Weird blood-ship ..?

"Welp, it is done ! I will meet you at school, bye !"

I decided to do a tactical retreat. Why ? Well, I got busted. She was not sleeping, I came to know that from her embarrassed expression. I may like blood, but there is no excuse for me to assault someone ... for now.

I was about to turn around and go, but I was grabbed by arm.

"W-Would you please be my f-friend ?!"

She asked while having her eyes shouted and head down, probably expecting some slap, which was not coming towards her face.

"Aren't we already ?"

I asked, making a surprised expression. I mean, if she is the one that is proposing it, then sure, why not ?

"W-We are ?!"

She asked genuinely surprised.

I only noded in response.

"Well then, see you tomorrow, my friend."

I waved at her while smiling, gathered what was mine, and made my way back.

After a little while she also seemed fed up with just standing there and decided to go to her home.

I just went directly back home, consumed a little amount of blood from my gatherings of blood. I drank it only on special occasions though, as this one was quite delicious. It probably had something to do with blood type, but I guess that it does not matter that much as of now.

After drinking, I decided to take care of books for tomorrow. I had already all of them, now just sort through them.

After a time of about 10 minutes, I was done and ready for tomorrow and any other day.

After my parents came back, we had ourselves some pizza. For me, the most efficient and basic pizza of all. Pizza without any adds because it was just a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, I respect people's opinions on it, some having it with some onion, ham, or other things.

Anyways, after our dinner, my parents had me to talk to them about my first day at school ! I just told them all about it, except vicious details, like discrimination and bullying.

I avoided telling it to them as it was not of their concern. I could easily take care of myself and even if they started to discriminate against people with weak quirks, I will have them shove their opinion up their anus. I could honestly care less about what they think of me.


Next day !

Waking up on 7:30am can be considered a really rare occurrence in my life.

I would usually just oversleep to about 9am, wake up and be like

(-_- )

So yes, a positive change for once.

I then got up and get myself dressed up in a school uniform.

It was actually quite similar to usual toga's outfit, but without characteristic yellowish blouse. It consisted of blue top, just as blue skirts and a split red tie. I got into the school that had a suspiciously similar to my favorite character. Kinda sus may I say.

Anyways, have to go I will be late !

After packing everything, taking myself some fast breakfast and quick checking, I was on my way towards school.

No more than 10 minutes later I was in a place and in less than 5 more minutes, I was before the class.

I stood here for a moment before finally entering.

Almost all of seats were taken. The only absent ones were Itachi and his boys, as well as Oka, which was quite a good surprise to me. Maybe she is just a sleeping type ? I just hope she will make it in time.

7:55 and a girl decided to show up. I greeted her with a small smile and a wave.

She did not greet back, how rude.

Anyways, our sensei, Melody-san made her way in the class and started lessons.

I will have to talk with my little friend about good manners.


Lunch time !

So it was finally a lunch time ! I took this little Oka with me towards the cafeteria for a lunch.

When we finally got there, I took out my lunch, which consisted of slice of pizza that was left after yesterday's dinner, slices of apple and some tomato juice, which obviously wasn't a tomato juice.

I started my lunch, but stopped when I saw a girl before me looking down.

"What is it ? Aren't you eating ?"

I asked. She just shook her head and kept being silent.

"Ohhh ! You didn't take your lunch ? You can have a part of mine if you want !"

I said sounding as genuine as one can.

And so began our weird friendship.

One, a blonde girl with quite rich parents, other one ? A black haired girl from hero family. Quite typical, is it not ?

[So, a time skip next chapter. I need to get into juicy stuff.]