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Old man Peter

After Sydney and the two boys leave ,El then escort the two girls to their room for safety purposes they will share a room together, Peter wants to sleep in the living room ,he said that someone must guard the door and although El wants to be the one to do that he can't stop Peter so El and Keanu accompany Peter in the living room .

The three of them were resting in the living room they are just sitting in the sofa drinking coffee together . Peter suddenly laughs and said "The chances of you two turning are very low" Elzaio was intrigued by that statement and asked "Why do you think it's not guaranteed that we will become a monster?"

"Well kid as for you ,earlier I saw someone gets bitten in the leg and a few seconds later he became a monster so I think that since it's been a while that you got that wound it must not be an infected who did that to you" Keanu was listening to the old man and he asked "Well what about me ? why do you think that It won't work on me?" Peter looks at Keanu and said "Well based on the bottle of Dynamis Liquid that you show earlier you drunk very little of it" Keanu was confused " so you just assumed that because I didn't drink enough that's why I won't turn?"

Peter laughs "Of course kid Although it's just an assumption I'm willing to bet my life and my granddaughters on surviving here in this house than going with the three kids earlier"

Elzaio looks at the old man "How did you survive Grandpa before meeting us? Did those three help you? "

Peter smirked and said "Those three ?? they are coward they didn't even do anything when we are in danger, As soon as I knew that the world is falling apart I immediately grab Jody to rescue Rae on the school, I knew that many monster will appear there and I was worried that Rae might go first before me so I grab my M4A1 and went there with Jody and after that I saw my granddaughter with the three students who left earlier stuck in a classroom they were very scared so I took them away from the school then while we are running away we met a monster it has no skin but its body was huge and it contains of huge muscles it's about 10 ft in height but it was slow and has a lot of power my M4A1 didn't do shit to that monster ,bullets didn't work so I threw a grenade and it blasted its feet giving us enough time to run and because we met many monster I ditch my gun so I can run faster ,That's when I saw your house I got excited because I knew that it was safe the windows are already covered with woods and nails, luckily you didn't barricade your door yet so I told everyone to go here". Elzaio was shocked he thought that the students must have rescued Peter but it was actually the other way around ,He sighs "so guns is not that useful anymore huh"

Peter then asked "So how did you survive that monster" he points at the wound on Elzaio's stomach "Well it was actually a weird monster ,its tongue can stretched a few meters and it's end is very sharp , I got caught by it ,It wrapped it's tongue on my body and it stabbed my stomach trying to absorb my blood after that with a shutgun on his arms Keanu blasted the monster Head and tongue"

Peter was shocked and turns into Keanu "I'm glad that you did that ,it seems that humans might still have hope" Keanu then stands up and said "That's enough talking we should take turns guarding the door and I will go first " He smiles and winked at the two.

After 6 hours Peter worked El up "Hey kid your turn " El nods and stands up and after a few minutes He notice that his pendant is glowing he holds into it then pain started to assault his chest he tried to keep himself from shouting in pain because he didn't want to worry anyone so for 2 hours he was laying in the ground his chest was in pain and it was unbearable for him but he still persevere and didn't make a sound after that he notice that his pendant was gone and also the wound on his stomach closed and not even a scar was left on it "So you saved me again huh" the same situation happens 5 years ago the only difference is the pendant didn't disappears and stays with him but right now although the pendant was gone he still feels like it was very to him .

Morning comes and El started to prepare breakfast before he go back to sleep ,because he wants their food supply to last longer He controls the amount of food that everyone gets ,The girls was the first one to wakes up they were attracted by the fragrant smell so they went on the living room to check . El notice the two and said "Breakfast is ready although it is not much it was the best thing to start the day with food" He smiles at the two girls .Rae was stunned by El's smile "So he also smile sometimes huh" because of the event yesterday she got used to the fierce looking Elzaio and never thought that he has a good side in him "I uhh....Thank you" Rae blushed while muttering the word thank you .Jody looks at her sister , usually her sister won't talk to other people she don't know so she was shocked that Rae actually thank El .

"Well don't just stand there come here with me " Elzaio grabs a seat and eats ,Rae grabs the seat beside Elzaio and stares at him "He is also kinda cute while eating" Rae thought and blushes afterward before starting to eat

After El ate he then said to the girls "Well il go back to sleep ,If these two wake up tell them to eat their share" He lay down beside Keanu and grabs blanket before going to sleep