A new roommate

As the man came around the corner had to be at least 6 foot 5 inches, the man seemed to be double Marcus size. The second he came around the corner he noticed Crystals whole demeanor changed, she refused to look toward him shrank down a bit as well as started to shake. Marcus could feel her fear she was feeling and knew what she had told him wasn't the whole story, he spoke up, "so you've finally come back you whore." He looked and just then seemed to notice Marcus, "oh so you brought back another client how much you charging him?" He directed his speech to Marcus, "you won't enjoy her, I've already thoroughly ruined her." He smirked as he started walking closer moving towards Crystal, "you see I've been training this one for a while now and I'm sure her body will only react to me no-." Staring at Crystal he didn't notice Marcus simply walking around to his side, as the man was about to reach out and touch the petrified Crystal he felt a strong blow hit the side of his face which sent him partially into the wall. Marcus grabbed the dazed mans shoulder and pulled him back down the hall into the living room/ dinning room area. Marcus threw him to the far side of the room lightly letting him land on his feet, the guy standing now and pissed off looked at him, "you little bitch did you really just sucker punch me." Marcus shrugged, "nah that was a normal punch you're just to stupid and slow to react to it." The guy charged him enraged, Marcus caught the mans punch easily, the man was surprised by that and tried to pull back but Marcus held on to his fist. "Wow so slightly above a normal human no wonder you're pussy ass was acting big and scary the only people little bitches like you could terrorize are damsels and normal humans." Marcus started to squeeze his fist, causing a lot of pain the man fell to his knees yelling out. "Please stop I'm sorry I'll stay away from her I'll never even get near her again please let me go." The man begged on his knees, Marcus smiled looking at him, "sure I'll believe you but just in case you get the idea for revenge or I don't know attacking her when I'm not here. Remember this." Marcus then crushed the mans hand in his, the man now screaming in pain was cut short as Marcus grabbed his face putting his hand over the mans mouth and holding him up to eye level. "I could easily make you a paraplegic which for someone like you would be worse than death." He stared the man in his teary eyes and the man did what he could to nod in understanding. Marcus smiled, "good now you should probably go get that fixed up." He let the guy go and without saying a word he ran out of the apartment. Crystal stood there that whole time amazed at what she had saw, Marcus turned to her, "was that enough or did you want more done to him?" She shook her head, "no that was plenty, also sorry I should have said more about him." Marcus shrugged, "everyone has their secrets." She stepped closer, "about what he said I never slept with him he wanted me to and would beat me at times but he weirdly told me he'd only fuck me if I asked him to so we never did have sex thankfully." Marcus looked at her slightly confused, "that's a weird spot to draw the line but ok glad you're ok so now let's get you packed up you might as well just come live with me from now on." She stared at him blindsided by his statement, "uh well umm." Marcus picking up some of the stuff that was knocked over, "what it's a better area better house no neighbors plus we've already established that we're going to be in danger during all of this so might as well prepare early for it and get you settled in." He stopped and looked at her, "plus I don't like how scared you got so even though you're a damsel you're going to need to start some training with me though I guess yours would be less physically and more skill and psychological training." Crystal lowered her head a bit feeing ashamed at the plans they had talked about doing while she was scared of someone like him. She looked up a bit more determined, "you're right there are a lot of advantages to me moving so this is the smart move though I'll still have this place though to keep up appearances." Marcus nodded, "so let's get started." After a couple hours they had packed up all she felt she would need then Marcus took off with it to bring to their house. Marcus thought as he ran, "not only will this help out for revenge but on the off chance this is a trap she can be used in other ways." When he brought back Crystal this time he stopped in front of the house, "welcome to your new home." She smiled looking at it seeing how big of an upgrade she was getting, she paused for a second then sighed, "you know I just realized how the hell did you afford to have this place quietly built out here, like this place alone would cost a fortune not to mention you're 15 years old." Marcus laughed, "I was wondering when you'd ask that, well let's just say my biggest supporter and guardian happens to be insanely rich so she's been helping me." Crystal smiled, "I guess this is one of those secrets you were meaning when you said that earlier." Marcus smiled and started walking inside. The last day of the weekend Marcus helped make Crystal a training program including physical training, weapon training, and damsel training which just meant having her getting used to summoning him more often. The next day Marcus took Crystal to an area with no one around as they had to keep their new relationship as much of a secret as possible. Marcus left her there and left to meet Amber at her house, after a bit of waiting Amber came out surprised to see him there. She got a couple steps away from him, "I uh thought you were going to let me make my decision before seeing me again?" Marcus nodded, "I did but I thought you'd choose by now since it's a make or break moment for you." She stared at him, "what do you mean?" Marcus explained, "Well I'm coming back to school after killing a student everyone will be watching me and those around me, if you come back with me it'll be known you kept me and problems would come for you but I'll still be there for you. If you don't show up with me it'll be taken that you really weren't wanting what happened and it'll be much easier for you." Amber looked at him understanding he was right even though she had been dealing with some bullying it'll definitely get worse if she keeps a murderer as her protector. She paused thinking more, "wait he did that not only because I was under attack