Hey guys, this is the author and I apologize for the delay of the chapter and that I took a break from my other stories.
There was a problem in my personal life that was very heavy and that discouraged me a lot to write, it was a whirlwind of emotions these last few months, I first found out that I would be a father and less than 40 days later I discovered that the child was not mine.
I had to pay some debts because of that so I looked for a part-time job and was very busy almost unable to write because of the break.
But hopefully I'll be back in full swing from now on I guess.
Alice looked at Asta who was swinging his grimoire from side to side with happiness written on his face, "What was that feeling I felt just now?" She wondered but decided to leave that subject for another time when she saw Yuno approaching Asta smiling and decided to leave them alone for now.
And in silence she picked up the fainted mage and left the place looking for some authority to deliver the criminal, and so this incident passed without much trouble however the mood was not bad after the attack but excited.
With the magic knight exam coming up Yuno, Asta and I started training more intensively with the two of them doing mock battles against me as I used this opportunity to better understand my spells and create a somewhat unique fighting style.
"I'M COMING SISTER!" Asta yelled loudly as he charged towards me at high speed with his black sword and without leaving my starting position I pulled the Caliburn from my waist and parried his sword.
The pressure of the blow caused the ground at my feet to crack but my stance remained unperturbed like a mountain and I started pushing back Asta's sword with sheer brute force, "I WILL NOT LOSE IN A MATCH OF STRENGTH!" Asta yelled loudly and tried to put more strength into the sword to push me back.
"Fool, don't bet all your chips on your strength!" I said and Asta who was pushing hard felt the resistance on my part stop and without being able to stop the impulse he went straight down leaving his guard exposed which I took advantage of and delivered a circular kick to his waist throwing him away.
Asta spat out a little saliva while flying in the air but I didn't care because I knew he would soon recover and without hesitation I stretched my hand to the side forming a magical barrier that in the next moment was hit by an air projectile.
"Tsk!" Yuno from a distance clicked his tongue while sweat covered his forehead, they had been fighting for several hours but so far neither of them came close to hitting Alice who was blocking and deflecting her attacks in a simple way and counter attacking with kicks and small explosive spells.
"Defend yourself Yuno!" I screamed and a dozen magical formations appeared in front of me before shooting explosive energy balls at high speed, "Damn!" Yuno felt shivers down his spine and desperately attacked the energy balls with blades of wind causing them to explode before reaching him.
(Note: I'm basing Tanya's powers from the manga, hehe.)
"Very good, you managed to get them all right this time." I smiled and praised Yuno who was breathing heavily from his mana and physical energy expenditure but before he could relax he saw me giving him an evil glare for a moment, "In that case, I'll increase the training intensity." I said and snapping my fingers 3 dozen magical formations appeared and Yuno's pupils twitched.
" WAIT!" At that moment Asta returned to the fight swinging his sword and tried to get between Alice and Yuno but of course she wouldn't expect him to do that and bombarded him with explosive spells along with Yuno.
The rest of the afternoon could be heard the screams of two young teenagers and explosions with some slight tremors.
In a nutshell of Alice's skills, she has a gigantic amount of different spells that Tanya knew mostly illusions and tracking spells, she could also apply some Magicraft to this world's magic.
The arrival of the grimoire simply gave her primary weapons so she could fight as Caliburn and her second weapon the Magic Rifle along with bullets of course, she also gained Saber's spell to be able to summon armor and a dress made of mana that protects her. .
The only thing that in her opinion was missing from her battle kit was firepower, she could fight almost any type of battle against any opponent as far as she knows, but it is lacking destructive power at least for now.
"This issue should be resolved when I unlock stronger weapons, the real question now is... which world am I in?" There was just this doubt in her mind as more than she tried to remember, she couldn't find any resemblance to the anime she had seen or read manga.
"By the way, I feel like my memories of my old life are slowly being erased and replaced by Saber and Tanya's memories and experiences, this is scary and interesting." She thought a little scared and curious about what would happen if she lost her original memories.
Would she lose her personality and be born another or would she remain the same? Questions and more unanswered questions.