WebNovelBOSS BABE14.29%


(Mixing sounds of people talking)

Emp1: Are they here yet?

Emp2: Not yet, but they can come any time.

Emp1: Do you think this will be their last time here?

Emp2: Think! Uh, they are gone today . How can a company be this shameless just for a collaboration. Yeah, I know, that it is going to very profitable for both the sides but they should understand that sir is not wanting to fit in their shoe of collaboration.

Emp3: That is the reason sir again called them just to clear this matter completely and make it crystal clear that they are not interested in this collaboration.

Emp2: But we must praise the company, I mean, even after returning empty handed for four continuous years, they are still willing to use this last chance in convincing us again.

Emp3: Whatever, there is still no use, within every few months they send their well experienced cast in the belief to shoot a film of "collaboration" but all they got is a series of "no", this time would not make any difference, this is going to be the last episode in this series of "no".

Emp1: Are they here yet?

Emp3: oh girl, I know being a newbie here, you are curious to meet the "collaboration" cast. Just wait and you will see the cast soon. Again those old familiar acquaintances. The whole company is used to those faces so much that it feels like they are already a part of our company. We all even remember their names, what are they..john..micheal…samarth..

Emp2: Hey! Cut the list and just look, they are here..

Emp3: Is john there too? Oh god, is it going to be our last meet (dramatic sobbing)..

Emp2: Last meeting in your dreams, look clearly there is just one person here…. and… that to…..a girl?

Emp3:What? Move your butt and let me see first(looking with intense popping eyes). Did my words just go wrong. Who is she? I have never seen her before.

Emp2: Wait let me too see properly…

Emp2 (in mind): As my eyes fall on the light coming from the door, I saw….

A figure reflecting warm beige color balanced in a penn blue office suit was coming from the gold plated giant main entry of the company. Those almond eyes filled with deep brown iris seemed as if they were not willing to encounter any one accept the owner. The confidence this figure had in every step was enough to make all the eyes stop just to witness this beauty. The guards around her went still on just one indication of her hand and led her in.

(The hustle bustle suddenly went silent.)

But soon enough a lady broke the silence speaking, 'This way to the office mam, the board members are waiting'. The girl from the "collaboration" company just nodded and followed her in an insanely confident style as if she know the future results already.

The door to the meeting opened but just with the intentions to let her in and without leaving a gap of a single second got closed as she entered. The silence outside continues.

a/n pov

Well, you all must be thinking what company is this and who is this "collaboration" company. First of all let me confirm that the name of the company is not 'collaboration' for sure, its just a sarcastic name given by the gossiping employees to refer the company with an official name "WONDERSITE" a software company whose willing to make a collaboration with the hardware company "TECH HUB". Yeah, the deal is a win-win on both edges but TECH HUB is not actually interested in this profit, the reason no one knows excepting the owner of the company i.e. Mr. Paul and since no one knows the reason, no one has been able to crack the deal yet.

(Its been an hour. The door is still closed. Since the door is sound proof no voice can be heard outside even if they are playing orchestra inside, no one outside will get to know.)

After an hour and a few couple of minutes the door opened revealing just air, but not after too long, the secretary came outside, and soon the girl along with Mr. Paul flashed. They both shaked their hands with their lips curved in a formal smile. Accepting those heads who were inside the room, all the other faces were just looking, more accurately staring, at those smiling faces with an amaze. The next moment there was an announcement 'Congratulations everyone now our company is not alone anymore and have got married, I mean, our company received a partner. Yes, our company is in a collaboration with WONDERSITE. Congratulations again.', the manager said.

At the moment their was a confused silence but when the secretary looked at the employees with an instructing way to clap. Everyone started to move their hands in sink filing the building with cheerful clap sounds.

In between the claps the Girl nodded with a sign of leaving and slipped her hand back to its position ending the handshake. She then raised her head to her guards again commanding them with her gesture of heading back to her company.

At once the guards opened the door as she was heading towards for an exit.

Next moment the door went closed as the Girl left.

All the employees were still stunned not being able to process what just happened. But soon the boss signaled everyone to get back to their work. They all shrugged their shoulders and headed back to their desks, but still internally recalling the Girl's every action and analyzing what could have happened inside that the boss came out this happy.

(TECH HUB scene ends.)

(At the sight of WONDERSITE office)

The secretary came running towards the cabin of Mr. Lee, owner of WONDERSITE.

Mr. Lee pov,

Suddenly the door opened revealing my secretary she was putting up a big smile on her face. Does it mean that she (the girl) completed her task? I felt like a thunderstorm struck me. Does it mean she is going to do what she said? Does it mean she will take what she asked for before leaving, this morning? But putting all my questions aside I asked her what is she having to tell me.

Secretary: Sir the deal is done. She made it. Now they must be reaching here any moment.

Mr. Lee: When they reach here ask her to come to me without any delay. Alright!

Secretary : Sure sir.

(Secretary left)

Soon a car stopped at the door, the guards came out. One of them held the car door to open it.

The Girl came out of the car and started walking inside the big opening saying WONDERSITE.

As she went inside all the employees there, were cheerfully praising her. The sound of congratulations could be heard in overlapping ways from different voices.

The secretary came to the girl and did as the boss said.

Mr. Lee pov

After a couple of minutes the door opened, revealing my secretary again but this time she came here with her. Again those questions were crossing my mind and again I kept them aside asking my secretary to leave her here and disperse.

(The secretary went out closing the door again)

Mr. Lee: So you did it. Congratulations!

Girl: Thank you so much for those kind words. But you know I want something more kind than just words.

Mr. Lee: Just think over it once more. I ...

(He suddenly went silent as the Girl handed him an envelope)

Girl: I have thought well, you know that. Here, kindly consider it.

Mr. Lee held the envelope. His face was screaming his non willingness of having a glance at the envelope, but he had to anyways. As soon as he read the words over the envelope his eyes widened!!