
Guest and cuisine

Now with the knowledge that his brother was around, Vlasfimia just did what he would usually do but keeping his eye out for the new nuisance, surely, the odds that they would both meet and that Agios would recognise him with his mask on was thin, extremely thin, Kotique is a large kingdom with many different areas and Agios shouldn't be aware than Vlasfimia was here.

But Vlas could just feel it in his bones, that some bullshit was going to happen, he just had no idea when.

Putting all of his loot away inside his home, Vlas sat down on a chair for a bit and removed his mask, putting it on a nearby table, his missing eye was burning with pain and he once more was able to see through his missing eye, the pain was not constant nor was it uniform, unlike before it didn't actually felt like pain, it was almost as if his eye was speaking to him.

If it was, Vlas had no idea what it was talking about, as the pain increased, he got up and went to a mirror to try and see if something was happening and indeed, something was occuring inside of his hollow socket.

It looked as if a fire was inside of it, a ball of orange fire that burnt slowly, it didn't seem to cause any light or reflection to happen.

"The hell is this?" spoke Vlas outloud as he analysed it, as the pain spiked or got down the flame would grow bigger or smaller, still he had no idea what this could possibly mean.

Staring into the flame, Vlasfimia could feel it staring back and the longer he did so, the more a wicked smile seemed to form onto his face, a smile not many could see as he rarely took his mask off when doing something warranting this deranged expression, his intact eye, didn't show much of an expression when compared to his smile but the same feeling could be found within the purple iris.

Indeed, the more the both of thel stared at each other the more Vlasfimia understood what it was trying to say.

"I see, very well, then there is nothing to change, now is there?" he said, as his face returned to a more neutral expression but still retaining a bit of what was there before.

After what would have appeared like an episode of delirium to any outsider watching the scene, Vlas calmly went on as if nothing had happened, the flame disappeared from the hollow socket and a soft smile, made his way on the man's face, a stark difference from before, as he opened what looked like a big white container, a container made by Vlas himself after copying an already existing one.

With that one could conserve food for much longer by freezing it, you only needed a ice mana crystal and the capacity of to feed it mana to keep it going, only issue being that it needed lots of energy to constantly operate at a level to freeze things but if you fed it the life energy of some people instead it would go well.

Thinking for a bit as he looked through the diverse ingredients, he slapped is forehead, silly him, he had just brought back fresh food that he needed to take care of.

He had just brought back three kobolds, adventurers would say that the monsters of the dungeon were inedible for people but Vlas had no problem with it, a thing set up by some random gods to avoid people having infinite sources of food and growing complacent, if that was truly the case then those gods should probably think back on their occupations because Vlas had been eating it for years and was in supreme health.

Removing their furs with an adapted knife, Vlas put them away, hung the skinned corpses by their feet in a room dedicated to gutting things and opened up their stomaches from bottom to top, their guts hung out, he grabbed the livers and removed the gallbladder that stuck to them, the liver was a tasty organ but the gallbladder was poisonous, he put the livers away in a plate and then removed the rest of the guts, it was common that some shit would hand up on his hands so he wasn't surprised when it happened with two of the three kobolds.

The guts weren't great and were hard to cook, he would just give those to his chicken, they could even eat the gallbladder without any issue.

After that he brought them back to a table and stuck his hand up their ribcages, grabbing and retrieving their hearts, the heart was another nice organ, he also made sure to get the lungs, he wouldn't eat them but the chickens would.

After that it was time to cut the kobolds into pieces, with Vlasfimia's expertise it was quickly done and he stored most of the pieces into the freezing container, only keeping a few out, he started a fire inside a fire place that linked to an isolated area of the dungeon and put a cooker above it.

He added water, then the meat and also some vegetables, he had a preference when the taste of the different products interwined with one another.

After everything was done, the man whose half of his face was bone had a calm and relaxing meal, despite the fact that he had just had conversation with a flame inside of his socket, there was no need to worry about it.

Apparently, the flame wanted Vlas to eat dungeon monsters and since Vlas already did that on an almost daily basis, he had no issue with the recommendation.

The next day, Vlas once again went to see the tournament, there was rarely anything interessing happening around here and since this time the bar seemed to be quite high, he didn't want to miss knight smacking each other in front of an audience.

Also, he loved talking to complete strangers on how to get knights, they always listened to him for some reason as if he spoke the words of a higher being or something.

Right now, a fight between a mirror knight and a slumber knight was about to happen, the mirror knight had quite the useful abilities up their sleeves with their mirror shields but the slumber knight could hit people to sleep or just making people sleep without even touching them.

After that it would be a new knight establisment against one of the strongest, a wheel knight against a draconic knight, it was deemed to be a hilarious one.

Vlas looked at who was next to him and saw that it was deemed to be one to be interested.

"Hey, ever wondered how to get a draconic knight's attention?" he started saying as he stared in front of him, an unseen smile beneath his mask, the advices he gave were real but could simply not be used by the people he told them to.