
Grand druid

Vlasfimia smashed the spikes as they approached him with the side of his machetes, before intercepting a staff strike aimed at the top of his head with both of them and kicking the goblin in the stomach.

The dungeon boss stopped a hack meant to split his head in two and summoning a wooden branck from the ground to block the second one, aimed at side of his chest, he then stomped his feet making wooden spikes shot up from the ground.

Vlas evaded the attack by going to the right, once again spinning around, when he finished turning, the goblin realised a bit too late that he had taken that occasion to sheath one of his machete back and had instead pulled multiple small knives, immediately throwing one of them at the goblin.

Having failed to dodge quite on time, the goblin still managed to avoid the worst, instead of his left eye getting stabbed, his left ear was cut off, the bleeding was soon stopped by the wood.

Vlas didn't throw the other ones and instead opted to get up close, the machete strike seemed highly telegraphed and it was but the danger was not coming from the blade.

As the goblin went in to block the blade, Vlas slightly changed the way he was striking so as to rather make the end of handle strike against the staff, this strike carried more blunt force and broke the goblin's posture, allowing Vlasfimia to throw the three other knives he was holding right into the goblin's left side.

One of them hit a rib and failed to dig in deeper, another went in but not deep enough and the last one went right at the right place piercing one of the goblin's lung.

In a haste, the goblin was able to raise a wooden wall between him and the human, surprised by his own action the goblin realised that he had more power than during his previous confrontations against the ones who came to challenge him, he was unaware of it but this was due to the fact that unlike before, this was a one versus one, situation but as he realised this fact something he had forgotten came back to him.

His identity as well as his duty, as he saw that the human had quickly ran around the wall, he bursted with a green energy, nature mana, his true affinity.

Indeed, the grand druid, Golomer was not a mere wood magician but a guardian of nature.

Stomping his right foot with great strength, the ground of the boss arena cracked and shattered, making both of the combatant fall for a short while, landing on a soft surface.

The new arena, the one only a sole challenger could see was much larger than the first, it seemed as if they were inside a hollow tree, the whole area illuminated by an unseen source of light.

"ᚾᚨᛏᚢᚱᛖ ! ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛏ ᛗᛖ ᛋᛏᚱᛖᚾᚷᛏᚺ !" yelled out Golomer, uncaring for his pierced lung, all that happened was that the nature mana that floated in the air, seemingly turned into his very own mana.

"Wasn't expecting such theatrics from an optional boss" commented Vlasfimia as he unsheathed back his other machete.

The amount of adrenaline that pumped through the grand druid was enough to make him forget about the life threatening wound he had sustained, he could heal nature as he was its guardian but only nature could heal him, however nature's strength was not strong enough inside the world dungeon for him to recover from his pierced lung.

As Vlas was approaching at high speed, the druid opened his left palm, revealing leaves made with mana, blowing air on them, they floated in the air for a moment, before they homed on Vlas, he managed to avoid most of the leaves except for one who left a gash into his right shoulder, once they started homing they couldn't be considered as leaves anymore.

Ignoring the small pain, Vlas stopped the druids staff from loping his head off, he certainly was stronger right now.

'good thing I managed to land a knife into his lung, he won't be able to keep that up for long' thought Vlasfimia, as he decided to go full assault, swinging his machetes like a maniac, aiming at the goblin's hand, by rotating between striking with his left and right side, he was able to always have a machete ready to defend if the need arose.

Due to this display of violence, the goblin found himself unable to find any opening, resolving to back off with a large jump back, making leaves appear as he sprung up, Vlas had to dodge them before he could reach the druid again.

Golomer landed and put his left knee on the ground, snapping his fingers, a phantomatic green wolf appeared and lunged at Vlas, he simply bended back and let the wolf cut itself on his blades, no blood was drawn but it disappeared in mid-air.

Vlasfimia immediately noticed that the goblin had used this as a distraction since he was in the middle of doing something that seemed a bit too lenghty for one against one, too lengthy in fact the moment Golomer finished his spell, raising a high amount a leaves up in the air, his right arm, that was holding his staff was chopped off by a flying machete.

The grand druid didn't feel the pain at all for now but seeing his arm, dropping on the ground made him cry out in pain nonetheless, the leaves shot out at Vlasfimia, to avoid them, he started running in the opposite direction but these leaves had a great homing effect.

Noticing that they lost speed when making turns, he decided to run in a circle, ending after a bit in the leaves falling to the ground, removing the one that had managed to lodge itself into his back, Vlas moved toward the goblin.

Golomer had taken the time Vlas was running around to stop the heavy bleeding occuring from his arm and also retrieved his staff, now holding it with his left hand, the loss of blood was making him dizzy and the adrenaline rush he had had after retrieving his memories was ending letting him feel the excruciating pain coming from his arm and lung.

Still, he was not about to give up, however even with the greatest of wills, the battle was already decided.

In his weakened state, he couldn't block any hits from the human, especially with his left arm, Vlas smacked the staff away and moved on the goblins right, kicked his right knee forcing him to kneel down, went behind the boss grabbed his forehead and put his blade to his throat, slitting it immediately, the cut was so deep that only a few full could get his head off, the boss crumpled down and disappeared almost instantly, unlike other monsters, their bodies couldn't be retrieved no matter what.

Vlas saw as an opening formed and three items appeared in the middle of the room, however before doing anything he sat down.

"Holy shit, that was great!" he exclaimed, sounding euphoric, it wasn't everyday he got to fight to such an extent, he could have lost if the goblin hadn't been so keen on trying to fight with his staff.

Vlas laughed a bit before standing up, checking his few wounds to see if anything strange was going on with them, he noticed that it had just dealt physical damage, he could easily regenerate such small wounds so it was no issue.

Walking to the three items that had been dropped in the center of the arena, he saw that two of them were scrolls to learn spells and the other was the goblin's staff.

Reading the two scrolls a bit, he discovered that they were for his leaves spell and for summoning a spectral wolf but clearly these spells were meant for druids, as told by the scrolls, the caster needed the authorisation of nature or of a great being linked to nature to be used effectively, so even if they could be learned by anyone since they were scrolls, it wasn't very useful to many people and certainly not Vlas, as for his staff, it most likely helped with nature spells and such but it was certainly a great club, he hadn't been able to scratch the thing at all.

As for the passage that had opened, it lead to a peaceful meadow that seemed to be a great spot to train, if you were a druid and probably for a mage too as it was rich in nature mana, perhaps there were other advantages that he couldn't see, he would check it out in details at a later date, he would most likely need to get through the goblin again if he wanted to come back but that wasn't a problem, fighting again would be nice and also of he could accumulate more of his drops, it would be great.