
Unexpected news

The minotaurs that were found on the first few floors really weren't that strong at all, as long as you could take a few steps on the side as they charged you would be fine, repeating this action multiple times in row, since if you weren't standing at arms length the minotaur would charge, always, except if you were facing a special minotaur but even when they were special they still rammed into walls.

After letting it knock itself out, Vlasfimia dragged its unconscious body to the cage pushed it into it and locked it all up, covered it up for good measures and left the area, the training would start at a later date, until then it would learn to live in the dark by itself.

Vlas was aiming to make a combat type or worker type, not one used as a bed partner, after all minotaurs were hardly teachable anything and even then mostly the males seemed to interest the persons who bought them, the market wanted the well endowed and large for the women and the smaller, least aggressive for the men, Vlas didn't know who these clients were but they lacked a bit taste.

Now, Vlas was going to start fulfilling his quests, the materials asked were the most of the most basic for each monsters, so Vlas would be able to keep the rest to himself, that was another advantage of living directly inside the dungeon, by putting the corpses somewhere where they weren't in contact with the dungeon, the dungeon wouldn't get rid of them by absorbing the bodies, Vlasfimia had entrances to his home on the first few floors, the first five, he had plans to expand beyond that but the process of digging through the dungeon and covering the progress he made in something that the dungeon wouldn't absorb was quite the long and tiring work.

He would start with the kobolds, the kobolds found in the dungeon's first floors were the canine type and with fur over all of their bodies, so their sole humanoid trait was the fact that they sometimes walked on their hind legs but they still prefered to go around on all fours.

Just like any other monsters of these floors the proportion of special or evolved ones are thin but since Vlas had found the hidden minotaur area thanks to one of those, it was still recomended to be careful, in terms of evolutional potential and speed, they were almost equivalent to goblins but kobolds had a better starting kit, they didn't need to use weapons to deal damage like goblins did but could still use some, they were more dangerous but were less likely to set traps or ambushes.

Peeking his head from the pond, he made sure no one was around before emerging, he was soaked but it wasn't much of an issue, the knights were still around, trampling the second floor, killing too many monsters on a floor like that could potentially make the dungeon do something about it, such as buffing the monsters for a bit, increasing the rate at which it spawned them or sending special versions of the monsters, maybe all at once if it really didn't like you at all but this had never happened on the first floors.

Walking for a bit, he ran into an area where there weren't that many people yet, only one knight, sitting crosslegged and doing nothing, a kobold was munching him but his armor was too resistant for the kobold to do anything apart from breaking its teeth, which it was already doing but this kobold was determined and focused.

So focused in fact that it failed to notice, the human that had arrived, Vlas grabbed it by its nape and squeezed it, making a satisfying popping sound, the noise of its vertebra detaching from one another, Vlas flung the corpse over his shoulder and he and the knight looked at each other for a moment.

"Oh my, I had not noticed that a kobold was still here!" spoke the knight in a friendly tone as he got up, his armor made him appear as fat but Vlas knew that it could just be a fashion thing.

The knight was wearing a full armor, no area was left unprotected but most importantly, the armor looked like cheese, it was yellow and had holes inside of it, another fashion thing apparently.

It was a cheese knight, that's what they called themselves, a bunch of jolly fellows that loved cheese and every dairy procuct, possessing high defense and strong attack power they could probably win the small tournament, however they never participated, they only came to eat cheese.

They really just did their own thing, even Vlas couldn't help but be nice to them, they just emanate positivity and also Vlas likes cheese too, so of course they went along.

"Let me give you something as a thanks" said the cheese knight, pulling out a cheese wrapped in papers from a pouch.

"Oh, so generous, what is your name?" asked Vlas.

"Fromale!" responded the cheese knight.

"I shall remember your name and generosity, now I must go" spoke Vlas before going on to his way, not even telling the knight his name.

After about an hour a ruthless massacre of kobolds, Vlas had three of their corpses resting on his shoulder and had managed to gather a lot of their teeth, which was what was necessary for the quest but he still made sure to also take their claws and to skin some of them for their fur, having a heavy load, he decided to bring all of this home.

On his way, however, he heard two women speaking together or perhaps it would be more accurate to call them girls, seeing the way they spoke, usually he would have simply ignored it but he heard a certain name being mentioned, one he hadn't heard in a long while.

The two seemed to be noble knights seeing how they dressed, a military-like outfit, sort of like that of Duaparc but much brighter colors and small capes, they were talking about another noble knight, a boy.

While not a strange topics in itself, speaking of it inside a dungeon was a bit out of place but Vlasfimia ignored their lack of spatial awareness and listened to make sure he had heard correctly.

"Do you think, I would have my chances?" asked one of the two, Vlas predicted that the other would say now as she seemed a bit more serious than her and also because that would be the logical answer if it was who he thought it was.

"Nah, he's too busy training and saying that he'll cleanse his family name" spoke the other one.

Vlas went on his way, it totally was him, no way someone would have the same name and spout this kind of things while ignoring any chance to get laid.

Vlasfimia couldn't believe that his brother would come to this place too, the Marianna islands were quite a bit far away and crossing the ocean was always extremely dangerous but somehow, he had made his way here and gotten into the establishment of the noble knights.

He would totally try to murder him on sight, after all the cause of why the family name was soiled in the first place was because of Vlasfimia, well if Agios had shut his mouth nobody would have known but he couldn't help but be righteous all the time.