The Saiyan Saga 11

Well…I did remember something I had to take care of before I went off to see a certain cat owner.

I took a quick trip back to Earth after locating who I was looking for and dropped off both Bulma and Bulla on Earth, it had been over six months since Bulma had been home after all.

…I actually thought Bulla would be against it and stomp her feet a bit until I gave her a spanking into submission, but, she was actually quite eager to finally meet her grandparents.

The only one 'sticking' with me really, was Cell. But, he was keeping an eye on my ever growing Death Bomb for me, so yeah.

With that taken care of, I spread my ki sense out once again through the vast expanse of the universe and locked on to that strange, yet absurdly potent ki I was looking for.

It could only be Whis.

I hope.

It could also be Merus I guess. But hey, if it's that dude, he can probably point me in the right direction anyway.

A moment later, I slipped into a state between light and matter as I had many times before to teleport across vast distances.

Only….as I did, there was a sudden, harsh yank on me that pulled me of course.

There was a sound like shattering glass in my ears as I re-materialized an instant later in full physical form.

"….You've got to be fucking kidding me." I ground my teeth in exasperated annoyance.

Because, I found myself suddenly within a massive void-like space. It would have been pitch black, if not for the massive row upon rows of huge, floating crystals extending as far as the eye can see in all directions.

A Crack in Time. Just like the place Demigra had been sealed. 'This seriously better not be who I think this is punking me again.' I resisted the urge to just start blasting.

I took a deep breath, the only sound at all within this vast space at all. How empty did a place need to be of life, for a single exhale to echo?

"Come out." I ordered evenly, crossing my arms. I couldn't sense anything, but that didn't mean shit when I was dealing with an idiot like Fu.

"My, you are a brave one aren't you?" a throaty, smoky female voice echoed in response to my demand.

I resisted the urge to let my eyes widen and show my surprise, 'Not Fu then.' I corrected myself.

A split moment later, one of the huge floating crystals split apart, sending millions of glinting shards exploding in all directions and revealing two figures to me.

One, a curvaceous blue skinned, white haired babe dressed in incredibly tight, form fitting red spandex, while beside her, was a tall, muscular blue skinned and spiky white haired man.


And her walking, talking petri dish of a dildo, Mira.

And also the parents of that fuck face Fu. And now that they had appeared, I could suddenly sense their energy.

Towa's power was not even a tenth of my current base power, while Mira's was about half again as strong as my own, if not a bit more.

It was obvious they were suppressing their power though.

"The hell do you want woman?" I demanded, rolling my eyes, "I'm a busy saiyan, I don't have time to stop for every clown who wants to talk to me, no matter how nice her hair is."

"It is quite lovely, isn't it?" Towa hummed, idly toying with a strand of her hair, "Though, that clown comment isn't very nice. I am a forgiving woman though, so I'll let that little insult slide for now."

As she spoke, her boy toy didn't make a single move at all. He just stared at me, straight in the eye, completely impassive.

"Forgiving, sure," I snorted, staring the blue cunt right back in the eyes, "Now get to the point, and tell your little boy toy that him staring at me like this, is beginning to annoy me. So better stop before I rip out his larynx and shove it up his ass." it was like he was challenging me to some form of establishing dominance.

Still, despite my words, Mira did not react or look away.

"You'll have to forgive Mira, he has a bit of a hard time controlling himself around those he thinks are powerful," Towa just smiled genially at me, "My name is Towa, and you are Kakarot, correct?"

"Aye." I grunted.

"Excellent, you see Kakarot, as I'm sure you're no doubt aware due to that fabulous ring you have around your finger, me and my companion here are not from this timeline," Towa continued on, "And we, or rather I have come for an offer for you."

I stayed silent and she took that as her cue to continue, "You see, there are many ways to gain substantial increases in power, one of those is changing history i-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I cut her off, already knowing where this was going, she was trying to recruit me. So I had a rough idea of what Towa I was dealing with now. Well, Fu was already proof enough I was in Xenoverse Two territory anyway, "Unless this offer of yours ends with you on your knees, with those fat demons tits wrapped around my cock and slurping on my knob end, I've got no interest in your little time break nonsense."

Towa twitched and I felt her ki spike massively, for a split moment rising over a hundred times the strength she was keeping it at to meet me, "…What a rude, disgusting little boy," she spat, before shaking her head, "No matter, while it will be a little rougher, your compliance isn't completely needed." the voluptuous demoness added on, waving her hand through the air, and in her grasp appeared a bone white mask, with a glowing infinity symbol at the top.

Oh, so now she wanted to mind control me?

"I've got your compliance right here demon slut!" I grinned savagely at her and crudely grabbed at my crotch, "I'll clap those fat blue cheeks of yours so hard, you'll forget the name of that walking dildo beside you."

I did not take well to people literally dragging me into a rift in time and adding even more to my busy schedule.

And to think, I had just been in a really good mood a few minutes ago.