The beginning of a new life

"Finally I manage to create it Hahaha" A man wearing a white coat was laughing and shouting . He grabbed a Vial containing a green liquid in it and inspect it. "With this I will be rich and I will create a new era of humanity where everyone can be STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!" He drinks the liquid in the Vial "Of course I should become the first superhuman hmmmmmm HAHAHA!!!!!!! This thing will be called Dynamis Liquid" He shouted like crazy and then he began to laugh nonstop and after 10 minutes his body is changing rapidly his muscles are moving but he was still laughing his feet grew an inch longer and his body become more buff ,His muscles are bulging and because his body was growing ,he started to tear his clothes apart .From there can be seen a Man with a huge muscles like the famous Arnold Schwarzanegger.

8 days later

Elzaio was staring at his phone watching the Advertisement about the famous Dynamis Liquid, because this thing went viral 3 days ago and many people around the world was buying it.

"Do you want stay healthy and live a long life? Do you want to run as fast as Usain Bolt? Do you want to achieve your ideal Body? Well Dynamis Liquid can answer all your dreams just for a hundred thousand peso and you can become who you want to be, If I were you I better stop dreaming and start buying" .

Elzaio was tempted but he had a huge problem .... He didn't have a Hundred thousand Peso "ahhh life" he mutters . He was alone in his house although the House is big it was lonely when your the only person on it. He started to open his Facebook and just scrolling down on his news feed and he gets irritated because post about people taking Dynamis Liquid was flooding his entire news feed. He shuts down his phone and proceeds to charge it then he was preparing to go to sleep and while he was laying on his news he grips on his Diamond shaped Pendant on his necklace , 5 years ago Elzaio's Parents and sister died and he was devastated .This Pendant was the closest remembrance of his parents to him it was given to him on his 18th birthday 5 years ago before the tragedy happened.

Elzaio woke up early on the morning He started to do some light exercise before making a pancake for his breakfast. He then showered and put on some nice clothes after that he goes outside and gets on his motorcycle . Today he will go to Burnham Park to relax.He didn't go out for many days that's why he was itching to go outside his house.

He got there and he rent a boat for 4 hours and went to a corner of the Burnham Lake after that he relax and started to have a quick sleep .

3Hours Later

Elzaio was awaken by a loud scream he started to go to the place where he rent his boat and found out that there was no one in it he looks at the surroundings and there he saw people was panicking they were running around ,some were screaming and many were crying he was confused . he stops a person to ask "Hey buddy why are you running?" the person pushed him aside "Get out of the way!!!!" he shouted and started to run again . Elzaio was angry he was just asking. He shout at the person "Hey get back here" the person didn't looked back and there Elzaio saw a horrifying scene the person stopped and started to shiverring, blood was coming out on his eyes and he started to puke blood .Elzaio notice that the people were not helping that person but instead they ran away from him he observes for a while and he rans towards the person after that he asked "Hey are you okay?" The person looks at him and said "please Kill me " His voice was cracking and more blood continued to comes out on his mouth,eyes,nose,ears and every hole in his body .Elzaio was shocked and a little confused why did the person asked him that he was about to reply but the person's body started to become something else it grew taller until it stops when the person's height reached 8 ft tall while the person looks above his mouth opened and his tongue extends toward the sky and reach a few meters high .

Elzaio Froze ,he didn't know what to do ,he didn't even know what is happening ,Is that person still alive?? .After it's tongue returned it started to looked at Elzaio and once again he opened his mouth and his tongue extends started going to Elzaio .Elzaio's body froze and didn't do anything until the person tongue started to wrapped around his body and squeezes it . Elzaio tries to struggle but it was futile he can't escape . The person's tongue end become sharp and it stabs into Elzaio's stomach and it started to absorb his blood . Elzaio's vision was becoming blurry his skin becomes pail and he thought that this is it ,This the end of his life. His tears started to flow on his eyes and memories surged into his mind . He remembers when he yells at his family for not having on his side ,He remembered when a powerfull person on the government spits at them and he remembered all the things that happen to him when he was high school ,His most trusted best friend betraying him, the students who bullied him every day and the guy who made his life a mess . "Noooo!!! Not yet, Not today" with his last strength he shouted "Please Help!!!!!". He was desperate he wants to live despite all the bad experience he have he still wants to live .

Then suddenly he falls on the ground he was weak and his vision was blurry, he tries look to see what happen and the final thing he saw before passing out was the person's head detaching on its neck .