First Time (R-18)

Appearing before an apartment door Hana, her orange mask still on, stepped forward and rang the bell.

No one answered, shrugging Hana fazed through the door.

Entering the apartment Hana looked around, it looked quite modest with a small kitchen, a large sofa with a TV in front of it and a double bed in an agent room.

Walking into the kitchen Hana rummaged around the cupboards, finding what she was looking for she pulled out a bag of coffee beans.

Preparing the coffee didn't take long as Hana had done it many times before.

Sitting down before the TV she took control and put on the news.

Leaning back Hana placed the cup to the hole in her mask and poured some in.

It was about half an hour later when Hana heard the door to the apartment, unlock.

Putting the cup of coffee down she switched the TV off.

Suddenly the front door was flung open and a dark blue form flung itself at Hana.

Making herself intangible she let the blue fur ball fall through her and crash onto the sofa.

Standing up Hana slowly strode over to the front door, and as soon as she reached it she locked it shut.

Feeling a clawed hand approach her face, she became intangible again, and as soon as it passed through her, she turned tangible again.

Spinning around, Hana pushed the dark blue shape in the chest making it fly backwards, and hit the floor.

Sinking into the ground, Hana emerged through the fur balls body, straddling it and holding its hand next to its head.

Releasing one wrist, Hana quickly moved her mask slightly upwards and leaning down pressed her lips against the ones below her.

"Good evening, Akame-chan."

A long sigh left Akame's lips as she realised who the person above her was, "Hey Babe."

Removing her hands from around Akame's wrists, Hana removed her mask and leaned down for another kiss.

Reaching up, Akame wrapped her arms around Hana's neck and pulled her closer.

Letting Akame pull her down, Hana's decently sized breasts pressed against Akame's smaller ones.

Opening her mouth Akame pressed her tongue against Hana's lips, giving in to Akame's demand Hana opened her mouth to and let Akame's tongue slither inside.

A moan left Hana's lips as Akame wrapped her tongue around her's, and at that moment Akame placed her hand on Hana's side, and in one fluid motion swapped places with her.

A smile danced across Hana's lips and she relaxed her body and left her hands lying loosely above her head.

Running her hands through Hana's hair Akame began to kiss her more ferociously, even biting her girlfriend's lips a few times, allowing a moan to leave Hana's mouth.

"Akame I have to-".

"NO," the blue-haired hero said as she gazed at Hana hungrily.

Blushing Hana turned her head away, grabbing the black-haired girl's face, Akame forced her to look at her.

Biting her lower lip, Hana's breathing became more ragged.

Reaching out with one large hand, Akame grabbed Hana's scarf, untangled it from around her neck and threw it away.

Slipping her hand under Hana's ass she lifted her up, with their lips still connected, and Hana's arms wrapped around Akame's neck she carried her over to the bed.

As Akame dropped Hana onto the bed, the smaller girl bounces slightly off it.

Getting on all fours the hero crawled towards Hana, climbing on top of her, Akame held Hana's small wrists above her head with one hand.

Leaning down Akame liked Hana's plump lips, a shiver ran down Hana's spine and she opened her mouth slightly.

Lunging forward Akame smashed her lips against the villain's and forced her long tongue down Hana's throat.

Hana jolted in surprise and tried to grasp but couldn't.

Removing her mouth from Hana's, the blue-haired girl looked at the blushing villain with amusement, "Oh, you like it ruff don't you?"

Hana didn't respond, a feral smile made its way onto Akame's face as she reached down and tore Hana's black shirt off.

"No," Hana said weakly since she only had two of this set.

As the cloth tore away it revealed Hana's exceptionally sized breasts contained in strips of cloth making them look smaller.

Akame's eyes widened as she realised that they were even bigger than she initially thought.

Hana was about to speak again but Akame noticed and in a quick motion stuck her middle and ring finger into the smaller girl's mouth.

A moan escaped Hana's lips as she licked Akame's fingers.

Grasping her girlfriend's makeshift bra Akame tore it off exposing a pair of large breasts that bounced at the sudden movement.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

The USJ attack is drawing nearer and with it the first appearance of the league of villains.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)