
Reaching out Tenko quickly caught his sister and pulled her into a hug, not wanting to lose her.

Looking down, he gazed at Hana's limp and cold body. Blood and scars marred her usually cute face.

He began to shake and tears poured down his cheeks "No… No, this can't be happening."

Looking up, he felt the rain hitting his face mixing with the now freely flowing tears.

"ONEEEEEEE-CHANNNNNN!!!!!!!" he screamed into the night.

Wrapping his arms further around her body, he buried his face in Hana's shoulder and wept.

"Why are you crying boy?", a deep voice behind Tenko asked.

He turned to look at the person who spoke, Hana still in his arms.

There stood a man. He was quite tall, with well-defined muscles and bone-white hair.

"My… my Nee-Chan. She.. she"

The man smiled and extended a hand "Come with me and I will help you fulfill all your desires."


(3 hours later)

Inside a large metal room filled with glass tubes containing strange white and purple creatures. There were two men, one tall with white hair and one short with a mustache.

They were both looking at an operating table on top of which lay an unconscious Hana. The wound Tenko had covered was fully exposed.

Just next to the decayed section of her body lay a white mass of flesh.

"Are all the preparations finished, doctor?", asked the tall man.

"Yes, I now only have to attach the nomu to her body and then wait for them to fuse."

The tall man nodded. "Then I'll leave it to you. I still need to explain to Tomura why he can't see his sister."

The man was then engulfed in a dark purple fog and disappeared.

Turning back to look at the girl, the short man pulled on a pair of gloves and started sewing Hana to the white flesh.

As soon as he had finished, he used a small crane to lift her above one of the glass tubes, filled with a strange liquid.

Climbing up, he attached an oxygen mask and pushed a few needles into her.

He grabbed the tablet next to him and pressed a button, which opened the cuffs restraining her, letting her drop into the tube.


(Rumi Usagiyama POV)

Today started like every other day for Rumi. She woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs.

As she walked into the living room she instantly felt the mood bad.

When her parents, who were sitting on the couch, saw her they beckoned her over.

"Hey, sweety," her puffy-eyed mother said, patting the space between her and her father. "Could you please sit down with us for a second?"

Rumi uneasily sat down watching her parents nervously. "What is it?".

Her mother drew in a shuddering breath. "You tell her," she told her husband.

Turning in her seat, Rumi looked into her father's sad eyes.

Swallowing the hard knot in his throat he spoke. "Rumi… I don't know how to tell you this but… Hana-chan's house was attacked last night."

"W-what?", asked Rumi, tears started to gather in her eyes.

She suddenly felt arms wrap around her from the back. They were her mother's. "I'm so sorry sweetheart," she said while cradling Rumi in her arms.

"A-Are they o-okay?" her voice was shaky but she looked at her father with hope in her eyes.

Her father licked his lips and looked down "I'm sorry Rumi, but they've passed on."

Rumi's breathing became labored and she began to shake "no" she shakely whispered out.

"No, no, no, no." tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Bending over she let out a cry of anguish.


(Naomasa Tsukauchi POV)

Standing before a destroyed house stood a man, he had short black hair and black eyes with a trench coat wrapped around himself.

"Nakamura-San, what do you think happened here?" the man asked his superior.

"Well, to me it looks like a villain attack, but I don't think that's what you meant."

The elderly man looked down at his apprentice, a grim look on his face.

"No you're right that's not what I meant. From what we've gathered it looks like a murder, so a premeditated attack." raising his arm the older man pointed at the point all destruction originated from "It's most likely that the villain jumped over the fence hoping to sneak into the house and kill everybody silently but was seen and just did it then and there."

The younger man frowned "Excuse me for asking but why do you think he was playing to sneak in? For all, we know the family might have been eating in the garden."

"Yes they might have been so but the reason I think he wanted to sneak in was that he entered their property, with a powerful quirk like this why wouldn't he just attack from outside?"

Tsukauchi nodded "That does make sense."

Suddenly a forensic officer walked up to them "Nakamura-san, Tsukauchi-san, we've investigated the area and there's something I think you should see."

Nakamura nodded and followed Tsukauchi close behind him.

The forensic officer brought them to the place the distribution originated from.

Pulling out a pencil the man drew a line in the air "So from what we've gathered this is where the fence used to be. Now if we look over here…"

The man walked a few steps towards where the house used to be "We can see that there are bloodstains on the ground.

First, we thought someone died here but if we look over here…"

He walked again closer to the house "There are many more parts of people remaining"

He indicated the three masses of black hair and glasses.

"And over there.." he pointed in the direction of the house "There is another bloodstain with hair remaining."

Tsukauchi's eyes went wide and he turned to the old man "Nakamura-san, from the information we've gathered six people lived in this house and we can only find four.

Which means there is still the possibility of the other two still being alive."

Nakamura nodded, "Good, very well observed." He then turned to the forensic officer "I want DNA samples of all blood stains you can find and cheek for signs of what quirk might have been used."

"Yes Nakamura-san," the officer said and walked away.

"Come Tsukauchi-san, we should head back to the office."