
Friendly chat

Mobn was woken up by a sharp pain located in his hands, he still felt dizzy from the kick he had received but he did not need much to understand how deep in shit he was.

Vlas had just stabbed something into both his hands and was bending the thing around them, locking his already bound hands even further, the pain in his jaw was still clearly present, he could feel that a few teeth had been broken and the blood in his mouth.

Looking around the room, one thing was sure, the situation was somehow even worse than he had thought, he may have known of Vlas deranged tendencies from the few time they had had to work together but if what he thought was seeing was true then there were somehow even more disgusting things about him.

Mobn was unable to recognise the place he was in, the room was well illuminated by artificial light, no windows were to be seen, if there were they had been covered by what Mobn assumed to be skin that covered the walls, ceiling and ground of the room, he had faintly nourrished the hope that it was animals or monsters hide but seeing the shape of a human face on his right crushed the meagre hope.

Even the few furnitures seemed to be made of human parts, as skull seemed to have been fashioned into a bowl, the only things not made from people weren't very reassuring either as it was all but torture tools.

As Vlas finished what he was doing he walked away from Mobn's back and stood in front of him.

"Welcome, Mobn!" he exclaimed as he spread his arms apart.

"I hope you like the decoration because you'll be part of it soon, I was thinking of adding a curtain, you see?" spoke Vlasfimia as if he was talking about the weather.

"I-I am sure we can make a deal Vlas! It doesn't have to come to that, right?" said Mobn, already sweating bullets from fear, he was fully incapacitated, he was tied up to a steel chair that was bolted to the ground, his feet were tightly bound to it and his whole body was tied by a chain, Vlas had not botched the job.

"I am sure I can get more than what Duaparc is offering you!" he then added, Mobn knew even if Vlas was technically a member of Infamy, their leader still had to pay him for everything he did for her, he either did something on his own or got paid for it.

"Nice offer, one small issue, she did not commision your death" said the captor, before stabbing a rusty nail into Mobn's left shoulder, the nail broke apart right after entering.

"The thing is, even if you had snitched about the little bank heist, it would have hardly been enough evidence to condemn Infamy, it may have bad reputation but it's still a large clan with influence" spoke Vlasfimia in his eerie tone, it was probably an imagination of Mobn, anything Vlas said sounded eerie to him.

"No, no, no, I just don't want to talk about me to the golden order, you know how they are everytime they have the occasion they try to get dirt on me but as you can see, I am pretty good at covering my track" said the grey-masked man as he walked back and forth in front of Mobn.

"I can't allow them to find an actual clue against me, I am already wanted in Malakina and there are other places to go on this small continent after that" monologue Vlas as he grabbed something else.

"Because apparently making use of the dead bodies after a battle is illegal, I would argue that dead people don't have right but I get it, it's not clean and the families of the corpses may have a problem with it" ranted the man, not even looking at Mobn.

"Anyways" he suddenly said as he walked behind the bound Mobn and started ripping off his fingernails, Mobn then heard him grabbing things from boxes before feeling horrible pain once more from his fingertips.

'This bastard! Is he putting salt into the wounds?!' Mobn kept it to himself as he contorted in pain, which did not do much as he was locked in place.

"What... Is the point of all this?" asked Mobn.

"You're not... Even asking questions!" he added afterwards.

"Is that a legitimate question? I was under the impression you knew me a little, honestly that hurts me Mobn! I am obviously doing this for my own enjoyment" spoke the unhinged man as he grabbed his captive's head, squeezing it a bit.

"I may have preferences in who I hurt but pain is universal, as long as they are in pain, it's all good for me, the only downside is that there is less diversity in what I can do to you" he added on as he let go of the head.

"While I have you here, have you heard of the increase in summonings done by countries?" asked the torturer as he shuffled through a closet.

"Apparently Kotique is also going to get in on that" he said a few seconds after as he brought out a small vial that he shook a bit.

"No.. I have not" uttered Mobn as he struggled to stay awake, he had been hurt in worst ways then that before but for some reason he was already close to losing consciousness.

"You are crap at small talk" said Vlas, shaking his head in disappointment, before suddenly opening Mobn's mouth and forcing him to drink the content of the vial.

"Here you go, to be honest ripping your nails off was not necessary with what I wanted to test but I am just so passionate, I can't help myself" spouted Vlasfimia before grabbing the handle of the door, which was a skeletal human hand and opening the door.

"I'll be back, whether you die or not does not matter, so do what you want" he said before closing the door, leaving Mobn by himself, as he started to feel a rising pain thoughout his whole body.

Vlasfimia walked through a serie of multiple rooms, all decorated similarly to the torture with only a few exceptions, passing through a curtain made of goblin skin, he traversed a long underground tunnel, emerging only a while later on the surface by pushing a well concealed hatch up, bringing him into a small decrepit house in the middle of the woods.

It was time for him to go grab some quests at the guild to make some money and perhaps get a request from Duaparc, hopefully no hero wannabe will try to stab him this time, it always was a hassle as he couldn't just kill them inside the guild, not even break their joints a little bit.

He pulled out a pocketwatch he had stolen a while back, stared at it for a bit and put it back in his pocket, he was right on time, as always.