
A few things

She had not laid down on the mucus, there was even more this time around.

It was always like that and as always some had ended up getting into his left orbit, removing his mask who was basically glued to his face, Vlas look at his face with a mirror after getting back home, cleaning it would be a pain.

Not many had seen Vlasfimia's true face and the question anyone seeing would ask, after stopping screaming in terror, would be 'how are you even alive?'

A large portion of the left side of his face was basically gone, almost nothing but his bones remained, his left orbit was empty, no lips either on the left side, his teeth were perpetually exposed, separating the wounded side from the untouched side was but a small bit of flesh that definitely didn't seem healthy at all.

Vlasfimia's teeth were also quite unusual, a bit pointier than a human should have this had not always been the case, Vlas couldn't confirm it since he literally couldn't see his own status but he believed it was due to one of his skills.

He didn't even get notifications so he didn't even had the slightest of ideas what kind of skill he had but one effect was clearly noticeable, when he ate something uncooked and fresh, he got to see and feel the thing he was eating memories, allowing him to get some insight on certain things.

The best part for this was of course the brain but from time to time certain memories could be linked with other body parts.

While it could give him some insight, it wasn't allmighty, he had filled his gullet with many mage of all kinds but he wasn't very advance on magic at all even when reading books on it that were coming from the aforementioned mages.

Not that he was unable to make use of it completely, it was fairly lackluster and it also seemed that he just couldn't or had great dificulties replicating the technique he sometime saw the food had used in its life, so all he did was stock the information, writting it down and putting in a well arranged room, he had a great memory but he couldn't help but write things down, he knew how to write after all, so why not flex it a bit?

Anyways, the strange thing about his face was the fact that it had all started with him receiving an arrow right through his left eye and for some reason, it had grown into what it was now and then completely stopped, it was quite surprising that it wasn't gangrened.

Sometimes, it felt like his left eye was burning despite it not being here anymore and when it happened he would see with both his eyes for some reason, it was quite the strange thing.

But as time went by the burning would get less and less painful and his period of sight would grow longer, so that seemed beneficial, it wasn't like he could do much about it so he only took the good out of it.

Even if Duaparc had poured some of her slightly corrosive mucus inside of it, she had also licked it clean, she liked the taste she said and since Vlas liked that, he had no complaint.

After cleaning himself to the best of his capacities and changing his clothes, clothes who were the exact same as the other, Vlas had a bunch of copies of the same outfit and even spare masks, he liked his style.

He decided to go pay a visit to good old Mobn, it was time for Vlas to see if his attempts at alchemy were once again a mess or if he had gotten the expected result.

"..." Vlas stared at the dead body of Mobn a bit perplexed, the result was good, very good in fact, only issue being that it wasn't what was supposed to happen.

Vlas was either the worst or best alchemist, there was no inbetween with his little experiments.

The idea this time was to make a poison that could kill with little suspicion as it would mimic a disease, two small issue were visible, firstly, Mobn had died way too quick of it and secondly, it didn't look like he had died of tetanus at all.

It wasn't that fast at all and it certainly didn't turn people into metal, opening up the iron sculpture's skull and Vlas saw that everything had really be transmutated to iron, how did that even happen?

Vlas had added common ingredients with the blood of an infected person, how come the result looked like a curse?

"Well, it's still the potent poison, it should sell at a nice price" he said outloud, as he flipped a coin he had found.

"There's no way that what I did could have resulted into that though, do I have a fucking alchemy skill or something?" he once again spoke out loud, seemingly addressing the ironed Mobn.

As he looked at the former member of Infamy, another idea spiked inside of his head, he didn't know for sure whether or not the iron that had appeared could be used to do anything but he may have found a way to make infinite iron or a way to make nifty statues out of your enemies.

Beating up the iron Mobn into an unrecognisable piece of scrap metal, Vlas was going to bring this to Duaparc, she was pretty much selling all of the shit Vlas did for him, she probably kept most of the money but as long as he got what he had asked for he was content, it wasn't like he expended that much money, he stole most of the thing he used anyways.

As he was flattening, the scrap metal by doing a bear hug to it, Vlas suddenly thought about what was going to happen in the next week, a knight festival as they called it, it was basically a week of activity centered around a little tournament between various knight establisment's, calling some of them knight would be like calling Vlas a saint as they really didn't follow the definition of knight at all.

Vlas had his own stall during said festival, indeed, Vlasfidia the infamous adventure titled The grey was going to sell stuff to people, most of the customers would be coming from somewhere else so, they rarely connected the dot that he was the one, after all who would expect the guy who people accused of the worst things possible to be selling vegetables and live chickens?

It was also always entertaining to watch people absolutely destroying one another, especially with wide diversity in styles of each knight establisment, some even seemed to be the same thing such as the beast knights and ferocious knights, they had the same fighting style but you would receive many insults for daring to point it out.

Also, Vlasfimia thought that female knights were nice, especially those of the aforementioned establishments for particular reasons, he went so far into his delusions that he had failed to notice that poor little Mobn was already as thin as he would get.

"Mmmh, now that I think about it, no one as yet interrogated me about the receptionist's disappearance, usually they always start with me" he spoke aloud, indeed everytime something of the sort would happen officier Swingtatangom would ask him a few question find nothing and then not resolve anything and then see his salary reduce because he is such an incompetent but he is still the most competent around so he stays.