but because they threatened his life, also what dumbass bully would try to bully the girl who's protector is and has shown he's willing and able to kill. I'm already an outcast due to the new blood label as well as the rumors the other damsels in my classes spread. This wouldn't change much in fact it'll be helpful for me while I'm in high school, plus he seems pretty sweet most of the time and even now I don't feel scared of him." She smiled looking at Marcus, "ok I've decided as long as you're ok with it I want you to stay as my protector." Marcus looked shocked, "really could you tell me why?" Amber smiled, "basically I think being with you will be more helpful than hurtful in the long run." Marcus shrugged, "well like I said in the end you hold to power to break the contract but as you are my damsel I'll be sure to protect you however I can." She smiled, "sounds great, so shall we get going now." She started walking and Marcus walked with her, when they got to school just as Marcus had thought it felt like everyone was watching them. To Marcus surprise though no one was showing open hostility more that they were fearful of them, Marcus once again reminded how different things were here than where he was at before. Marcus walked Amber to her class and noticed the others though seeming to be a bit curious we're all quiet as Amber walked in. As he walked to his class the students cleared out of his way, he sighed thinking he was definitely not experiencing a normal high school now but also felt this wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Through out the rest of school no one talked to him but a few of the teachers, he heard people everywhere whispering about him and over heard gossip too but all within what he guessed they'd be saying. When school was over the principal called Marcus over to his office, when he got there the principal sighed, "ok so due to what happened and how big the video got on the internet there are news reports outside the gate." He motioned to the window and Marcus could see about four news vans with a decent amount of people out the gate some of them talking with random students. The principal continued, "normal I'd tell you to just say a rehearsed line of you did what you had to in fear for you life and that's all but yeah they're like a pack and hungry hyenas so they'll continue badgering you with questions." Marcus nodded, "so you want me to do something different?" He nodded, "if you could just take Amber with you and leave without talking to them I think they'll lose interest faster and you'll be able to avoid a good bit more of the harassment with your damsel there." Marcus nodded, "I understand it sounds like a good plan I'll talk with Amber then we'll do that." The principal nodded, "thanks and if anything happens feel free to call me so I can help minimize the damage." Marcus nodded as he was about to leave the principal spoke up again, "oh right before I forget Friday is the parent teacher conference after school, as I know about your situation if you don't want to you can not show up I'll be sure to inform your teachers and you won't be penalized for your absence." Marcus nodded, "I think I'll come by since Amber wants me to meet her mother then, but if I don't need to go to my classes I'll accept that." The principal nodded, "yeah that should be fine also tell you're aunt to stop by if she has the time I'd love to discuss some business plans for the school building, you who get some upgrades going to help out." Marcus nodded and left the office the principal looked outside and decided to make a call, Marcus met up with Amber shortly after as she was waiting by the entrance of the school. After telling her the situation she thought about it feeing anxiety Marcus could tell and put his arm around her shoulders, "don't worry you'll actually be helping me here, with you here they'll have to be more careful to ensure they don't hurt you and give me an excuse to hurt them." Amber looked at him concerned, "and if that's what they want?" Marcus shrugged, "my bad it was a joke if something seems like it might happen I'll pick you up and get you out of there, but most likely it'll just be people trying to ask us questions and maybe a few yelling insults." Amber took a deep breath and moved closer to him hugging his side, they walked out and as soon as they were within sight the cameras were pointed at them the reporters had tiny floating cameras that seemed to follow what they were looking at or directed to, Marcus thought they looked like small metal orbs just floating there. When they got closer the reporters were just showering them with questions and accusations, Marcus while holding Amber just kept walking and as the reporters kept asking their questions but moving out of their way. To the both of their surprise a slick looking man stepped in their way, he smiled at them, "well hello as you know I'm Chet Maverick with P&D news we are happy to tell you your story will be one we will be airing so if you would just-." Marcus kept walking around him and as Chet was talking he went to reach out his and but another man in the crowd grabbed it before it could reach Marcus. Chet yelled after Marcus, "that is extremely rude you should listen when I'm talking to you," he turned to the guy who stopped him, "and who are you to stop me?" The man was a teacher from the school that taught a senior class that the principal had called as insurance that nothing would go wrong, he smiled at Chet his hand still on his, "wow Chet Maverick can I get an autograph." Chet sighed and shook his head, "sorry I'm a bit busy now." When he looked toward where Marcus and Amber had gone he noticed they were gone while other reporters were asking each other if they saw which way they went. Marcus had made some space between them then quickly picked up Amber and took off running. After dropping her off she smiled, "well that was easier than I thought it would be." Marcus smiled, "well thanks to you it went smoothly, I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded, "see you then." Marcus took off to the meeting spot with Crystal to his surprise she wasn't there yet he checked his phone and found she had sent him a message earlier about having to go to a meeting and will message him when she's done and there. Marcus decided to wait just playing on his phone after a couple hours she showed up surprised to see him there , he simply smiled and said, "ready to go roomie?" She laughed and said yes.