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The Exception

As soon as Mr. Lee noticed the words written on the envelope his eyes spread.

Mr. Lee: Resignation! (he spelled)

Girl: What's with the reaction. Wasn't this the deal.

Mr. Lee: But, what about my offer?

Girl: Uhmm, I thought over it. It's a no.

Mr. Lee: Then you better be absolute sure, because I won't let you step back from this.

(since there was no objection from her end, he approved the letter without opening it). Now would you like to illuminate your deed behind this success.

Girl: (she molded her lips to a smirk and said) …. You don't own the rights of my boss anymore.

By the way, some of the company's belongings are attached with the letter so better open it.

(Without waiting for the letter to be opened, she strutted past the office and then past the employees, reaching the exit of the company)

Girl: (to the guards) you both may leave now. I don't own you anymore. Also, thank you for bestowing me your security.

The guards nodded handing the car key to the girl and made way.

Soon the car swished leaving a roar.

a/n pov

Till the time she reaches her stopping place, let me use this gap for an intro.

So, from the past few actions you all must be thinking, whoa! what a classy, top drawer kind of lass. Yes, she is but, that's not all she has got. This is mere one side of her, about the rest sides, let the time introduce them itself, alright!

Meet Eshana, full name Eshana Roy, a young blood with an age of just 24. I know, 24 is not a "just" age but trust me, after knowing her, you too will agree with my above words. Eshana concluded her four years of software engineering program with a top-notch spot in whole university attaining the best job offer from US, which she without any second thought, shoved away. Yes, you read it right she declined that offer, why, because she wanted to take the taste of struggle others do get a job, why, because that is what you call daring! So yeah, Eshana loves daring since the time her feet touched the earth. When the other classmates used to ignore extra activities, days before exam, she was the one, feeling, why waste days in learning something word to word when you can master the concepts overnight. When others were busy filling sheets in the exam hall, she was the only one humming a song she last heard while inventing the answers. In the high school when the students had accustomed the way of walking decently in corridors, she was the one modelling out of the classroom as if she is heading to a meeting room. In university even, when others were studying books of one year for whole one year, she was changing her syllabus to next year books after every six months, how, come on, you just need be good and respectful to your mentors, and there you go, having all their support and guidance. When the freshers were uncomfortable while confronting the seniors, she was the one roaming here and there to find any senior to debate with. At the time of last two years when her batchmates finally became serious towards there career, she already enrolled herself her in an online business and finance management course. Since my readers are already very smart, you all must have guessed what she wants to do, yes, her aim is to own a company, to do, a business. The only reason why she is still wearing the I-card of others companies is an idea to start a business which she is not having yet. Though this well literate girl owns all the branded bricks and pillars needed to make a building even after that the only reason why they have not been used is the absence of a design to give these sources a shape. All she is waiting for is the day when she will get an idea to start a company, a company which would make this world a better place. And about the recent resigning, don't worry its not her first time, to be accurate, this is the sixth resignation she gave in past 37 months. Where an average youth is struggling for a job or if it's a top-notcher like her then he/she must be happy with a top-class job, here she is, a millionaire, already looking for a seventh job. No, it's not like she was a being born with a silver spoon, all she has earned till today is just from the past six jobs she has done and through the investments, after all, don't forget, she mastered the fields of business and finance management too. But if you guys are thinking that she must have done jobs of very high post in big companies then again, it's a no, because she never gave a toss to all such big bulls in market, what she did was joining hands with average companies, and then taking a big leap adding big profits to them, after all that is what she call daring. Anyways the reason behind being a millionaire is not the deals she cracked but it's the deals she made. Basically, before cracking any deal, she signs a deal with the company itself where she asks the company for a bonus and after cracking enough deals, the deal of getting a bonus is replaced by the deal of getting a resignation, and then onwards a new journey for a new company begins. Its not that she can not get enough from a single company but there is one more fond she has in her life and that is the love for travelling and learning different native languages. Every time she resigns from a company, it is a resign from the country too and she leaves to a new town with a different culture and different language. About the detailing of her past companies and countries lets frame it some other moment. Ok, so now I can see her house at some distance, I think we have reached our destination so, let's see what she is up to now.

Car stopped at the garage of a well-maintained ranch house sitting amidst of a land span of a French parterre adored by sprinkle of flowers reflecting different colors. After parking the car, she called someone and asked for tickets.

a/n pov

if you guys are thinking that she is gonna change the country for which she asked to bring the tickets then you all are wrong because, here is the twist, the tickets she is asking for do not concern flights at all, those are the tickets of public transport by which….she ….is…going on a …. Tour! Yes, this is what she do after resigning, a tour of a weak or two, when she is not going any beach, any concert, any island but to a village, a village with one of the least literacy rates, and guess what she is going to do there, give free books and classes to the orphans, and also to provide bit more guidance for there better future. If you all are taking it as a charity work then you are wrong again, there is story behind this too, but guess what, it's not the right moment for that, so.... sometime later maybe. But before going to the village, she is going to go to a riverside small town, where she will be having some rest till tomorrow morning and since its not a promenade, that is why she called for a public transport, why a public transport, will tell you some other time. Anyways, it's not going to be a very big resort as I said its in a small town. Ok, enough of talks for now, let's just check what this girl is busy in.

Eshana is in her room packing her bag and the other stuffs. Don't worry she already washed up. For now, all she has got to is to take some rest, after all, just like you all it's been a long day for her too.

But before she could drift herself to find some rest, she heard the sound of doorbell ringing. She rushed towards the door.

As the door opened, the setting sun light reflected some familiar figure on the door.

Eshana: You!.........