New Friend

1 hour earlier

Keanu was having a picnic on Burnham Park with his friends he asked "Say do you think this is effective?" he show a bottle containing a green liquid in it, "Oh yeah it works "one of his friend replied and then he shows his biceps and said "see this pretty cool Right ,It was 4 days ago and Dynamis Liquid was not viral back then, but I still takes it and looks what it got me ... my perfect body.Just make sure you don't drink it all on one attempt because its effect is crazy just take a little amount once per a day " His friend continues to talk and brag about it because Keanu was the only one who didn't got his Dynamis Liquid yet that they bought it together for him."Well I trust you guys "Keanu drinks 1/8 of the Dynamis Liquid and he put it back on his backpack afterwards

50 minutes later his friend suddenly panic and says "Guys I don't feel good" his skin was SHEDDING and as seconds go by he was getting thinner and thinner. All of them was shocked and scared ,Keanu was the first one to react and said "quick call an ambulance" one of his friends started to dial on his phone to call an ambulance then suddenly his sick friend pounce at him and started biting him out of nowhere , Keanu then kicks his sick friend to rescue his other friend "Ahhhhhh it hurts!!!" because his neck was bitten he started to panic . Keanu grabs his bitten friend and shouts "Everyone Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!" all of them run at the same time and they also discovered that many people are already running some children even got into a stampede crushing some of their bones .

Something then tackled Keanu which made him let go of his friend . He look at the man who tackled him and said "hey dude that was ru-" his voice cuts off because he notice that the persons face was terrifying it has a big ears and a big fang on its mouth . The man then tried to bite him ,Keanu didn't let that happen he grabs the neck of the man and started kicking it's body . Keanu quickly separates himself from the man and tries to find his friend, then he found him laying on the ground his friend also started to transform his body becomes big his skin turns into dirty yellow then it started roaring ,Keanu was scared because his friend now looked like abomination from the incredible hulk.

Bang!!!!!! a loud sound suddenly jolt him awake ,his friend's arm shatters and a hand then grabs him "Come on kid ,Don't get killed" .He saw a security guard holding a shotgun pointing on that thing that once was his friend he gets up and said "thanks " he takes a final look at his friend and he found out that its arm are starting to grow back although it is slow and it might take a full minute before it fully grows ,it still terrifies him "Damn this thing can't be killed?" At a fast speed his friend runs towards the security guard and punch him ,The security guard didn't react and the next thing that happens is the thing's fist Connects on his head and blood sprayed out the Guard's head explodes from the impact. Keanu tries to save him but he didn't manage to get there in time he knew it was too late so he runs towards the guard and grabs the shutgun before running away from that monster.

He runs so fast until he heard a scream "Please Help!!" he stops and looks at the direction where the sound is coming from , He saw a boy strangled by a monster with it's tongue and the end of its tongue was stabbing on the Boy's stomach ,He knows he is not a good shot and a shotgun can't do much at this distance so he got near at them and he shot the tongue of the monster and after that he also shot the head of the monster but because he has a poor aim the bullets didn't go through its head instead it flew towards its neck still it was a good shot and its head separate from its body . Keanu then rans towards the boy and carries him on his back and he was back again on running away from this chaos.

1 hour later Elzaio wokes up, his body was pale and he tried gets up by failed to do so then he observe his surroundings and found out that he was in a car he saw someone was with him and asked "What is happening?" Keanu was relieved that the boy woked up he then said "I also don't know " Elzaio was disappointed he then said " Go to my house at the Central Guisad it is big ,it is enough for us to stay safe for a while" Keanu nods and replied "Okay Man point the direction" because he was staying in a hotel and going back there is suicide because there is too many people living in the hotel and it also means that there is also many monster emerged from that people so he agreed to the idea of the man .

Elzaio then introduce himself "My name is Elzaio you can call me El instead" Keanu laughs and Replied "Okay my name is Keanu glad that I won't call you man anymore"

After a few minutes they arrived on Elzaio's house they enter the house but Keanu was disappointed "I thought it was big"

Elzaio laughs and said "Well big enough for the two of us "

Keanu smiles "Yeah right"

The house was just 1 floor but it has 5 rooms a living room with a kitchen and 4 bedrooms with a bathroom each.

The first thing they did was to cover all windows but they didn't barricade the door on the entrance of the house because they still need to go out if they run out of supplies . They then grabs all food ,Keanu then Opens his mouth and said "Wow is there anyone living with you ,You got a huge stock of food " Elzaio then replied "owww I'm living alone but because I didn't go out much that I started buying more foods and drinks " Keanu then asked "How did you get your money for living?"

" well in my room there is a computer and I Pilot people account on games levels their account and they pay me money " Elzaio smirked and adds "I'm good in games that's why they pay much more "

They then opens the tv to watch the news but they were disappointed because the world must be in panic that there's nothing to watch in television .

Elzaio then sighs and said "Thanks for saving me ,I thought I that it was my time earlier" Keanu smiles "It was nothing we must not forget other people just because we're in danger " They then talk to each other to familiarize with each other.

The night comes and the moon shines from above , Suddenly the was a loud bang from the door and a shout comes behind it "Help!!!! Please Open the door!!" Elzaio and Keanu stares at each other and they then looks at the door.