Chapter 94 – A Looming Shadow

Rook attached himself to Raven like a little tail (or a big tail, rather, for Rook was actually bigger in size than Raven despite being younger) – and even though it was mildly annoying, Rook's presence had the unintended side effect of Head Sage Yue avoiding them, so Mana and Raven didn't bother to complain.

Azar, who didn't like Rook at first glance, got used to him after a few days. But the little dragon didn't warm up to the other two half-siblings of his Daddy at all, nor could he tolerate Head Sage Yue. Towards Crown Princess Pica, Raven's dragon son was barely tolerant. Still, it was an improvement from last time – and it made Mana wonder (not for the first time) if their little Azar could somehow sense the hearts of the people around them. Or, perhaps, he was sensitive to malicious intent.