The USJ Attack 7

Stepping towards the villains All MIght smiled, "You've been bested villains. Surender we all want to get this over with quickly."

Tomura then began to shake, it wasn't an angry or scared shaking it was of mirth.

A laugh erupted from his chest," Have you ever played a game All Might?"

All Might frowned, "What're you talking about."

Stepping forward Tomura's eyes widened in glee "There's always a secret Boss. Hannya, kill him."

A feeling of dread started to form in everybody's stomachs as they digested Tomura Shigaraki's words.

"Can I really? Thanks, Tomo-chan." the masked woman said as she hugged the villain from behind.

"Just do it already," Tomura growled out.

Jumping back Hannya waved her hands in front of her face, "Wow so cold."

"What a clown!" Katsuki Bakugou scoffed, "All Might will take her down easily."

Turning to the explosive teen the orange masked woman tilted her head, "Am I being underestimated?"

Pointing at the woman, Kakeru Murasaka shouted, "You'll lose just like that creature did."

"Oh ho ho, Looks like your students have faith in you All MIght-chan."

Raising her hand to face level she performed the one-handed ram sign.

Everybody's eyes widened as they saw massive branches sprout from the ground around All Might.

The number 1 hero was about to jump back when they caught him and pinned him in place.

"YAAAAAAY" Hannya shouted as she jumped into the air in joy, "Look Tomo-chan, I caught him, I caught the symbol of peace."

The students' eyes widened in fear, as they saw their teacher being pinned in place, "ALL MIGHT" "-CHAN"

Everyone looked over at the orange masked villain, she was holding her hands to her face in fear just like Izuku had a few seconds earlier.

"Oh sorry." she giggled out before slowly walking over to All Might.

Everybody just stood there and watched in horror as the villain strode over to All Might.

She had almost reached him when a shout came from her left "Don't you touch All Might you stupid Villain."

Hannya was about to go intangible when a portal opened up between herself and Izuku.

A hand slowly came out it was Tomura's, her eyes widened, 'No'

Suddenly the hand had a hole through it and a bang followed.

"Damn it, the reinforcements are here," Tomura growled out as he pulled his hand back through.

"Come on Hannya, we're going, better luck next time."

Hannya sighed in relief and was about to join him so they could warp away, but another series of bangs echoed through the USJ and suddenly Tomura was shot through with holes.

Hannya stopped dead in her tracks.


That moment was the only moment she had ever doubted if her plan was the right one.

She had deceived everybody: her brother, her sensei, her friends, her girlfriend, and her subordinates.

Her brother and sensei thought that she planned to help him in his goal to kill society, while her friends thought that she wanted to work for the Hero Public Safety Commission.

Then there were her girlfriend and subordinates who all thought that she wanted to bring peace through pain but again, that was wrong.

Her real plan was to become the most feared villain in the world to bring death and destruction wherever she went, to become so hated that both villains and heroes would have to work together to save everything.

She would then be killed by her brother making him the saviour of the world, and lastly, she planned to use her necromancy Jutsu to revive everybody who died.

But all that was now put into question when she saw her brother get shot in front of her.

Turning to the huge stairs on top of which the heroes stood, Hannya moved her mask up slightly so her mouth was exposed and placed her hands into the horse sign she breathed in, "Fire style: Majestic Destroyer Flame."

A massive ocean of fire erupted from Hannya's mouth bathing the Stairs and part of the USJ in orange flames.

The heroes eyes widened as the fire was about to touch them but Thirteen who was being carried by Sato and Sero sucked it all up.

"Hannya, I said let's go." turning around she slid her mask back down, "TOMO-CHAN!"

Running over to the warp gate out of which Tomura's head was poking, she swan dived in.


Two short chapters in one day, not too bad ay.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: What do you think of Hannya's true goal?

Just so you know I didn't just spontaneously decide to change it I had this planned from the beginning.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)