

Looking down upon the half-dead goblin, Vlas shook his head and let out a disappointed sigh, it was once again a failure, perhaps it was time to change to a another monster, goblin showed a great diversity in evolution and great leveling speed but they were just not good enough as a whole, they were just like humans in that regard.

Still, this one should fetch a nice sum with Duaparc, it wasn't a lost cause in term of combat capabilities, equipped with good armor and weapon he should perform well, it was originally from the goblin specie with both males and females, so he wouldn't do good as a sexual partner at all, he wouldn't sell well on that market.

Pulling out his pocket watch, the grey-masked man noticed that he had spent more time than usual, a good thing, dragging the goblin back to its cage, Vlas pulled a vial of red liquid from his bag after rustling through it for a bit.

Pouring it on top of the goblin, he then closed the hatch and covered it up, making sure to let a small hoole for air to get through, dungeon monsters didn't need much air to live as the dungeon provided for them at least in this section of the dungeon.

Writting down some of his observations on the goblin down on paper as he always did, even if it was the same stuff he had written previously, on his way to the dungeon's entrance, he ran into a group of adventurers that he knew, he knew all of them in some way but he knew this ones a tad bit more.

Two men and two women, a human, a dwarf, an elf and beastfolk quite the diverse group but it wasn't that uncommon in Kotique and even less in the region of Montagnepoudreuse, so not that surprising to see such a group diving into the dungeon together.

"Hey, if it isn't Mank, how's your brother's spine?" asked Vlasfimia as he saw them, speaking to the human of the group.

The man's face visibly scrunched up at the remark and his veins clearly popped out from his forehead, some would say he was furious but holding it back but it clearlt looked more like he had a bad case constipation.

The whole group was visibly angered by just the sight of Vlas but they ignored him and continued walking.

He looked as they took a turn and disappeared behind a corner, they weren't the funniest.

He could just follow them but it shall wait for a while, you can't just pluck the fruit before it arrives at maturity as they say, even if the fruit is sometimes better before maturity.

After a bit of walking, which was quite fast for Vlas since he couldn't help but hurry when he wasn't doing something important, having to stop because some people on the street were on slow motion always infuriated him a bit.

Entering a shady but grand building, the inside looked like a back alley bar filled with criminals and peculiar looking people, this was the main building of Infamy, above the door was carved a mask with a sad and yet neutral expression on it.

It was a representation of the mask of Infamy, the item the clan had been founded upon at its very start, it wasn't anything great, it wasn't a legendary artefact or anything but it was the symbol nonetheless.

"Heeey, if it isn't Vlas, how you doin'?" spoke an already drunk member, it was way before the time bars had most of their customers.

"Better than you, at least" he answered, the guy talking to him was on the floor swimming in vomit that may or not be his own.

The place was quite nice to look at if you excluded the people in it, the place was constructed with a dark wood and illuminated by a chandelier that had definitely been stolen from somewhere else, Vlas knew this because he was the one who had stolen it and installed it.

He said hello to the guy that worked behind the counter, being nice to fellow members couldn't hurt, especially when they weren't annoying like the living-rugs that populated the ground.

Walking up a set of stairs that made many turns and loops for no other reason than because it was cool to the owner of the office found at the end of it.

Opening the door without knocking on it Vlas made his way into the office, revealing a pretty woman that didn't seem to know what sleep was or meant, she didn't even have bags under her eyes, it was just the feeling she gave off.

She wore what looked like what a high ranking military official would wear but all black, from gloves to boots, a saber hung from her waist reinforcing the military look.

She didn't wear any hat however, her dark hair hung fairly low, going a bit lower than her shoulders, her eyes were a dull red and were smile looked like that of bad scammer.

"Oh, if it isn't my Vlasounet!" she exclaimed as he saw him bend his back to get through the door.

She walked up to him to greet him, she was quite the tall woman about one meter and ninety centimeters tall and buildt enough to not appear lanky, this was Duaparc the leader of Infamy.

She may look like a human but Vlas knew better, she was actually a beastfolk, simply that her animal particularities did not show on the outside, they were probably more than a hundred different kinds of beastfolks kinds per animals ranging from the animal now walks on two legs to just a human with animals ears and a tail.

"What are you here for? We don't see you much around here" she then said as she went back to sit behind her desk.

"I have a goblin to sell" he said as put a stack of paper on her desk, she looked through it for a bit before stopping to think for a bit.

"I'll give you two hundred denier for it" she offered.

"He's worth at least a thousand" he said back.

"Three hundred"

"Nine hundred"

"I'm willing to go at five hundred" she said.

"Seven hundred"

"Best I can do is five hundred and fifty and some special treatment" she said, winking obnoxiously.

"Worst deal ever, I won't go any lower than six hundred" he immediately responded.

"Come on Vlas, you don't have to be a douche about it, okay for six hundred but you could at least free some time for me" she said, still with her usual smile.

"Alright but you'll lay down on the mucus this time around, it's a nightmare to get off" he conceded.

"Great to make business with you" she said clapping her hands, she was not going to lay down on the mucus, she never did.

"I'll bring it at the usual place" said Vlasfimia before leaving the room.

"Hold on Vlas!" exclaimed Duaparc.

"Just wanted to know, are you the one who intercepted the carriage with Mobn in it?" she asked.

"Yes" he said before closing the door, the leader of Infamy shook her head in a 'knew it' kind of way and leaned back in her seat.