Vanguard Action Squad 2

(Izuku POV)

The villain was on top of me pushing me down into the ground but I couldn't give up.

I had to protect Kota.

My power slowly drained away and One for All deactivated.

Suddenly a splash of water washed over Muscular and some of the drops hit my face.

"What the, is that water?" the villain asked.

"Stop, LET HIM GO!"

I heard Kota's voice coming from beyond the mass of muscle.

"Hold on there okay, I'll kill you after I'm done with-"

But hearing him threaten Kota lit a fire in my heart, giving me new strength and reactivating Full Cowl, I pushed him off the ground.

"I won't let you hurt KOTA." I shouted at him, as I lifted us both with one arm.

"Damn it, how are you getting stronger?"


I then fully pushed him off the ground and pulling back my fist I shouted, "DELAWARE, DETROIT, SMASH!"

I then ripped through the muscle fibres covering his body and hit him in the face sending him flying into the stone hill.

Leaning back I was about to shout my victory into the night sky when I heard the villain stand up again.

A shiver ran down my spine and I stepped back in shock trying to protect Kota with my body.

A low chuckle emanated from the villain's slowly rising form, "What're you gonna do now hero?"

But just as he started walking towards us muscle fibres covering his body something dropped from the sky right onto his back.

As his body impacted the ground it was cracked and chunks of stone went flying.

My eyes widened as the dust cleared, revealing Hannya the masked woman of the league of villains.

Looking closer I saw that she had buried a massive wooden stake in the villain's body.

Stepping down from the villain's prone form she looked over at us, "OH MY GOD, IT'S IZUKU-CHAN AND… OH YEAH KOTA-CHAN!


Crouching down, I whispered to Kota, "Grab onto me!"

I felt him slowly inch towards me as the villain advanced doing pirouettes and wiggling her arms around crazily.

As Kota wrapped his arms around my neck I stood up and activating Full COwl jumped off the cliff and into the forest.

I heard a yell of annoyance coming from the cliff but I didn't look back.


Turning back towards Muscular, Hannya sighed, "You really are weak."

Striding over to him she crouched down and grabbed his short blond hair, pulling him up so he would look at her.

A groan of pain exited the villain's mouth, "W-who are y-you?"

Reaching up, Hannya grabbed her mask, "Me?" a terrifying chuckle passed by her lips.

"I'm this world's final act!" the now unmasked Hana said, a wide smile on her scarred face.

Muscular's eyes widened and a shiver ran down his spine as he gazed into the pair of glowing red eyes staring down at him.

"Now die!" Hana then made a hand sign and a meter long stake emerged from her hand, penetrating Muscular's neck.

Standing up Hana placed her mask back on and touching Muscular pulled him into her dimension.

Walking over to the cliffside from where Izuku had jumped into the forest, Hannya gazed across the burning forest and almost immediately spotted the massive figure of Dark Shadow as it rampaged through the forest.

A smile appeared on her face and she leant forward falling down the cliffside and into the floor below.


(Mandalay POV)

Cocking back my leg I kicked that Spinner guy in his head knocking him out cold.

I sighed as sweat rolled down my forehead, 'Can't stop the boy but I can relay his message.'

Activating my quirk I spoke to all the heroes or students in the forest, 'Listen we've discovered one of the villain's targets.

It's a student named Kacchan.

Kacchan, you should try to avoid combat and stick to a group.

I hope you can hear me.'

Deactivating my quirk I looked over at Tiger who had just dusted off his clothes, "Tiger we sh-"

But just then I saw a figure emerge from the ground.

She was wearing a long black cloak with blood-red clouds on them but the most notable thing was the orange mask.

I, of course, had seen the sports festival and knew who this woman was.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Which member of the Akatsuki is your favourite?

Mines Obito of course.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)