
"Why are you here?" Hana croaked out.

"What do you mean?" Sayuri asked calmly.

"You know what I mean."

Moving her head back Sayuri tried to get a better look at Hana, "I do not know, what do you think?"

Hana's lips twitched upward, "I think you're a projection of my subconscious."

Seeing the young girl's smile Sayuri grinned, "That sounds plausible."

Releasing Hana, she shuffled back a bit, "So what are you gonna do now."

Hanging her head Hana sighed, "I don't know... The only one I have left is Tenko and I haven't even seen him in four years."

Leaning back Sayuri gazed at the blue sky, "I remember when you were younger you always wanted to be a hero."

Tears started gathering in the corners of Hana's eyes at Sayuri's words, "Yeah, but my sensei's a villain and from what I've heard my brother's no better. I mean technically I could just escape and become a hero, but then I'd have to fight them and, and-"

"You know, you can be both," Sayuri interrupted, "if you haven't noticed, this world is rotten, war, conflict, hate, it has consumed this world and the people in it.

Heroes and villains, it is an endless cycle of hatred, the villain's kill civilians, and the heroes defeat them, making the remaining villains hate the heroes even more and so both sides, to combat the other, pull people into their conflict.

Innocent people who have nothing to do with their battle just like you and Tenko, you two are innocents who lost everything due to this conflict.

Why must innocent people suffer due to this corrupted world? I know, it's hard but we both know that you and only you have the power and the conviction to change this world.

You, Hana, have been enlightened by the pain you felt at losing your family, and that makes you the only person who can change this world.

A small but contented smile made its way onto Hana's face as her eyes narrowed and a glint of hope and determination flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, of course, why didn't I see it before, to bring peace to this world there must be something greater than them, someone, who inspires fear."

Looking up at Sayuri she smiled a genuine smile, "Thank you." she whispered before everything went dark.


Higurashi was just cleaning up the table full of torture instruments when she heard the rustling of chains.

A wide smile appeared on her face, if the girl was awake she would be able to play with her some more, turning around she maliciously gazed at the eleven-year-old girl.

She remembered the day they had brought her in, Higurashi thought the girl would have been pretty if she didn't have those large disgusting scars covering her face.

The second thing she noticed was that the girl's body seemed to be split into two sections, one a normal healthy white with a pink tinge while the other was white as snow and seemed totally unnatural.

The girl's hair luckily didn't need cutting since it was already quite short.

She shook herself out of her revelry reaching behind herself she grabbed a pair of large thick pliers.

As she slowly walked over to the small form of the young girl, Higurashi started opening and closing the pliers, making clicking noises.

Leaning down she grabbed the girl's foot and was about to rip out her toenail when she heard a rattling.

Looking up her eyes widened as she saw the girl pull at the restraints with so much force that her hand was left behind.

Falling back she was about to activate her quirk, power absorption, it allows her to take in any energy and fire it back at a quarter of the original power.

The girl was now hanging by only one hand, placing the stump onto the handcuff she used the leverage and ripped off her other hand leaving her with two useless stumps.

As she dropped to the ground, the girl caught herself on her knees and wrists.

Breathing heavily she stood up and walked over to the table that was covered with knives and other torture devices all the while being carefully watched by Higurashi.

'What should I do?' the terrified woman thought as she stayed in a defensive stance.

Looking over the different tools covering the table Hana immediately saw a knife with a blade on either side, moving it over to the ledge she held it still with her left stump and then in a single motion stabbed her right stump onto the blade.

She grunted in pain as the knife cut through fat and muscle but gave no other indication of the sudden harm that befell her body.

Higurashi had tried to see the girl's face to this point but hadn't caught a glance.

Sitting down, Hana without hesitation cut off both her feet, allowing her to take off the last two manacles.

Blood splattered everywhere bathing the floor in blood, but what made Higurashi's eyes widen was that the girl that was that where her hands had been, were now interlacing muscles that were the beginning of her now regeneration hands.

Looking down she saw the same thing happening to the girl's feet.

Steeping back, her breathing began to quicken as the girl slowly walked towards her, she was about to flee when the girl disappeared into the ground.

A shiver ran up Higurashi's spine, lowering herself into a defensive stance she stayed on alert.

Then suddenly the girl appeared behind her she was about to turn around to hit her but the girl caught her arm.

As the girl closed her left eye Higurashi felt a suction force come from the other one and before she knew she was inside a dark space with grey blocks scattered around.


I hope you liked the chapter.

Please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: What's your favourite 2021 anime?

Mine's Tokyo Revengers, I just love it so much I even read the manga in two days.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)

I'm f*cking tired good night.