
"Where am I?", she asked no one in particular.

"Your own mind." said a voice right next to her.

Whirling around, she was about to attack but when she saw the face of the person who spoke, she froze.

Sitting next to her gazing out at the open sea was a woman with long pink hair tied back into a ponytail.

Hana blinked, "S-Sayuri?"

The woman turned to look at Hana with brilliant green eyes and nodded.

Hana's chin trembled, "SAYURI!", she cried out before launching herself at the woman.

Sayuri closed her eyes as Hana collided with her, hugging the girl around the waist Hana buried her head into her stomach.

Smiling, Sayuri started patting the trembling girls head, as low sobbing started coming from the small form of Hana.

"There… There," the woman said, a serene expression on her face.

Grasping Sayuri's summer dress Hana pulled his lightly, "I-I missed you, so much." Hana sobbed out.

Laying her hand on Hana's cheek Sayuri slowly lifted the small girl's head,

"I'm here for you now," she whispered.

Releasing her hold of the dress Hana slowly warped her arms around Sayuri's midsection she brought her close.

Smiling Sayuri removed her hand from Hana's cheek and slinked her arms around the smaller girl's shoulders.

They stayed like that for several minutes till Hana asked the important question.

"Why are you here?" she croaked out.

"What do you mean?" Sayuri asked calmly.

"You know what I mean."


"Take this!", a five-year-old Hana shouted as she threw a snowball at her younger brother.

A childish scream echoed through the garden as the snowball hit Tenko right in the face.

Standing up with an angry Tenko threw a snowball right back, seeing the treats gathering in the corners of Tenko's eyes Hana smiled.

Moving to her right she pretended to try to dodge but stepped right into the snowball.

Letting out a cry of pain she fell backwards, "Oh no, I've been defeated."

Dropping the other snowball Tenko ran over to his little sister, "Nee-chan… Nee-chan, are you okay?"

Sitting up she nodded, "I'm fine,"

He sighed in relief, "Good-"

Suddenly the sliding door to the garden was opened and out popped Sayuri's head, "Come on, I told you to come in five minutes ago."

"We're coming," they both shouted as they ran towards Sayuri.

Opening the door further she let the two kids inside the house.

They were about to take their shoes off when Sayuri stoped them.

When they looked at her with confusion, she smiled, "We're going to the supermarket to buy some ice cream."

Both Hana's and Tenko's faces lit up in glee, "Really?"

"Yes, really." the already fully dressed Sayuri said as she pulled the two kids towards the front door.

They soon reached the store and bought one ice cream for each of them.

Just as they were about to exit the store, the doors were flung across the store almost hitting Hana.

Standing in the doorway was a man with midnight blue hair that was swept to one side his expression was grim witch accentuated the large scar that started at his right eyebrow and ended at the left corner of his lips.

He had both hands outstretched towards the party of three.

Stepping forward Sayuri placed herself between the villain and her niece and nephew, protecting them with her body.

Suddenly the man's palms started glowing an eery green colour and just as he fired off a beam of green energy.

Sayuri placed her hands in different ways and slammed them against the floor.

A rumble was heard before a wall of earth emerged from the ground.

The green beam hit it with extreme force but the wall didn't move or shatter as the villain hoped.

A snarl left his lips as he poured more energy into the attack.

Cracks started to form on the wall and so realising this Sayuri made some more hand signs.

Jumping up above the wall she placed her hand to her mouth and a fireball erupted from it.

The villain screamed in fright and ran.

Jumping off the wall Sayuri ran after him, emerging onto the street she found herself in a scene of chaos.

Villains were being arrested left and right while others were still being subdued by a team of heroes.

Sayuri gasped as she felt something his her back, falling to the floor she tried to stand up but felt a weight on it.

"I CAUGHT ANOTHER ONE!", the man on her back shouted at some of the heroes.

Sayuri's expression turned cold hearing the man's words, "GET OFF ME!" she shouted, but the man didn't move.

"SAYURI!", Tenko and Hana cried out as they ran towards the hero and her.

"GET OFF HER!", Hana shouted as she tried pushing the hero off Sayuri's back.

"YEAH, GET OFF HER!" Tenko shouted copying his big sister.

They kept trying to remove the hero from her back but she didn't react in the slightest.

A policeman soon archived and with the hero's help put Sayuri in handcuffs.

"You are under arrest on suspicion of illegal quirk usage. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

Sayuri was quickly led away, while Hana and Tenko were brought home.

Later that evening Hana had woken up from a nightmare and had so made her way downstairs to talk to her parents.

But just as she was about to enter the living room she heard something that made her heart stop.

[And now in other news. Just this afternoon in downtown Musutafu there was a large scale villain attack, luckily no one was severely injured.

The group known as the Jigoku gang was fully detained.]

There was a short pause when suddenly the man in an excited voice shouted.

[Breaking news, it seems that the heroes had by coincidence arrested the notorious villain Bloody Marry.

Who's real identity has now been revealed as Sayuri Nasaki, age 34.]

Hana drowned out the rest as she collapsed to the floor in utter shock.

Sayuri, a villain, she couldn't believe it.

Quickly running back upstairs Hana scrambled and hid under the blanket.

She only fell asleep hours later to sheer exhaustion.


So another chapter.

I feel like I forced this one a bit much and I'm extremely tired, so yeah.

Tell me what you think and if you see any mistakes.

Question: What is your favourite character from your favourite anime.

For me, it would be Eto from Tokyo Ghoul.

I mean in the manga she (Spoilers) regrows her f*cking head.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)