First Time 3 (R-18)

 "Stop!" Akame ordered, and Hana removed her mouth from around Akame's nipple.

Sliding down a bit so that her head was lying on the pillow Akame ordered, "Take your clothes off fully!"

Turning her back to Akame, Hana removed the purple belt she was wearing, slid off her pants and removed her panties.

Spinning around she looked at Akame, her hands on her thighs as she sat there waiting for her next order.

Akame's eyebrows shot up as she saw the scars covering Hana's legs, but didn't comment on them.

Spreading her thighs Akame pointed at her pussy, "Lick me!"

Gulping Hana tentatively moved forward nervousness coursing through her body.

Lying down in between Akame's legs she stared at her girlfriend's private parts. 

Moving one hand forward Hana stroked Akame's pussy.

Taking in a deep breath she pushed her middle finger in, a stifled moan filled the room as Hana's finger entered.

Pulling back she repeated the same movement, making her girlfriend moan again.

She kept doing that for about a minute after which Akame grabbed her hair and growled, "I… said… lick me!"

Pushing Hana's face into her wet pussy she waited till the villainess started licking and only then did she let out a moan.

To Hana Akame's juices tasted godly she kept on licking trying to get every last drop.

Feeling Akame shudder under her Hana started licking more ferociously bringing the hero to a climax.

A gasp passed Akame's lips as the warm liquid flowed out of her pussy.

Opening her mouth wider Hana started sucking all of it up, enjoying the godly taste.

As soon as the juice stopped flowing Hana began licking again, this time it didn't take as long for Akame to cum but this time it didn't just flow out it came out like a spray filling Hana's mouth instantly.

Swallowing, she was about to continue but was stopped by Akame.

"Sit up!" she ordered.

As soon as Hana had done that Akame stood up from the bed and gestured for her girlfriend to do the same.

Doing as she was told Hana got up and stood in front of Akame.

"Stay here!" she ordered and walked off.

Akame soon returned with a bucket, there wasn't a label or anything so Hana raised an eyebrow.

Placing it on the floor Akame went over to her nightstand and reached into the drawer.

Hana couldn't see what she was doing but when Akame turned around Hana saw a 25 cm long strap-on hanging from her waist.

A shudder ran through her body, and she subconsciously took a step back.

"Did I tell you to move?" Akame asked sternly.

Shaking her head Hana moved back to her earlier place.

Walking over to the bucket Akame removed the lid and placed a tube that was connected to the strap-on into it.

Moving to stand right in front of Hana, Akame took the dildo into her hand and brushed it against the inside of Hana's leg.

Another shudder ran through the villainess's body as the girthy cock rubbed against her.

Leaning forward Akame whispered, "Kneel!"

Gulping Hana went down onto her knees and just sat there waiting for Akame's next order.

Sitting down on the bed, Akame opened her legs slightly.

"Come closer!" she ordered pointing at the spot between her legs.

Crawling over Hana knelt down in between Akame's thighs.


Leaning her head towards Akame's crotch, Hana could still smell Akame's juices through the leather.

Taking the dildo into her hand, Akame slapped Hana over the face with it.

"Do you like that?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

"Yes," Hana said, nodding.

"Good, then look at me.", as Hana looked up Akame leaned down.

"Open your mouth!"

Doing so Hana closed her eyes, reaching underneath her strap-on Akame pushed two fingers into herself coating them with cum.

Pulling them out she reached over to Hana and pushed them down her girlfriend's throat.

A loud moan 

Echoed around the room as Hana enjoyed the delicious taste.

Removing her fingers Akame took the cock in her hand again, "Suck it!"

Opening her eyes Hana gazed at the large dildo, taking a deep breath she leaned forward and took the first 5 cm into her mouth.

A growl emanated from Akame's throat and she grabbed Hana's hair.

 "All of it!", she then pulled at Hana's hair, in an instant the whole 25 cm were down Hana's throat.

She choked, and tried to pull back but halfway she was stopped by Akame, who made her deep-throat it again.

As this went on Hana felt like she was about to pass out but just before she did Akame allowed her to pull back fully.

Breathing heavily, saliva still connected to the dildo, Hana looked up at Akame.

"Put it back in!" Akame ordered, and Hana did as she was told.

As it entered her mouth Hana breathed in deeply, before pushing it down her throat almost reaching her stomach.

Grabbing a small hand pump to her side Akame started pushing it making white liquid flow down the pipe.

Suddenly as Hana pushed it back down her throat she felt something warm spill out of it and into her stomach.

As it filled her belly, the cock was forced out of her throat filling it with the same warm delicious liquid.

Soon her mouth was filled and the dick burst from it spilling the white liquid over her face.

Opening her mouth in shock she felt the warm liquid flow down her chin and drip onto the floor.

"Come here!" Akame ordered pointing at her lap.

Shakely standing up Hana swung her legs over Akame's, and straddled her.


Leaning forward, Akame grabbed Hana by the chin and kissed her.

Surprised by the action, Hana's eyes widened and she gasped, letting some cum into Akame's mouth. 

A moan erupted from the hero, and she placed her hand over Hana's stomach.

Giving a good push she forced Hana to regurgitate some of it into her mouth, swallowing it as soon as she received it.

Moving back she licked her lips, "Ready for the last part?" she asked, a smirk dancing across her lips.

Nodding, Hana shivered.

Lifting her up, Akame positioned the 25 cm dick under Hana's pussy and dropped her.

As she dropped Hana felt a twinge of pain in her pussy but it was soon overwhelmed by an ocean of ecstasy as the cock hit her womb.

Seeing as how thick the cock was it wasn't surprising for Akame that she could see the skin bulge outwards

Lifting Hana up again she could see a bit of blood coating the dildo indicating that Hana had just lost her virginity, shrugging Akame dropped her onto the large dildo again, making her scream out in pleasure.

Pulling her off the cock, Akame threw her onto the bed and crawled after her.

Grabbing Hana by the hips, Akame started pounding her harder than before, ramming it even deeper.

This carried on till Akame grabbed the pump and squeezed it ferociously.

As Hana lay there, being penetrated by Akame, her tongue lolling out of her mouth she suddenly felt the same warm thing filling her womb.

It was soon filled but Akame didn't stop, looking down her front, she saw that her belly was slowly becoming more bloated with time.

A long sensual moan escaped her mouth as Akame pushed deeper into her than usual and pulled out.

Laying there she felt her strength leave her but just before she fell asleep she looked into Akame's eyes and using a genjutsu pushed a load of information into her head,


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

So the USJ attack will probably be starting in the next chapter or the one after that but we'll see.

Question: What did you think of the R-18 chapters?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)