Chapter-1 Snakes: The Assassins

In the year 2039… the world is changed so much in such a way that no one would have ever believed… so let's take a deep breath and let us all dive into that world now…

In this year the name "SNAKES" has been hearing everywhere in this world… which is an elite "Assassination Group"… capable of killing anyone… without any hesitation or fear… the police and the government also not dared to touch them… or we can say that they failed miserably to locate them… or to find their hideout…

And they gained a public's attention due to the assassination of the retired war general… Mr.Cooper… who is feared among the country… but they carried out their task in front of the public. … when Mr.Cooper was campaigning for the elections and in that public, no one ever found the man who killed him. After that incident, the press revealed the video of that genocide. Now let us look into that video…

Date: April 13, 2039 morning 11: 0o am…

It was a pleasant day and the weather is perfectly alright..and the clouds are as beautiful as ever... and it was a great day for campaigning… there came a range rover from the sunroof a man was standing… who is guarded by four bodyguards…from all the four directions…in four different vehicles…armed heavily… with

"M4A1" rifle. And the public is shouting and booing their new ruler's name.

The elections were held suddenly because the military took over the government by executing the higher officials of the country and the campaign is going on like this…where a huge crowd is gathered… as we know that the military head will be positioned to govern the country but the misunderstandings in the military-led to these elections…

The general's car was surrounded by the army people… in heavy trucks… It reminded the people and gave them an idea about how the king used to go around the town in the olden days to look at his people. But none of the people are happy due to the dilemma of not deciding what is correct for them. They looked like they are worrying about their future.

The vehicle reached the ground where the generals and lieutenants are gathered in one place and the lieutenants are sitting beside their respective ward generals…and so on to discuss the

future of the country. All the generals made a salute to Mr.Cooper, and the whole situation was being telecasted on the news channel. As this was the important news going on in this country.

So the speech went on like this "Finally the peace is returned to the righteous hands. The previous government is nothing but trash who never knew anything how the people think and they only cared about themselves and the rich people. I "General. Cooper" will-

While the speech is going on smoothly suddenly lieutenant. Benjamin and lieutenant Cooper.Jr started banging on the desk by seeing this the council was shocked and the board members who are present there are looking shockingly at those two and they are wondering why those two are banging the desk at the same time and imitating the same tone.

They suddenly shouted, "the peace has returned" at the same time

Are you out of your mind…lieutenant…said, General.Cooper…they banged the bench like this…with a flow…just like a "Morse code" and it was understood by the military after some time since they use that in communication. but the timing was slow and the lieutenants are succeeded in sending the message. They sent the message to someone…somewhere nearby on the screen, they saw a message like this…

" ._ _ _ ._ _._. _._" which is decoded as "A T T A C K"…Then the scene shifts towards the room where all the generals and lieutenants are present…. Are you out of your mind Lieutenant, said General? The Lieutenant kept quiet…but continued banging the desk.

The general orders one of his soldiers to take him out.

As soon as the security raises his hand the soldier's hand was cut down by Lieutenant.Cooper.Jr by seeing this the governors and lieutenants are shocked in that very second the lieutenants who sat beside every general started slitting the necks of the generals and by seeing this the whole crowd who were shouting stopped at once and the whole area was so calm and they were in shock.

The police who were guarding the door tried to open the door. But by seeing this suddenly the lieutenants threw M4A1 rifles to the police who were guarding the door, the police who were there to protect the officials started firing on their fellow men who were there as security and to control the crowd and this whole situation there happened in the span of 2minutes….

To their surprise all the ammo which was filled in the truck was empty on the other hand the police only carried handguns… this was a perfect plan to executed by someone to take on the whole government officials and show their power.

Then Lieutenant. Benjamin slowly got up from his chair… adjusted his tie removed his cap and placed it on the desk and started walking towards General.Cooper.

What is happening here Benjamin. Are you betraying us? asked General. To that question Benjamin replied, "Betraying you - you are the one who betrayed the god and God of justice" He points his gun towards the God of justice and asks, "Are you watching her colone? she is not blind. She is the godess who sent me to bring justice upon you. I don't accept people who cross their limits or rules set by the world. I hereby deliberately declare your death by slitting every nerve in your body. He throws the gun and removes his pocket knife and moves towards General. Cooper.

I will show you the same hell which you showed to the innocents in those days while you were in power.

Then Cooper.Jr expands General hands.

With tears in his eyes General. Cooper says, I am your father please have mercy.

To that Cooper.Jr replied, "Those innocent people who you killed also pleaded for their life like this did you show any mercy on them, no you never cared about those people. So why should you deserve that mercy." By saying these he cut off the arms of General Cooper. The shouting of General.cooper was the only voice-hearing in all directions… General. Cooper started begging for his life, "son please spare me" . Tell him to stop!!!! I beg you! people.

Please… stop this nonsense

Do you think I will spare you General. Like I said this is your "Judgement Day" for the crimes you committed, said Lt.Benjamin.

And to make sure I am not Benjamin, Cooper. Now die with this regret of not knowing the person who killed you. He may be your son or may not be! But I can guarantee you that he will be welcoming you in the hell. Who are you? Who are you? shouted Cooper. In that instant bullets were lodged into his body by "Cooper. Jr".

Is this how my life was going to end were General. Cooper's last words.

The whole blood of the generals is flowing from the door just like the water which flows in the river as if there is no end to it. The whole people were silent throughout that situation. And these were the words that are heard by every single person in that place due to the mic which was dropped by the General.

The statement was stated like this, "We are the snakes and the mission is accomplished". His face was recorded while saying these statements. Then the doors were opened.

After 15min the police reached the place.

During those 15 mins, everyone from that door came out wearing weird masks. And shot the police who were on the brink of death and they started running into the public.

By seeing those hunters rushing towards them the people started making havoc due to fear and commotion has started this became an advantage to the assassins. And they started running into the public and this was a major commotion.

The mass genocide that took place in front of the crowd. After a few days, the person who spoke to the general after killing him was identified as "Lawrence" the person who was killed in hands of "General. Cooper" a few months ago and the whole gang of lieutenants who slaughtered the generals are found dead in the base itself… and their postmortem reports confirmed that they were dead before this incident. That means they were killed on the previous night before the meeting itself.

And the people who looked like generals were never found and the son of General. Cooper was found dead at his house and his postmortem has also confirmed the same news that he has been dead several hours before the meeting that is on the previous night itself. And the people who called themselves as "Snakes" just entered as Snakes that is silently and they left from that place just like snakes.

As if they just shed their skins and vanished from this world. That is with leaving their skin behind but not enough to find whose skin it is.

After this incident, no one tried to talk about it. Nor the police got any leads regarding this case. The new government was formed and it didn't respond to this incident. They just pretended as if it was never happened, but in the people's heart, it remained just like a mystery, and from that, they believed that they(Snakes) were invincible.

-To be continued

Who is the person that killed General. Cooper? who are Snakes? How did they devise such a plan? Why can't the police find them will be revealed in the coming chapters

End of the chapter.

Hope you enjoyed the story.