Bad news

They keep banging the door harder and harder "Please open the door!! we are not monsters" Keanu and Elzaio nods and Elzaio opens the door while Keanu was holding a shutgun pointing at the door. The door was opened and 6 people were standing outside of it Elzaio inspects the surroundings and finds out that they didn't brought a monster in his house. None of them were making a sound because a shutgun was pointing at them ,Elzaio then looks at Keanu and nods after that Keanu puts down the gun ,Most of them sighs in relief although they were still scared . "Come inside" Elzaio said and one of them replied "Thank you I'm-" before she continues Elzaio interrupts her and said "Introductions comes later after you get inside" She shows a slight annoyed face before nodding ,All of them comes inside the house before Elzaio closes the door and locking it .

The living room is huge enough to accommodate them

"sit down and we'll talk" Keanu looks at the people who comes in there are 3 girls and 3 boys one of the boys is an elder man .

All of them sits down and after that Keanu and Elzaio Begins their introduction "I am Keanu 25 years old and this is Elzaio the owner of this house" He looks at them they were nervous then the girl earlier was the one who first introduce herself "My name is Jody I am also 25 years old and the 4 of them were a high school student from the Guisad Valley National High school This is my sister Rae and my grandfather Peter" Each of then started to introduce themselves after Sydney . The two boys name were John and Caleb the other girl was called Sydney. Elzaio suddenly talks and said "Because we were the ones letting you in this house ,Tell me what can you do to contribute on our survival?" because he was the only one standing they were quite uncomfortable with him ,They were under the impression that he was very dangerous.

Sydney was very pissed and she screams at Elzaio "Hey!!!" El looks at her and she got scared but she continued to talk " My father is rich he can give you a lot of money and also if you don't take care of me I will tell my father, he can make your life difficult" She smiles arrogantly she was folding her arms but she was not arrogant enough to look at El in the eye. El and Keanu looks at each other and laugh although Keanu disapproves of El decision on scaring them hearing the girl threatening them in an apocalypse is very funny.

Sydney was pissed and she shouts " What?? do you have a problem I'm telling you my father can send someone to kill you" Elzaio then approach her slap her face and said "If I kill you right now your father will never know" after hearing that Sydney got scared and started to move her seat closer to the two boys she realized that the man was right no one will know if she died right here ,With tears in her eyes she reluctantly said "I'm very sorry"

Elzaio offers them a little bit of food and water and said "Think about it if you need to live with us you must contribute something or I'll Kick you off in this house " He turn the TV on while they were eating and surprisingly the news was on although they missed a lot of information because the news has begun earlier

"Right now all parts of the world was in chaos monster is appearing everywhere and people were slow to react " The news then shows some scene of a human ttansforming into a monster "It was found that these monster have different abilities and each of them can kill a person with ease, There are two types of monster the first is the monster who can infect humans turning them into monster they are called infected, they will try to eat their victim but once that the victim turns into monster they will stop but a single bite of an infected can turn a human into a monster and the other one is the killer they will not infect you but they will kill you if they sees you, there are a big difference between the two ,infected can be easily killed but the killer can only be killed by fire or else it will not affect them as you can see " The news then shows a scene of a man cutting a monster arm but then after a few seconds it grew back and kills the man "Authorities advise people to not get spotted by any monsters "The reporter paused for a while and said "Experts already found reason of people turning into monster turns out that once you drink Dynamis Liquid within a few days you will turn into a monster rest assured that the government is doing it's best to solve the issue ".

After hearing that Keanu was horrified "El" he brokes the silent and looks at Elzaio "I drunk the liquid" He shows a bottle with liquid in it but it is not full because Keanu already drunk from it ,All of their face turns pale once hearing that "Get the man out of here " Sydney shouted John and Caleb then stands up but before they can grab Keanu ,Elzaio shouts and said "shut up all of you sit down"He grabs the shotgun from Keanu and points at the two boys John and Caleb then got scared "Easy man no need to point a gun to us" they backed away and sits down. El then gives back the shotgun from Keanu then he takes off his shirt and shows the wound from his stomach "This was caused by a monster but we are not leaving the house instead I'm giving you a choice one is to live with 2 people who are turning into monster and two is to leave this house ,listen here I'm not giving you time to choose because from what I saw earlier monsters had not yet roam outside of my house so this the best time to move" Sydney then shouts at him "why not leave??? You are about to be amonster anyway and we're still human " Elzaio looks at her "Fuck you who do you think own this house and if you don't keep your mouth shut I'm blasting it off with our gun" before she speaks John covered her mouth with his hands and said " We should probably not pissed him more " After a few moments Peter was the one who spokes and said "Well I'm old anyway so atleast I got to live a few days I'm staying with you " He smiles and looks at El. El was surprised at his decision and asked "What about your granddaughters?" Peter then said "Of course they're staying with me "Jody and Rae nods although it was a suicide option they don't want to leave their Grandfather alone with 2 potential monsters . Sydney then said "I will leave I don't even want to live with you and now that you are about to become something else make me more determined to leave " Although it is scary out there it is still better than living with monsters and from Sydney's mind Elzaio is already a monster to her .John and Caleb also wants to leave the house so after their meal the three of them leaves .