Vanguard Action Squad 3

(Mandalay POV)

Deactivating my quirk I looked over at Tiger who had just dusted off his clothes, "Tiger we sh-"

But just then I saw a figure emerge from the ground.

She was wearing a long black cloak with blood-red clouds on them but the most notable thing was the orange mask.

I, of course, had seen the sports festival and knew who this woman was.


Turning around, Tiger swung at the villain with all his might but his fist just passed through her.

I heard a grunt and Tiger flew past me, I gulped, sweat running down my forehead.

Lowering her leg the villain slowly approached me, raising my fists, I readied myself for battle.

Spinner, the villain I had kicked earlier, slowly stood up.

I jumped away from my earlier position and crouched down ready to move at any second.

"Spinner-chan, Magne-chan!" Hannya said childishly to the other two villains.

They turned to look at her but as soon as they did the two of them froze up and then walked to the edge of the clearing.

A shiver ran down my spine, 'What was that?'

Turning to me Hannya stretched out a hand and then ran towards me.

I didn't have time to dodge, she was so fast.

As her hand touched my face I felt the ground disappear from under me and in the next second, I was smashed into the ground.

I felt all the air leave my lungs, as the villain released my face.

What was going on? From what I heard, she was supposed to have the mental age of a child, but that didn't seem to be the case.

She had beaten me as efficiently as possible.

Slowly staggering upright I looked around, my vision still blurred from the earlier impact.

My eyes widened as I saw Tiger fighting the villain in hand to hand combat.

Rushing forward I saw as the villain landed a solid right hook on Tiger's jaw, sending him flying into one of the trees.

Activating my quirk I projected my thoughts into the villains head, 'AHHHH'

The villain flinched and at that moment I kicked forward, hitting her right in her midsection

Falling backwards, Hannya reached behind herself and flipped back onto her feet.

I scowled, how could she brush my attack off so easily.

Getting back into a combat stance I readied myself for a fight.

"You really are quite impressive, Soaki Shino." the villain said, her voice cold and hard.

A shiver ran down my spine and I subconsciously took a step back.

The villain chuckled, "Pathetic, you're scared by the sound of my voice."

Gritting my teeth I rushed forward sending random words into the villain's mind.

'Microwave, Dragon, Food, Rocks, Chair, Running.'

Reaching her I sent a spinning kick towards her head but again it went right through her.

"What do you want with Kacchan?" I ask the villain as I dodged one of her attacks.

Kicking me in the stomach she flung me into the air, "Oh nothing much, we just wanted to make him an offer."

Stepping back the villain dodged one of Tiger's attacks and punching him in the gut used his lowered posture to knee him in the head.

My eyes widened as Tiger collapsed to the floor, a massive blood would on the side of his head.

Leaping towards her I sent an axe kick towards the villain's head, but to my utter surprise and fear, she just reached up and caught my leg in mid-air.

Lifting me further up she slammed me into the ground.

I struggled and struggled but it was no use as I was repeatedly hammered into the floor.

I felt as she released my leg and slowly walked away.

Opening my eyes slightly I saw as a massive purple portal opened next to her and the woman stepped through.

The last thing I thought of before falling into unconsciousness was if the students were okay.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

No question today.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)