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Eshana: You!..(she was about to shut the door but the man held the door and started pushing it to open.)

??:(pushing the door to open) Eshanaaaaa, don't be like this I want to come in.

(Both are crushing the door in between their strong arms, meanwhile the door: come on you both stop luring me into your bickering *_* )

Eshana: (while pushing the door to shut it) Look .. I .. don't have time for your nonsense …I am … having my worrrk…

??: Work? What work…

Eshana: None of your concerns….

????: Ok then … I won't disturb youuuu…. I swear…

(?? Hopped in)

a/n pov

Till now you all must be wondering who in the universe is this man, why is he trying to break in at Eshana's house and where is the cold Eshana who hardly says a word and believes more in talking with hand gestures and giving commands, what is making her to get involved in such a bickering. Well…. then… here is something to your shock, the man outside the door who just hopped in, is none other than the owner of WONDERSITE, yes, it's Mr. Lee outside, and about his behavior, which I know you all must be finding inappropriate right now and are shocked about the most, is common, no no, it's not common with employees though, but isn't this kind of behavior ok with a friend. So, you read it right Eshana and our Mr. Lee better say Lee are friends, not since the time Eshana joined the company, not since the time she entered in job world, but from the time she entered the university. They both know each other well and they are just like soulmates. And about Eshana, do you remember what I said before while giving her intro that was just a mere side of our Eshana, other than her classy side, today you will get to know her friendly behavior or better say her behavior with a friend and for their past of becoming friends I would like to repeat my favorite line "let's hear it sometime later", oh lord, I know I already owe you so many past stories but kindly add one more. Anyways, let's just see what our friend has got to do with Eshana..

Eshana: You moron. You just got such a big deal, then why on earth are you here to pass your time.

Lee: You moron. Who behaves like this to a guest, huh? And about the deal…. Mr. Paul said he has to go abroad for a week, so we will be talking over that after his arrival, so I am having free time for a week, otherwise I would have showed my face after my office time only.

Eshana: Oooo (she said while forming an o shape by lips)

Lee: Now just close your mouth and get me something to eat, I already used all of my strength to hop in, I am hungry now.

Eshana: Who the hell are you ordering to huh? Go get something yourself, I am not going to make you anything, and anyways there is nothing left to eat except two packets of instant noodles.

Lee: What? Such a millionaire like you is having nothing to eat at home, oh god, have you ever thought about the image of millionaires, how will they be feeling after hearing those poor words from your mouth. (dramatic sobbing) I am feeling so sad for us.

Eshana: Will you just stop behaving like a drama queen. I will be out for a week, that is why I wrapped up all the edibles and distributed it among the children yesterday.

Lee: then what you had for breakfast in the morning? And wait what? Are you going somewhere?

When? Why? Where? And why am I getting to know it now?

Eshana: Enough of your questions. At least give me some time to answer them, ok!

So, yes, I am going somewhere, when, today, why, because I am wanting to go, where, to an orphanage, and, you are getting to know it now because I myself decided it while driving back home which means few hours ago,clear. (she left a deep breath after speaking in one go)

Lee: Ohh, ok…ok…

Meanwhile Eshana moved to kitchen and started making noodles as she herself was hungry.

Lee is still in the living room lost in thinking something, but after a couple of seconds he entered the kitchen.

Lee: Fine then, I will join you too.

Eshana: What? Then who will handle the company.

Lee: Come on we are not gonna go bankrupt in just a single week.

Eshana: Even I am not worried about that.

Lee: Then there is nothing else I am afraid of, chill.

Eshana: Well, that your father will confirm.

Lee: Oh yes, whenever I am about to ask him for a holiday his soothing voice suddenly starts echoing like the stentorian voice of Godzilla, how am going to face him..(starts worrying)

Eshana: (taking the bowls to the dining table) Just forget about it. Have your noodles, and leave, I will be back after a week anyways. (start slurping the noodles)

Lee is still thinking for an excuse but out of the blue he jumped and came to the table with a smirk

Eshana: What?

Lee: Where are we going again?

Eshana: To an orphanage...

Lee: Exactly, I will tell him that I am going out for a charity work since we received such a big deal, no father will be wanting to stop his child from a charity work.

Eshana: Then…are you sure we are just going for a charity work and that too for a whole week.

They both looked at each other with a smirk and them jumped together saying "a vacay"

Lee: For sure, we will take a quick vacay of two days..

Eshana: How about going to a theme park?

Lee: An horror show..

Eshana: That too of night shift…..

Lee: City tour…

Eshana: In an open top bus

Lee: Perfect (they both looked at each other with an ear to ear smile). But before that let me call dad.

Eshana: Be quick!

Lee called his father and as he is a pro in making excuses, he anyhow convinced his father and got a vacay of a week.

Lee: Let's finish the noodles and get going..

Suddenly Eshana frowned

Eshana: But I already bought single ticket of public transport for the town

Lee: Public transport? Wait, did you ask someone to drop the tickets here.

Eshana: Hmm, how you know?

Lee: Actually...when I was coming here, I saw a man who was here to drop something, so….. I thought of receiving it on your behalf ….but…. when I saw a public transport ticket inside then….

Eshana: Then what?

Lee: Then.....I told him that he must arrived to …..a wrong address and... I sent him back.

Eshana: What? You pabo, you sent him back. (she said with a fierce look)

Lee: Isn't it your fault! Who millionaire with two high class cars uses a public transport for travelling huh?

Eshana: First of all, you sent someone back without even asking me and secondly, I own just one car the other one is of your company, which I returned after resigning, and third its my wish whether I wanna go by a car, a public transport or a bullock cart.

Lee: Why are you getting this much hyper? We can go by your red beauty (nick name of Eshana's convertible car)

Eshana: I already sent it for servicing, that's why I booked a ticket.

Lee: No worries, let's go in my black devil.(nick name of Lee's muscle car)

Eshana: We are not going there to show are riches that is why I wanted to go by a public transport, but forget it now, let's buy tickets at the station only.

Lee: Ok then wait for half an hour, I will be back and after that we will go to the station in my car, alright!

Eshana: No. where are you going? We are not having this much of time its already evening.

Lee: Oh my dear "dumb Eshana", do you think I am going to spend seven days on a vacay in the same office suit I am wearing right now, hmm.

Eshana: Ok then, go get your clothes, and you better be on time young man otherwise I will leave alone for sure, got it!

Lee: Sure mam, your driver will be here within thirty minutes, till then be ready, bye!

Lee left in a hurry. Meanwhile Eshana washed the dishes herself as she doesn't like to keep a servant for doing her own works. She went to her room brought her luggage and packed all the essentials.