Chapter 95 – King Corvus

"Grandfather!" Rook cried happily and rushed to hug the man, not even realising Raven's discomfort and Mana's protective stance.

"You're right that they're all very protective of Big Brother Raven!" Rook chattered away happily. "Big Brother Raven has become really awesome! And really powerful! And really clever! And he just taught me the concept of sovereignty!" he gushed.

Mana didn't move, still shielding Raven. She didn't withdraw the rising green haze around her, either.

The man – who Mana now knew to be King Corvus of the Obsidian Kingdom and Raven's grandfather, and the man who had thrown Raven to the Emerald Kingdom as if he was cannon fodder – raised his lips in a sarcastic smile as he looked down at Mana and Raven.

"This is a surprise, indeed," King Corvus said, his voice laced with curiosity. "King Jaren is actually permitting a foreign prince to learn governance in his own home?"