Middle School 2

As Hana sat at her desk she mulled over the names she had heard. 

They were all from wealthy and influential families but the family of the boy in front of her was exceptionally so.

From what she knew his family was deeply ingrained in the financial and hero business worlds.

Seeing an opportunity to acquire a new pawn she tried to get close to him.

It was too easy, she had already realized that when she walked into the classroom.

'God, teenage boys are so easy to manipulate.' she thought to herself when she saw their lustful gazes.

It was hard to hold back a grin when Hayashi-san told her where to sit.

As she walked up to her seat Hana purposefully started swaying her hips from left to right.

She internally smirked when she saw Suzuki's eyes on her, 'What a stupid boy, losing himself to his hormones.' she thought to herself before sitting down.

As soon as she did that Suzuki turned to look at her. 

Using her Chakra she forced her blood to flow into her cheeks faking a blush.

He instantly gave her a big smile  "Hi, I'm Suzuki Hiroji."

Not making eye contact Hana gave a small smile back "H-hi, I'm Nakayama Seijun, b-but you already knew that."

'If I act like a timid rabbit he will be more sympathetic towards me and because of my looks that adds up to him being more attracted to me.'

He chuckled "Yes, yes you did."

Looking behind him Hana saw the teacher with an annoyed expression on her face.

Razing her arm Hayashi-sensei threw a piece of chalk at Suzuki and hit him right in the head.

 "Suzuki-san, how many times do I have to tell you not to talk in class?" she shouted at him.

For a moment Hana thought his quirk might be turning into a tomato seeing at how red he became.

Quickly turning around he looked ahead, paying attention to class.

For the next hour, Hayashi-sensei taught them about the time before quirks.

It was a topic that interested Hana, so she listened attentively.

The way that even though quirklessness didn't exist that there was still discrimination against other groups of people.

Learning about the past and how nothing had changed in the time since then only reaffirmed her belief that her way of creating pace was the only true way.

Soon the bell rang and Hayashi-sensei called out "I want you all to be back in here in 5 minutes."

As soon as she said that, almost all the students jumped up and walked over to Hana's table.

"Hey Nakayama-san, I'm Tsuda Hirooki, but you can just call me Hirooki-Kun." said an enthusiastic blond-haired boy.

Smirking internally Hana forced a blush onto her cheeks tilting her head down she gazed up into his eyes, "H-hello Hirooki-Kun, if you want you can c-call me S-Sei-chan."

The boy's eyes widened and a blush formed on his cheeks, "S-sure will" he then ran off, steam leaking from his head.

The place in front of her was quickly filled by a brunette with two pigtails, "Hey, I'm Miyashiro Rin but you can just call me Rin, nice to meet you."

"H-hey, Rin-Chan," Hana said blushing again.

"Oh my God, you're so cute!" Rin exclaimed joyously.

'This is too easy, I just have to blush and stutter and they're instantly all over me.'

"Hey Sei-Chan, wait sorry.

May I call you that?" Rin asked nervously.

Hana smiled and nodded "S-sure,"

The joyous smile instantly returned and she grabbed Hana's hands that were lying on the table "Hey Sei-chan, what's your quirk?"

'Now this is the deciding moment if I answer quirkless they'll instantly turn me away or even bully me.

I would know it happened to me before sensei took me in.

I shouldn't use my Sharingan or any of my Jutsu.

A weak version of wood release might been the right choice but since those are quite rare I'll be discoverd if I use it in any combat situation.

Super strength might be the right one it's not to rare and it's quite impressive..'

"I-I have super strength," Hana answered timidly.

Everybody around her gasped, "Wow, that's so cool, how strong are you exactly?"

"W-Well I don't realy know, b-but I once lifted my otosan's car to look for something that was stuck underneath."

Suddenly there was an arrogant voice from the other side of the room "I don't believe you."

The crowd then cleared and Hana could get a good look at the idiot.

It was a girl, she was about 170 cm tall which was quite tall in comparison to the rest of the class.

She had her blue hair in a ponytail much like Hana and her eyes were a starting purple.

"Y-you don't h-have to." Hana stuttered out.

Standing up the girl menacingly walked towards Hana "So now you're saying that I don't have to believe you. I hate people like you who don't try to fight back."

Hana mentally grinned "F-fine I'll prove it to you."

She then slowly stood up,  put her hand under the table and effortlessly picked it up.


Everybody gasped when they saw her do that but the blue-haired girl just scoffed and walked away.

'I'll win you over one way or another' thought Hana as she watched the girl's retreating back