
Casual day

Vlasfimia stared at the quest board with intensity, he had already read everything that was written on it and had already taken the ones he would do but he still stayed there, as he always did, it was always fun seeing of nearly nobody would come to check the board when he was there, hearing them whisper to one another, team members trying to convince one of their teammates to go look at it.

Being an asshole never gets old but eventually he moved to a counter to register the acceptance of the quests, he didn't have all day after all, he needed to go check up on something, not on Mobn but on another thing he was doing lately.

Vlasfimia noticed that the receptionist was new, he had never seen her before, it wasn't common for the guild to hire a new person, even when they clearly should hire more staff to take care of stuff they didn't, so another receptionist must have retired or died, it's basically the same thing for him.

Vlas was someone to always be opportunistic, so he struck a conversation, he was pretty good at it, it worked especially well when the person did not know him.

"Nice to meet you, it's rare to see a new face on this side of the counter" he said, sounding normal for once.

"Nice to meet you too" she politely responded, judging by her answer and face, she did not know him, yet.

"I would like to accept these quests" he said as he pushed the papers toward the receptionist.

"Kobolds, goblins, ruin spiders and minotaurs?" she listed them one by one and was a bit stumped by the last one, to be surprise at the quests he was taking, it was certain, she had no idea who he was.

"Don't worry, I am a B+++ adventurer, soon to rank up" he reassured her by showing his plate, any adventurers seeing him would be suspicious of what he was doing but after he had freed the spot at the board many had gone up to it, concealing his nefarious deeds from sight.

"Ah, I see, you must be a bit famous around here, right?" she said.

'Oh my, what a polite and nice girl, just what I like' thought the stone masked man before answering.

"Indeed, everyone knows me" he responded, it wasn't a lie, they all knew him, just not in a good light.

She stamped the quests he had taken and handed them back to him, he stuff them inside the bag that hung on his right side and leaned in on the counter, ever so slightly.

"I can see that you don't know much of this place, why not let me give you a tour?" spoke Vlasfimia.

"You would?" she said back.

At first, it may have seemed like she was just nice and unaware of things a bit but her acceptance of letting the dude dressed in all black and wearing a mask was starting to make Vlasfimia think she was either completely stupid or that she herself had bad attentions.

'Is she undercover or something?' was a thought that went through his head, Vlas was a bit paranoiac at times, it was always a good trait when being who he was but he also had a tendencie to let himself get stabbed to shank the stabber back, so he rolled with it.

"Yeah, as soon as you want" he uttered.

"Let's do it now then, I am on break soon" she immediately said.

'This is fishier than the time, I tried a mermaid' he thought, chuckling inwardly at his poor joke that only he could hear.

A tour and a passage to a deserted back alley proved that it hadn't been necessary to worry about it, either she was actually a dumbass or she was very bad at whatever she had tried to do.

This would inevitably get him an interrogation again but interrogations were the second best part of this, well it depended on what the interrogation was for but it usually was that ranking.

Being questionned on the disappearance of a girl was something he had first done, when he was eleven, before that it was about animals and before that it was for missing toys.

Vlasfimia casually went on to the closest dungeon, which just so happened to be what people refered to as the 'world dungeon' for it's enormous size that had yet to have been fully explored and mapped, as well as the fact that it had the specifities of all types of dungeons within it or at least it was theorised to have all of them, it had plenty that was for sure.

All of the quests he had taken necessitated for him to go inside of it, which was why he hed taken them, the first few floors held no secret for him and he had quite some knowledge about deeper floors too but of course, he lived inside of it so he obviously knew the place.

Asking around other adventurers, one would hear theories of how the grey as he was officially called but most just went with bastard, son of a bitch or crazy fucker, lived inside the very dungeon and was actually born from it as well.

The first part of it was true, the small house in the woods connected to it from a tunnel he had dug, meaning that Mobn was currently inside the dungeon.

He had installed contraptions to be able to go inside of his home and that was that, much better than having to buy a house or rent a room at an inn, that way he paid no taxes at all.

This was pretty useful since he could just abduct adventurers inside the dungeon and everyone would naturally assume that they died and their body was absorbed by the dungeon, when in reality they were unwillingly squatting Vlasfimia's house.

After passing the two guards that guarded one of the entrances of the dungeon, he made a B-line to a certain area known for being devoid of anything interesting, no monsters and no loot, digging a bit through the soft soil, a metal covering was revealed, the grey masked man opened a lock, releasing an unusual looking goblin from it.

The goblins from this floor and for many deeper floors were very basic, green skin, no elemental afinities, no nifty abilities and no particular display of intelligence, rarely would one see a hobgolin or a special goblin, the only difference when you delved deeper was that the specie of goblin was not the same, going from classic goblins with both male and females from ones with only males, everyone knew of their methods to reproduce but when compared to their outside counterparts they were much less agressive as the dungeon spawned them naturally, making them less willing to risk going after mates.

Their strenght and techniques were exactly the same.

The one that was staring at Vlas with an uncharateristic hate was very different from them, it was from the first floor but it was larger, a head and half taller than the common goblins but it didn't amount to much as it stood with its back bended, its arms were freakishly long reaching to its ankles, if it stood straight that is.

It had hair, forming a mohawk immediately marking him as much cooler than other goblins, its skin was still the same color as basic goblins, its muscles were clearly more developped, as he was rocking a six pack.

This goblin was the result of Vlasfimia tests, in the dungeon, monsters did have an advantage from their outside counterparts, which was that they were many times more likely to go through much more 'changing' evolutions than them, sometimes even straight up switching species.

This one was of the fast kind but still packed a punch, making such a creature was exceptionally easy, you just needed to choose one monster, beat it up for a bit, put it somewhere and repeat until evolution occur, by fighting it the monster's skill would level up and it would gain XP.

Today, Vlas was preparing to beat it up once more, hoping for a second evolution to trigger, up until now they had all ended up dying or simply failed to evolve altogether.

"Don't look at me like that man, it could have been worse for you" spoke the man whose word were incomprehensible to the monster in front of him, before slapping it into wall with a backhand.