First Time 2 (R-18)

As the strips of white cloth fluttered to the floor, Akame reached forward and grabbed one of Hana's exceptionally large breasts.

A loud moan echoed through the bedroom as Akame began to play with Hana's tit.

Brushing her finger over her girlfriend's erect nipple, Akame pinched it between two fingers and squeezed it, shuddering in pleasure, Hana bit her lip.

A feral smile spread across Akame's face and she leaned down licking the nipple, Hana gasped and wrapped her legs around Akame's midsection holding her in place.

Opening her mouth Akame started sucking on Hana's hard nipple making her moan more.

Crossing her legs Hana started to rub them together trying to relieve herself a bit, but noticing this Akame placed one of her knees between Hana's legs stopping her action.

Removing her fingers, which were covered in saliva, from Hana's mouth, she started to massage the other nipple with them.

Hana's breathing began to quicken and her face turned a darker shade of red.

Smiling Akame bit Hana's nipple playfully, arching her back the villain cried out in pleasure.

Sitting upright, Akame straddled Hana and removed her own shirt, revealing a pair of modest breasts.

Crawling over to lean her back on the headrest, Akame looked at her girlfriend, "Hana!"

Looking over to the blue-haired hero, the still blushing Hana asked, "Yes?" in a weak voice.

"Come here!" she ordered pointing at the spot in front of her.

Sitting up, Hana clambered over to lie before Akame.

Pointing at her trousers she, in a stern tone, ordered, "Take them off!"

Moistening her lips with her tongue Hana leaned forward and ever so gently removed Akame's trousers.

As they slowly came off they revealed a pair of toned, muscular legs, biting her lower lip, Hana removed the trousers completely and laid them on the ground.

"Do you like what you see?" Akame asked.

Hana nodded, her eyes fixated on her girlfriend's well-built body.

"Then take my panties off!" Akame ordered as she spread her legs slightly.

Reaching forward Hana hooked her fingers under the underwear and pulled them down the hero's legs.

Her mouth suddenly became dry as she saw Akame's shaven pussy.

She leaned forward one hand slowly extending, but Akame slapped it away, "I didn't tell you to do anything, did I!"

Gulping, Hana shook her head.

"Exactly, do you think you should go off unpunished?" Akame asked, one eyebrow raised.

"No," Hana whispered.

"Speak up!" Akame ordered sternly.

"No," Hana said, this time more clearly.

"Good, then open your mouth!"

Doing as she was told Hana hung her mouth open and stuck her tongue out slightly.

Reaching into her bedside cabinet Akame pulled out a 20 cm dildo.

Leaning over Hana Akame placed it against her tongue and then in one fast motion pushed it down her throat.

Hana choked and her gag reflex kicked in, making her throat convulse.

Pulling the dildo back out she allowed Hana to breathe before shoving it back down.

This went on for another minute before Akame pulled back and laid the dildo next to herself.

"Now have you learnt your lesson?"

Nodding meekly, Hana led down.

A gasp escaped Akame's mouth as she saw Hana's back clearly for the first time, "W-what happened to your back?"

From what Akame could see it had deep wounds gashes running down from her shoulder blades all the way down to her coccyx.

Sitting upright Hana gulped, "It's nothing, can we just continue?"

A frown etched itself into Akame's forehead, "NO!"

Looking down, Hana sighed, "Fine… about 11 years ago I was captured and tortured by an organization called Aka Ryu

From what they told me, they were doing it to spite someone close to me to hurt them through me.

Of course, I escaped and now they work for me."

Akame looked confused, "W-why didn't you kill them?"

"Oh I wanted, and still want to, but they are too valuable as pawns.

Of course, when they lose their worth I'll slaughter them all, but till that day comes I'll be enjoying their ignorance."

"Do you think the same of me?" Akame asked, slightly nervous at Hana's words.

Leaning forward Hana came so close that their lips nearly touched and said, "Of course not, because I don't need you."

She then went the rest of the way and kissed Akame.

In shock, Akame didn't move till Hana's tongue entered her mouth.

Pulling away from the kiss Akame moved against the headrest and stared at Hana.

Lying down Hana looked at Akame from above and said, "What's wrong?"

Akame stayed still for a moment before speaking, "Nothing."

Biting her lip Akame gestured at her breasts, "Suck on them!"

Nodding, Hana moved forward and with slightly nervous hands squeezed Akame's breasts.

Gulping, she leaned forward and closed her mouth around one nipple licking it with her tongue.

She was about to try and pleasure herself when Akame caught her wrist, "No!"

Closing her eyes Hana fully concentrated on pleasuring Akame by massaging her breasts and stroking her nipples.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: (Only for Jujutsu Kaisen Manga readers)

Maki or Toji?

I like Maki more just because of how much she's changed and how she looks.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)