"I thought that when I won my grimoire I would be able to use magic, it didn't cross my mind that not even the grimoire would be able to." Asta said with a tired face while hanging from a tree.

I looked into the distance at him wondering if I should try to comfort him or just leave him in his corner at least for now, "Poor Little Brother." I muttered under my breath as I made an expression of sadness and pity for Asta.

However to my surprise he broke my expression in mere moments as he climbed onto the branch and raised his hands to the car, "I will never give up! I will become the Wizard King if it takes 10, 20 or 100 years if I have to!" !!" He shouted aloud with determination.

"I'm going to become the Wizard King and prove to everyone that anyone can be amazing even if they're poor and orphaned! You asshole!" He yelled loudly towards the sunset and I gave a small smile at his statement.

"As expected of my little brother, I don't think even death can stop you." I said with a small chuckle and decided to head home first however at that moment my senses picked up a magical reaction coming from the village followed by a loud scream.

"Huh? That magic reaction, one is from Yuno, the other two seem to be from the idiot Nobles I kicked out but there's an unknown one?" With my attention focused on the village and focusing on the mana signatures through a tracking spell I could discern where the scream came from and the magical reactions, "Must be some problem, I should go check it out right away." I told myself and prepared to run towards the scream but a shadow came out of the trees and darted ahead.

"Asta?! That idiot boy!" I thought when I saw him running at high speed towards the village and I immediately concentrated mana on the soles of my feet while using invisible air to decrease wind resistance, "Mana Burst!" I mentally screamed and with a slight bang I shot after Asta who was moving almost as fast as myself without any spells.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------

On Yuno's side.

"Hehehe, it's no use resisting. My chains restrict the magic and movement of the targets it imprisons." Revchi approached Yuno with a frown as he gave a low chuckle, "Who are you?" Yuno asked suspiciously and went on guard against the unknown opponent.

"I was a renowned magic knight named Revchi, but I got kicked out and now I'm just a miserable thief hehehe." Revchi spoke as his grimoire floated in the air along with his magical chains creating tension in the place and before Yuno could react chains shot out of the ground and grabbed him and his grimoire.

"And I'll keep this grimoire hehehe." He said and Yuno frowned at that statement, "Are you going to steal a grimoire? You know it can't be used by"

"The person he chose? Hehe that statement may be true but there are people in the underworld who pay ridiculous prices for a grimoire of 4 clovers, by the way where is that girl with golden hair, I'm sure I can get a great price for one grimoire of 5 clovers never seen before hehehe." Revchi said as he remembered Alice's appearance and smirked, "Maybe I can even have a little fun with her." He said making Yuno's face finally break out of his calm facade.

"If you touch my big sister, I'll kill you." Yuno stated while looking coldly at Revchi who startled a little at the look before regaining his composure and flashing a smile upon noticing the pendant around Yuno's neck, "I see that this pendant has value for me too, I think I'll take it with me." it." He said and prepared to take the pendant but at that moment a loud and irritating voice resounded through the place.

" HANG ON!!!" Asta came out screaming from inside the trees before flying a little and crashing into the wall and slowly falling to the ground, but he soon got up again and pointed his finger at Revchi while yelling, "What are you doing!!! That grimoire!" Oh, it's Yuno's!!!"

"You're not the ridiculous kid who didn't even get a grimoire hahahaha!" Revchi chuckled a little but Asta didn't give him a moment and continued talking, "Yes I'm that ridiculous over there! Now return the grimoire don't you know how important it is to the person who received it?" He said but Revchi just chuckled a little before putting his hand to his forehead and lifting his hair.

"You know, I would normally have the patience to deal with worms like you but let's get this over with." He declared and his grimoire gave a faint magical glow alarming Yuno who tried to warn Asta, "Run Asta!" He yelled but Asta kept standing in the same place as he swallowed hard.

" I will not give up!!" He screamed and started running towards Revchi who projected several chains before attacking him from various directions but Asta dodged the chains and jumping behind Revchi tried to punch him, "Argh." However before his fist could reach the mage chains bound his torso pulling him back.

"It's your end! Dance of the merciless viper!" Revchi declared and the chains passed through Asta's body from various sides causing cuts and causing some blood to splatter to the sides before he was thrown against the wall.

Revchi approached him with a sadistic smile on his face, "Thanks for that useless resistance brat!" He said and kicked Asta's shoulder who had his head down already hurt but with a burning determination still, "I will become the Wizard King..." He declared trying to gather the strength to get up but Revchi just laughed harder at him.

"You The Wizard King? Hahaha how are you going to become the Wizard King without a shred of magic in your body? hahaha!" Rivche declared causing Asta's pupils to dilate, "You were born this way, no wonder I didn't get a grimoire hehehe!"

He continued mocking Asta who was already getting inside his thoughts, "Don't I have an ounce of magic? Does that mean that even if I try I can never use magic?" Asta mentally questioned himself as he felt Rivche's footsteps.


"Hey, what are you doing with my brother?" Rivche's bones froze at that moment and he felt Alice's cold voice at his back, "I..." He tried to declare something but before he could even react Alice's grimoire opened and she reached into it taking a ornate silver sword in which she poured mana.

(This is Caliburn, the sword of the victors, not Excaliburn)

"W-Wait" Rivche tried to say something but in the next moment Alice had already swung her sword at him.


"AHHHH" Rivche spat out saliva as he was punched in the torso and sent flying against the wall being slammed into it before passing out and falling head down, "Are you ok Yuno and Asta?" Alice asked the two and the emotionally shaken Asta on the floor and let out a sigh of regret.

She can hear a bit of the end of the jeers before she arrives and seeing her little brother's state he should have been very upset but now was not the time to take it easy on him, "Get up your soft ass! If you lie down oh all day Yuno will become the Wizard King long before you! What does it matter if you have magical talents or not? Go and do your best without ever lowering your head to others!" She told Asta that for a moment her pupils dilated before giving a smile and raising her head but the next moment her expression changed.

"Sister Behind you!" He yelled and Alice turned immediately to see several currents heading towards her, "Oh, is he still awake?" Alice thought as she saw the currents moving towards her slowly however before she could defend herself she felt the air change and an evil presence appeared behind her making her turn her attention to Asta who had a dark book glowing in a red aura floating in front of you.

" Die!" Revchi yelled as he used his last strength to attack Alice with everything he had and didn't even notice Asta pulling a black sword out of his grimoire and with a snap moving forward breaking his chains and slamming him against the wall again.


Asta's heavy blow slashed some of Rivchi's bones causing him to completely pass out and this time to become unconscious.