fights and victors, "as stated before and after each match, both parties sign the agreements that they have the possibility to lose their lives during their battle. These battles do show very graphic images and great violence so view discretion is advised." Marcus stood up completely forgetting about the sleeping Crystal and yelled out, "that's it!" Hearing the yell and freaking out a bit Crystal jumped and fell off the couch with a yelp, he looked over and picked her up like a child. Either hand under an armpit and raising her above him and he slightly spun she stared at him in a hungover just woken up confusion and made it very clear quickly that she didn't like the spinning as she still felt a little sick. He let her down and continued to bounce around while she sat back down feeling a good bit better then when she first woke up, seeing him bouncing around so happily she got a little annoyed. She sighed, "what is your deal?" Marcus in an instant was kneeling down in front of her, he had taken her hands in his and looked her in the eyes. Her mind bounced around for a second but before any real thoughts could form Marcus talked, "I've figured out how we could best start our revenge plan." Hearing that she felt a bit of excitement as well as her eyes lit up, "what how?" Marcus smiled, "ok hear me out, so there are a great deal of companies, as well as families that are always competing for the top spots and to try to replace the top four families." Crystal nodded as he continued, "so what if we pick one of these families and slowly start building a petty feud between them and one of the four, while the year goes on we can help kick up the feud a few times depending on how it goes. Then when the school year ends we instigate the two to settle things in the Arena. I join the opposing side and in the fighting chaos I kill as many of them as possible ending with the family head." Crystal looked at him mulling it over, "you could keep your identity a secret as the show loves that kind of drama, many people do die in the Arena so it's known as a death field." She paused giving it some more thought, "you know if we pick the right family to go against them this could definitely happen." The two of them had smiles glued to their faces in the excitement they were feeling, after a bit more talking Crystal remembered how Marcus had left earlier to talk to Amber. Crystal looking at the food he had set out for her grabbed it as she spoke, "so how'd the whole damsel thing go?" Marcus shrugged, "not really sure, she wanted to apologize for putting me in a position of having to take someone's life." Crystal nodded, "that's a bit strange." Marcus nodded, "yeah I ended up telling her I'll definitely drag her into some dangerous situations in the future, but she also holds the reigns in canceling the contract or not so it's entirely possible she might just keep the contract." Crystal laughed, "well depending on how she thinks she might, I know a lot of the girls I went to school with used to gush about getting a protector that's willing to kill for them though none of them actually showed that they would." Marcus sighed, "well no use worrying about it I'll know when she tells me or cancels the contract either way." Crystal nodded and for the rest of the day they just hung out and relaxed. When night came around Marcus laughed, "what not going to ask me to take you home?" Crystal smiled, "nah this place is nicer than mine, and a lot more peaceful." She looked at him smirking, he simple shrugged, "well as my damsel and partner in crime now, what's mine is yours so stay as long as you'd like, though I will be sleeping in my bed tonight wether you're in it or not." He got up getting them both some water, Crystal laughed, "sure I'll be you're cuddle buddy tonight." She looked at her clothes and realized she not only was wearing the same clothes as yesterday but she was starting to stink a bit. Feeling a bit embarrassed she looked at him as he set the drink down, "so I want to stay here with you but I need to grab some things from my place, how much can you carry while you run?" Marcus laughed, "well I do need to work out a bit more tonight so I guess this'll be a good one." He walked away and after a minute came back with map of the city as well as the area around the city, he put his finger down in a wooded area a good bit outside the city, "this is where we are currently, I just need to know where I need to bring you." She looked at where he had pointed and the map and laughed, "no wonder it's so peaceful there is no one near us at all." She looked and the closed building had to be about 20 miles away, she looked at the map a bit then pointed to where she lived. Marcus looked at where she lived then seemed to be doing some calculations in his head, he sighed, "ok so this is about what I can handle, the trip to take you there then we gather about 280 pounds of stuff then I bring it here I'll run back and grab you and any other last minute stuff only up to 100 pounds though and then I'll bring us back." She thought about what she wanted to bring over then chuckled, "well take me there and I'll figure out though I don't think it'll be 280 pounds worth of stuff." She stood up and as they walked to the door she stopped and smirked at him, "oh right I should mention one of my neighbors is an ex of mine he's also one of the contracts I broke, decent enough guy a bit jealous though so he'll probably do something when he sees you." Marcus smirked, "and let me guess you want to see how I'll handle it?" She had a look on her face of, I wonder what you mean. He smiled, "the only question I need answered is how much you care about this guy?" She chuckled, "he was a very pushy guy and I only dated him once but he became beyond clingy and the only way I could get him to stop being so clingy was to have him as my protector." Marcus sighed, "so the type of guy who needs a strong message to get the point across, gotcha." He carried her to an alleyway near her building and the two of them walked in together. When they walked into building Marcus realized what she meant by nicer and more peaceful, this apartment building was in a rougher area as well as was noisy and definitely dirty. When they reached her floor he could tell Crystal felt more on edge and moved more carefully, he walked beside her and she seemed a good bit less worried. When they reached her door she found it open, she sighed as if she had expected this and walked in. When the two of them walked in they found the apartment had been trashed all of her belongings thrown around the apartment, as well as furniture broken and tossed around. She gasped a little when she heard a mans voice, "well look who finally came home."