Chapter 154 – Mana’s Weakness

Mana's worst fears came true when she was woken up at sunrise next morning by a bright eyed and bushy tailed Raven practically bouncing on the floor next to her bed.

Mana groaned.

"Mana! Wake up! We have to go for a morning jog!" Raven said with a big grin. "Father Aqi is waiting for us!"

Mana groaned again, turned over and buried her head in her pillow. "Don't wanna," she mumbled sleepily. She pulled up the covers over her head to emphasise her intention of not getting out of bed, too!

However, Raven ruthlessly pulled off the covers and snatched her pillow from under her head.

"Wake up, lazybones! Even Big Brother Jules and Big Sister Bella are joining us today. Rook is also coming with us, and so are Papa and Azar. You can't be the only last one!" Raven said cheerfully.

Mana groaned again. "Too tired," she murmured.