Time flowing like blood

And like that, a ducking 6 years passed ... Yea. Quite sudden, isn't it ? Why though ? Quite simple actually, as it would be too boring to remember what happened in those years.

Nothing serious actually happened aside of my training progress, friendship with Oka and some minor incidents.

So, I will try telling of those.

First things first, my training. In these six years, my body was ... I will say a sheer truth. Finger licking gorgeous.

Toned muscles right about everywhere where they are needed. Mainly thighs.

Assets of mine were somewhat bigger than in anime. Or that is what I think.

Anime is not anywhere near specific as being in here is. These could be the same as in anime or not. Not like it really matters.

But I was, for sure, taller than the original Toga. While original was on similar height with some high schooler, which name I don't feel like mentioning, I was actually the tallest person in class.

So, in conclusion, I was a sight to behold. As if anime Toga wasn't already hot enough.

My powers ? Yea ... I am too OP. Throughout the years I gathered a ... very concerning amount of blood. There is too much of it, I can drink it like everyday and it won't be ending anytime soon. And answer to why, is quite complicated.

You see, Once when I was waiting for someone to enter the alleyway that I was waiting at, to get their blood obviously, a group of about twelve guys entered. They started doing some shady businesses. Normally, I would not be anywhere near concerned about it but it was one of the things that was quite important to the plot.

Quirk eraser bullets.

Yea, guys were trying to sell those. I wasn't concerned about bullets but what was inside. Eri's blood, which apparently contained a part of her own quirk. Now, guess what would happened if I laid my hands on her blood. I would be able to mix her blood with bigger amounts of other kinds of blood and, in conclusion, get myself a goddamn quirk eraser.

If that is not a good thing in itself, then please tell me what is.

I made my way in between their negotiations, bet them all up, gathered some of their blood, grabbed Eri bullets and made my way back home. So now, I have a ducking quirk eraser. Yes sir !

Okay, enough being self centered. To next topic we go !

My relationship with Oka got quite strong over the years. She was spending quite amount of time in my house, because of her working parents. They were apparently not responsible enough to secure some kind of caretaker for their own daughter.

So, I, as a great friend that I am, I got my parents to allow Oka to spend her time when her parents aren't at home in here. We were also hanging out from time to time, mainly going to karaoke and some sightseeing here and there.

Her getting bullied in school was no longer. Why you ask ? Well, because of this me of course. I made sure to nearly always walk her near her house and sometimes even go as far as stalking. Well, what won't you do for a friend !

And to the last one !

Some minor incidents that happened over the years ... don't really remember much, the most boring years of my life.

Hmmm ...

Nope ! Don't remember !

So, let's move onto current tim- Ahh ! Yes, I nearly forgot !

Let's move back to the training please, I gained a very useful ability, probably the most useful one aside of BIMT.

Blood clones.

Yea, those fuckers are actually just red version of myself without most of my abilities. But what they have, is their bodies and actual brains. They can literally form their bodies as they will because, well, they are a solid liquid and they can. Don't inquire on it too much.

They are also great buds when you are too bad to play solo, so you go to play with someone just as bad in co-op. And let me tell you, it did not go any better, but it was funny insulting and being insulted by myself.

They are very good therapists, pals and huggers. Yep, a group hug with myself. Just how lonely am I ?!

Aside of that, it is quite weird being hugged by myself, or in this case multiple version of myself. They did not feel like a living person, as they were a solidified liquid.

Welp, nothing to cry about.

I got off a topic, so let's end it here.

As of right now, I am riding with my parents back from amusement park that I was in with some kids from my class. It was a normal integration stuff. No real friends were made, only being an acquaintances was enough.

The park was quite far outside the city, so I asked my parents for a ride to there.

Oh, who would know ...