The USJ Attack 6

(All Might POV)

"Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you?

You've gotten us into a real jam here." The white-haired villain said annoyed.

Looking down at the warp villain Bakugou-shounen sneered, "You got careless you dumb villain.

It wasn't hard to figure you out, only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate you use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction thinking that makes you safe.

That's why we missed, but if you didn't have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armour right.

You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed."

The warp-villain struggled a bit but when Bakugou-shonen used his explosion quirk on him the villain stopped moving.

"Don't move… You try anything funny and I'll blow your ass up right now, got it?

They'll be cleaning you up for weeks."

Looking over at his classmate Kirishima-shounen grinned, "Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic."

Clasping his hands the white-haired man looked straight at Bakugou-shounen, "They escaped uninjured, and captured my two strongest men.

Kids these days really are amazing, they make the league of villains look like amateurs, can't have that."

Turning to the bird creature he said, "Nomu!"

A screeched and slowly disappeared into the warp gate pulling itself out of the other.

Falling to the floor its frozen arm and leg fell off leaving only icy stumps.

As I saw it looking at the student's I worriedly shouted, "Stay back everybody!"

That's when the remaining ice around its body broke, my eyes widened in shock as it revealed that it had another quirk, super regeneration.

In a matter of seconds, both its arm and leg grew back, "What is this? I thought you said its power was Shock Absorption?"

"I didn't say that was its only quirk, he also has Super Regeneration. Nomu has been modified to even take you on at 100 percent of your power.

He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back."

I grimaced, 'What to do? What to do? The students aren't safe here.'

"First we need to free our method of escape.

Get him nomu!"

The creature then suddenly rushed towards Bakugou-shounen, I barely had time to push my student out of the way before the nomu's fist collided with my arm.

I was pushed backwards digging deep grooves into the ground before hitting the wall that was placed a couple of dozen meters away.

Breathing heavily, I looked over my arm, "There are kids and you didn't hold back."

Walking forward the white-haired villain looked extremely relaxed with the orange masked woman next to him, pointing a shaking finger at me, the woman childishly shouted, "YOUR STUDENTS TRIED TO KILL US. THE BROCCOLI HAIRED KID ALMOST HIT MY TOMO-CHAN WITH A FULL POWERED PUNCH, AND POOR KURO-CHAN HERE." she wiggled over to the warp villain and tried to hug his mostly body, "WAS BEING THREATENED BY THE POMERANIAN."

Growling Bakugou-shonen took a step towards the villainess, "WHAT'D YOU SAY?"

"Now Tomo-chan, what are we gonna do to the hero wannabees that almost killed us?"

A wide smile appeared on the white-haired man's face, "Nomu, Kurogiri kill All MIght. We'll handle the students."

'I'm afraid that I only have a minute left in this form. My power's declining faster than I thought it would.' I thought as I clenched my fist.

"Let's clear this level and go home." the white-haired villain said as he rushed forward.

'Even so, I have to stop these villains because I am the world's symbol of peace and justice.'

As I rushed forward, so did the nomu and meeting in the middle our fists collided sending out a shockwave powerful enough to throw everybody around us away.

We started to exchange punches, each one sending out a shock wave powerful enough to reach the entrance to the USJ.

"He said your quirk was shock absorption, not nullification.

That means there's a limit to what you can take right.?"

He then punched me in the side.

I almost collapsed because of the pain but gritting my teeth I punched back even harder than before.

"So you were made to fight me big guy if you can really withstand me firing at 100 percent of my power.

Then I'll have to go beyond that and force you to surrender."

I felt the nomu slowly give way and as soon as an opening appeared I leaned back and punched him harder than I had previously, sending him flying

Crouching down I jumped after him, landing on the ground he jumped back up at me we punched and flung each other through the air till I caught his arm and flung him into the ground creating a massive crater.

As he rebounded off the floor I landed next to him and pulling back my fist I said, "Now for a lesson, you may have heard these words before but I'll teach you what they really mean. Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA." I then Punched the nomu in the stomach, shooting him into the sky right through the roof of the USJ and into the distance.

Suddenly I felt extremely weak and the steam started to come off me, "I really have gotten weaker, back in my heyday five t$hitts would have been enough to knock that guy out."

Standing up straight I placed my hand to my chest, "But today it took more than 300 mighty blows."

'Time's up, gotta end this fast.'

Stepping towards the villains I smiled, "You've been bested villains. Surender we all want to get this over with quickly."

The white-haired villain then began to shake, it wasn't an angry or scared shaking it was of mirth.

A laugh erupted from his chest," Have you ever played a game All Might?"

I frowned, "What're you talking about."

Stepping forward the man's eyes widened in glee "There's always a secret Boss. Hannya, kill him."


Again a short chapter but I thought it would be a good place to stop since that's when the MHA episode ends.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)