Chapter 132 – Lurking Danger

Mana and Bella went over to Bella's room and Mana looked around carefully, scanning the room with her eyes as well as her magic.

There was nothing amiss. Except the missing dress, everything else was in place exactly as it should be, and there was no trace of any foul play. Other than the traces of magic that were quickly identified by Bella as belonging to her maids who cleaned the room every day, there was nothing.

Mana narrowed her eyes. The magical traces of two of the maids were denser than the ones left by Mana and Vanilla last night – that could mean one of two things – either these two particular maids frequented Bella's room more often than the others, or they had been her after Mana and Vanilla had left for the night.

The fact that there was no trace of magic near the wardrobe was also suspicious by itself.

"Who is authorised to enter your room without permission in the night or early morning? Your maids must be coming in, right?" Mana asked.