Chapter 155 – Tantrums and Foodies

Everyone stared at Mana quizzically.

Mana shrugged casually. "Raven is the one always using powerful magic," she said. "I just support him, don't I? That doesn't take all that much magic power, so…"

General Aquila chuckled and shot King Jaren a strange look. "What on earth are you teaching the children?" he asked.

King Jaren sighed. "Well, little Mana is not entirely wrong…" he murmured.

General Aquila resisted the urge to facepalm. Then he turned to Mana and asked, "Do you ever feel sick when you're using magic at all?"

Mana shook her head.

"Then you're all right," General Aquila declared. "We just need to build up your physical strength – Raven, make sure your little fiancée gets enough exercise during the day as well, ok? Let's make her strong and healthy."

Mana groaned pitifully. "I'm healthy enough," she complained.

Everyone burst out laughing.