Chapter 131 – Wardrobe Emergency

"Mana! I need your help!" Bella cried, bursting into Mana's room on the morning of the first banquet of the Sapphire Kingdom.

Mana, who was fast asleep, murmured a lazy, "Lemme sleep" and turned around in her bed.

Bella, however, was not to be underestimated. She jumped on to the bed and pulled away the covers, making Mana open her eyes unhappily.

"Lemme sleep," Mana murmured, still not fully awake.

"You can't sleep! You'll lose your sister in law if you continue sleeping! It's an emergency!" Bella cried anxiously.

The word "emergency" finally drove most of the sleepiness from Mana's mind. She sat up and blinked, and then rubbed her eyes, only to see Bella looming in front of her with anxiety written all over her stunningly beautiful face.

"Big Sister Bella?" Mana asked, her voice still heavy with sleep, but at least eighty percent awake now. "What is the matter?"

"Are you awake now?" Bella demanded.