Middle School

Three months had passed since Hana last saw her sensei and she was worried.

Whenever she tried to ask when he would visit her next the question was either ignored or she was given a stupid excuse.

Sadly Kamui didn't allow her to see living beings so she wasn't able to find him.

The only company she had nowadays were her sparring partners that had to be replaced every few days and Ryota who could rarely talk to her since he had a lot of work to do.

Only two days after her sensei left her, Ryota had come to her and told her that he had found a middle school for her.

When she heard the news she almost grinned in excitement but held herself back opting to fight one of her new sparring partners, who later had to be replaced again.

What had also happened was the visit from the professional mask maker.

He had first asked her what kind of mask she wanted and after telling him that she wanted one to cover her scars he just nodded in understanding.

There was also a form she had to fill out mostly questions about any underlying health issues.

As soon as she had signed it the man went on to measure her face with multiple contraptions all the while asking how she wanted it to be designed.

A month later he returned with her mask.

It was just as she had imagined it, a stainless steel mask that perfectly covered her scars.

The outer coating gave the mask the illusion of it being made of white porcelain.

Just to add some decoration Hana requested it be decorated with a painting of a cherry blossom branch and she wasn't disappointed.

Stepping out of the black limousine, her black briefcase in hand, Hana was suddenly hit by a blast of cold air as the leaves blew past her.

Rapping her arms around herself Hana stoped her clothes from billowing too much.

"Nakayama-san," her driver called out.

Yes, she had decided to go with a fake name since she knew that using her new and old names would bring unwanted attention to her.


"I'll be here after classes to pick you up, okay." the driver said before handing her a red shawl to keep her warm.

"Thank you," she called out to him before walking into the school grounds.

From what Ryota had told her this was quite the prodigious school with the name Soumei Privat Academy.

It also had a strict dress code with a navy blue suit jacket, skirt and tie, which Hana of course followed.

Walking down along the campus, towards the main building Hana noticed that there weren't many people outside.

Suddenly a strong wind blew making the sakura leaves fly away and her long black hair wave about.

She felt the few strands of hair tickle her nose so she tucked them behind her ear.

As soon as she reached the main building she slipped inside escaping the cold Autumn weather.

Walking down the empty corridors she soon reached the principal's office.

Knocking on the door she waited for a response.

"Come in." a female voice said from the other side.

Opening the door Hana saw a woman at a desk, she was around fifty years old with slightly tanned skin and purple hair cut in a bowl cut.

Looking up, the woman's pink eyes met Hana's black ones, her eyes lingering on the mask.

"Please, sit," she said pointing at the two chairs in front of her.

Walking over Hana put down her bag and bowed "Hello, Asano-sensei, my name is Nakayama Seijun."

The woman smiled, "Hello, Nakayama-san."

Sitting down Hana waited for the principal to speak.

"First, I welcome you to Soumei Private Academy, we are happy that you'll be joining our student body.

You will be joining class 2-A since your performance in the test we sent you was exceptional.

But just so you know you will l be going through a testing phase of three months and if you are still as good as it's shown in the test then you will stay in that if not then you will be moved to class 2-B.

Is that clear?"

Hana nodded, "Yes Asano-sensei."

"Good, now we haven't been informed about you wearing a mask, so could you please explain to me why you wear one.

But if it's too personal you don't have to tell me."

Looking down at her feet Hana pretended to tremble and forced tears to come to her eyes "I-I would rather not talk about it."

The principal had a worried look on her face and walked over to Hana "There, there." she said, patting her back.

After a few minutes, Hana started to 'calm down'.

Looking up at the principal she made sure that the woman could see her bloodshot eyes.

Wiping the tears away she sniffled "I'm okay now."

The principal nodded, "Do you want some eye drops before we go to your new class?"

Hana nodded "Yes, please."

Almost immediately a capsule of eye drops was handed to her.

Hana thanked her new fake-sensei and squeezed some into her eyes.

Standing up Hana grabbed her bag and walked over to where Asano stood next to the door.

When they arrived in front of her new class, Hana instantly noticed how there was only one voice coming from behind the opaque glass.

As they reached the sliding door her fake-sensei looked at her and asked "Are you ready?"

Hana nodded in confirmation, giving a short nod back Asano knocked.

