
Revelation and a goblin

Inside of the main headquarters of Infamy, in a room separated from the rest, three men were sitting at a table, one of them having way too much food for one person.

"Never will it stop flabbergasting me how much he can cram within his gullet" spoke Numquacaptus, a lit cigar in his hand.

Swallowing multiple pheasant thighs without even remotely chewing any of them, Tarrare had no issue doing so, even after eating a whole rabbit by himself.

"So, what's the big deal?" spoke Vlasfimia, his mask resting on the table.

"Well, you see, I had made a deal with some bandits to get some food like usual and a noble knight just showed and minced them all" explained Tarrare, his mouth was unusually large and stretched out and his teeth seemingly stained, one other thing easily noticeable was how much he reeked as he ate food.

Tarrare was also from Marianna islands, just like Vlasfimia, this was where they had known each other, originally they had joined Infamy together.

"And guess what my dude, it was Agios!" he said before stuffing salade down his throat.

"Where did you say he was? And when did you see him?" questionned Vlas before slurping up a rabbit's eyeball.

"In Ptrekao and it was a week ago" responded the voracious man.

"Agios, is that not your brother? What could he be doing here?" wondered Numquacaptus.

"Ah yes, you guys don't know!" said Tarrare, smiling as he realised this fact.

Vlasfimia didn't really care so he let him the story, albeit at a slow rate since he kept eating.

"I think you already know but Vlas is from a noble family" Tarrare started telling the story.

"Yes, I do know as much" spoke the fake noble as he took a sip of wine.

"Vlas has a younger brother called Agios and a younger sister called Puranon" spoke the gluttonous man.

"And Agios as sworn to clear his family name, wanna know what tainted the family name?" he then said.

"Well, obviously it is Vlas" said Numquacaptus.

"Hey, it's not always me" said Vlas.

"But this time it is though" he added afterward with a small smile.

"Can you guess what he did?" asked Tarrare.

"Well, there are quite a number of things he does regularly that could dirty a family name for eternity" spoke the treasurer as he rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"He screwed his sister!" exclaimed Tarrare laughing.

"How noble of you, Vlas" said Numquacaptus jokingly.

"Agios stumbled upon the scene and he must have remembered the rumor going on about his brother and thought he was raping her, so he went and told a guard, spreading the word!" added Tarrare crying from laughter at this point.

"Nobody would have known if he hadn't snitched" uttered Vlas with his arms crossed.

"That's what is hilarious! The thing that got him is not any of the fucked up shit he did but just a little taboo that is common place in aristocracy!" Tarrare was laughing so much he had fallen of his chair.

"And he has the audacity of trying to clean the family name by hunting me down, I swear" spoke Vlas, shaking his head.

"Gustave should have been here to hear that!" remarked the treasurer.

"Oh you're right! I need to tell him, where is he?" said Tarrare as he got up from the ground.

"I think he is in obversat" said Vlasfimia, putting his mask and head covering back on.

"Shame" expressed Numquacaptus.

"Anyway, are you staying here?" asked Vlas to Tarrare who was only now getting back on his seat.

"Well, now that I'm here, I might as well stay" he responded.

"Then, I'll see you both around" spoke Vlas as he left the room and the building, today was the day he was going to take care of that boss.

He headed to the third floor, the presence of his brother wasn't going to disturb his plans, after all Vlas knew him well, to clean the family name he would request a honorable duel, so even if he found him, it would be alright.

Today, not many adventurers were on the third floor at all, making his way through the vegetation and the few monsters, the grey arrived before a large door made of roots, some words seemed to be written on the roots but it wasn't a language Vlas knew, so he just checked if he had everything he had prepared, stretched a bit and pushed the door open.

As was common, after taking a few steps in, the door shut themselves locking him inside the room, not all boss had this feature but most did, the room was quite bright, illuminated by a large amount of glowing moss and other glowing plants.

A large tree that was breaking through the ground opened up, revealing what looked like a tall goblin, about one meter and ninety-five centimeters tall, he had a bushy beard with twigs inside of it, he wore wood armor as well as the fur of various animals on his chest, waist, wrists and ankles.

The goblin had a what seemed like a staff fully made of thick wood, it seemed like it was intertwined roots.

"I see" spoke Vlas out loud, as the goblin took a combat stance, emmiting a green energy.

This boss didn't seem like a joke, unlike some who were just beefed up regular monsters or bosses who were just multiple normal monsters, this one was clearly different, he was no small fry.

Vlasfimia pulled two machetes and took his own combat stance, he was no knight or actual warrior so his stance seemed flawed but the goblin, immediately noticed that it was a trick.

"Smart fucker" commented Vlas as both of them circled the arena looking at each other.

Usually this thing of things would last a bit longer as both opponents analysed their foe for an eternity but Vlas was here to fight, so he charged after a while, prompting the goblin to do the same and charge.

A machete met with the staff head on, smashing a blade against a staff was recommened if you wanted to ruin the blade but Vlas did it to check something.

'It's not digging in' he remarked to himself as he immediately swung his other machete at the goblin's waist.

Since the hit was coming from the left, the goblin moved to the right as he pushed back the other machete from his staff and took a swing as soon as he could.

Vlas dodged in a strange, spinning on his heels, smacking the back of the staff that had missed him with his feft fist and handle of the machete using it to spin faster and brought the other machete to the goblin neck.

Throwing himself away and rolling on the ground with his momentum the goblin managed to avoid the worst and only had a light wound on his neck that bleeded lightly but it soon stopped bleeding all together, as wood came to cover the injury.

"Oh my! You can even stop bleeding? No wonder people think your difficult!" spoke Vlas in an excited tone, even if he couldn't understand the goblin was weirded out by the human it was fighting, it fought strangely and simply had weird vibes for the goblin.

He hit the ground with the end of his staff, summoning four wood spikes, two floating above each shoulder.

His wood magic, his pride, he couldn't remember why this magic felt especially important to him, it was the sole thing that held a semblance of meaning in the goblin's eye, to him it was proof of something he was but had forgotten.

"ᚹᛟᛟᛞ ! ᛈᛁᛖᚱᚲᛖ !" shouted the goblin as the spikes flew at their target.