
(Some Time Later)

Hana opened her eyes to a dark metallic ceiling, blinking a few times as she got adjusted to the light.

'What happened?' she thought, her mind was quite sluggish for some reason.

Looking left she saw a man, he was tall with white hair and a well-defined body hidden under a nice suit.

Next to him was a short mustached man wearing a long lab coat.

Her pitch-black eyes locked on to the tall man's bright red ones.

It took her a second but she suddenly jerked back, yet something stopped her.

Looking down she saw the culprit, it was a pair of manacles wrapped around her wrists.

"W-who are you?" she stuttered out, the man in front of her looked incredibly intimidating, with his tall stature and commanding aura.

Crouching down he looked her right in the eyes and smiled, "There is no need to worry, Hana Shimura, you were brought here by your younger brother."

Hana's eyes widened, "Tenko, where is he? I need to see him."

The man chuckled, "There is no need to rush, I can tell you he's fine and has been for quite some time."

A confused look came across Hana's face, "What do you mean? How much time has passed?"

The man sighed, "A bit above two years"

She blinked, then blinked again, "What?"

"Two years and twenty-five days, have passed."

Her breathing began to quicken as bad thoughts began to surface.

But suddenly a hand grabbed hers, it was warm and soothing.

She started to slowly calm down, as a warm sensation flowed through her body.

A sigh left her lips as she relaxed, "Better?" the man asked, a frown on his face.

She smiled, "Yes, thank you."

Walking forward, the short man spoke, "Sir, I have to ask her a few questions."

The tall man nodded, "Of course, proceed." and stepped back.

Moving to stand next to Hana, the small man looked at her through his thick glasses.

Hana felt a tingle go up her spine and felt a bit exposed.

Looking down she noticed that she was completely naked, a high-pitched squeal left her lips and she tried covering herself up, but couldn't move her arms or legs.

Fear started building up inside of her, as she struggled against her constraints.

Walking forward the tall man removed his jacket and placed it on top of her, covering her nudeness.

But it didn't help, Hana was still struggling against her manacles.

Reaching out the man grabbed both her arms and in a firm voice said, "Hana, you need to calm down."

Feeling the pressure on her arms and the voice calling out to her, calmed Hana down a bit.

Her breathing slowed down again, as she relaxed and looked up into the blood-red eyes staring down at her.

She shivered, they seemed to contain an endless void that couldn't be filled with hope or Love.

Suddenly the short man popped up from her right and asked, "Do you feel anything strange about your body?"

She turned her head to look at him and shook it.

"Good, now before we release you, I have to tell you that you have your missing body parts back and to be careful of your strength."

Hana frowned but nodded, reaching into his lab coat the man pulled out a tablet.

A few taps later Hana felt the manacles holding her limbs in place being opened.

Suddenly right at that moment, she felt a power flowing through her body that she had never felt before.

No, that wasn't right. She had felt it before, but she didn't think it was special. Now that the amount had increased by so much, she could feel it.

She breathed in deeply, the tension she had been feeling all released as she felt the extreme amount of power flowing through her body.

"Here," said the short man as he gave her a patient's gown.

She smiled in gratitude and waited for them to turn away.

As soon as they did, Hana stood up, almost falling down in the process.

Quickly catching herself on the operating table she stopped herself from hitting the cold steel floor.

Steding herself on her feet Hana straightened up and looked down at her body.

She had gained quite a bit of height over the last two years, she now stood at about 135 cm.

Her hair had also grown out quite a lot, it now cascaded down to her hips.

But the most notable change was that almost half of her body had turned bone white.

Looking to where the white and light brownish skin connected.

She saw nothing, it seemed like her skin had always been that way.

She frowned remembering that Tenko's quirk had gone rampant and destroyed half her body.

Putting it off for later she quickly dressed and turned to the two men.

"Ready" she called out to them.

Motioning for her to follow him the tall man opened a purplish-black portal and turned to her, extending an inviting hand.

"Come Hana Shimura, and I will give you the power to protect your little brother from any danger."



'I must do this, for Tenko, I can't let him get hurt again.'

Her feet felt cold against the metal floor as she half walked, half stumbled forward.

Reaching out she grabbed the man's large hands in a tight grip.

The man smiled at her. It seemed so warm and compassionate she was almost fooled by it.

"Then let's go," he said before walking through the portal Hana still grasping his hand.