The voice Hana heard from the other side instantly stopped.

Suddenly the door was pulled open to reveal a woman with long dark blue hair and silver eyes.

"Ah, Asano-san!" her eyes then shifted to Hana and she nodded.

Turning around to the classroom she raised her voice slightly. "I quickly have to discuss something with principal Asano, I'll be right in front of the door so no funny business."

There was a collective "Hai!" from inside and so the teacher closed the door.

"So, you must be Nakayama Seijun.

Am I right?"

Hana nodded and bowed, "Yes, that's right."

The woman then smiled, "I'm Hayashi Touka, your new homeroom teacher.

I just want to let you know how this works.

I'm going to go in there and announce a new student, then I'll call you and you'll have to introduce yourself, okay?"

Hana nodded, then turned to Asano "I'll see you later then, Sensei?"

"Have a nice day then Nakayama-san." Hana's fake-sensei said before leaving.


Hiroji Suzuki POV

It's been two weeks since we started the second semester of our second year of middle school and it was as boring as ever.

As Hayashi-sensei talked about some historical figures I wasn't really listening.

I was just texting a friend when there was a knock at the door, it startled me so much that I almost dropped my phone.

After putting my phone back into my pocket, I looked up seeing Hayashi-sensei walk towards the door.

A sigh left my lips, if there was someone here it would mean she would be distracted.

But my hopes of watching some anime were dashed as she turned around and said, "I quickly have to discuss something with principal Asano, I'll be right in front of the door so no funny business."

A groan left my lips, why can't she just go to the principal's office or something.

Leaning over my desk I just closed my eyes and waited for her to return.

"Suzuki-san you shouldn't lean across the table like that."

Oh god not again, looking to my left I saw Tanigawa Fusao, the teacher's pet.

"Make me," I snapped back.

He had just opened his mouth when the door slid open again and Hayashi-sensei walked in again.

"Class, I have a surprise for you," she said beaming.

That woke me up instantly.

Either it was something good or it would be a Pop-quiz and both were worthy of my attention.

But what she said next totally surprised him.

"We will be getting a new student today."

I blinked, a new student hopefully it was a girl, maybe, just maybe she would be my girlfriend.

I could feel all the other boys around me having the same thought as we prepared ourselves for the big reveal.

Hayashi-sensei then turned to the door and called "Nakayama-san you can come in."

I prepared myself, calling the person San was normal but the annoying thing was that it was impossible to tell the gender from that, so I just waited.

When the person came in I was dumbstruck, she was beautiful, with long black hair and pitch-black eyes that shone with determination, she strode across the room to stand in front of the blackboard making her generous assets bounce slightly.

Blushing I looked away for a second but when I looked back I frowned, when she came in I could only see her left side but now, now I could see her whole face and the mask that adorned it.

It seemed to be made of porcelain with a painting of a sakura branch on it.

I was confused, why would she wear a mask, was it part of her quirk or was she hiding something underneath.

Blushing deeply the girl spoke, "H-hello, I'm Nakayama Seijun, I've never been in school before because I was homeschooled, s-so PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ME."

Quickly bowing she looked at Hayashi-sensei, "You can sit… right there, behind Suzuki-san."

A big grin formed on my face and I felt the death stares the other boys were giving me.

The girl now known as Seijun Nakayama quickly moved over to her seat hips moving hypnotically.

After she was seated I turned to face her "Hi, I'm Suzuki Hiroji." I said while smiling.

She gave me a small smile back "H-hi, I'm Nakayama Seijun, b-but you already knew that."

I chuckled "Yes, yes I did."

Suddenly something hit me in the back of the head "Suzuki-san how many times do I have to tell you not to talk in class."

A deep blush appeared on my face and after that, I stayed quiet.


Extra-long Chapter today, I hope you enjoyed it.

Did you see any mistakes? If you did please tell me and I'll correct them.

There's no question today but there's something I discovered.

Did you know that in Japan the first trimester starts on the 1st of April and lasts till July the second trimester starts in September and runs till December and the last semester starts in January and ends on the 31st of March?

Just so you know I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks so I won't be uploading as frequently. I'll still try to upload a chapter every 2-3 day however.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, good bye ;)