Chapter-2 Beginning of my Ending

After three months on a certain night….

Date: July 24, 2039… Rainy season…the clouds are gathered everywhere and the wind is blowing heavily…

In an apartment on the thirteenth floor…

A woman wearing a red dress walking towards her balcony from her study table and there was a letter which was on the table by looking at it. It appeared as if it is trying to fly away from the room by seeing that the woman rushed towards the table and caught the letter and she put a candle holder on that letter so that the letter will not fly away.

Due to the weather the current in the apartment went off by this, the woman lighted the candle in that candlelight, she just looked like an "Angel". The beauty in her eyes, and the way she smiles is very pleasant. Which makes every pain in the heart melt away, just like the candle which melts away after giving us the light. Then she started walking towards the balcony and the letter on that table started floating due to the breezes. Let's look into the letter which is trying so hard to escape from her world(room)…

Hi everyone,

I am Aadhya a doctor. Born to a lovely couple with so much wealth but none of that has made me happy after I lost them, our life is just like a paper. We become what we want. That is we can become valuable like a cheque which offers us money or become invaluable like a tissue paper which holds so many tears even though sent to a dustbin. But, I think I am not in a position to judge other's life. Just like this paper which is trapped inside my room. I am also a person who is trapped in this hell(world) from which I can't escape.

The only way I can escape from this hell is by dying. Being a doctor, I should know the value of life so much…and I do know the value of life that is the reason why I am dying. So, no one responsible for my death…


Then the melted candle fell on the paper by which the paper starts burning slowly suddenly the wind blows heavily with thunders raging as if the wind doesn't want the letter to get burned and by that wind. The fire is stopped and the candlelight went off.

At the same time " Nirva" an assassin who is regarded as one of the best assassins in the "Snakes" standing on a rooftop facing towards the sky…wearing a "mask"… due to wind the suit and tie are floating heavily, he says the following lines by looking at the sky.

"It is a blessing to forget things and to forget someone. The mask which I wore is hiding my tears and sorrow, This mask only resembles smile which sets an example that, I enjoy killing and I seek blood for my food.

Everyone in this world is wearing a mask. That is they never reveal their true colors to anyone until their death. So, I am giving their death so that they can reveal their masks and die peacefully."

Chorder is a device used for communication in between assassins.

Pro:(on the chorder): Nirva are you there…

Nirva: Yes.

Pro: We got a mission…meet me in "the world"

Nirva: I am in "the world".

The calm weather started to rise again, the thunders are rumbling all around the place in that weather three people holding a suitcase wearing a black suit and their face covered with weird masks are walking slowly towards someone. They are headed towards a car which is waiting for them. There is an another person who is wearing another mask waiting for picking them up. They walked upto him and one of the person said, "The 'Death' cannot sense and reach everywhere".

To that the man in the mask replied, "That's the reason why "Mother" created "Sense" and "Reich" to accompany him(Death)", said "Vein".

The wind started howling and the clouds started pouring the rain. They all got into the car and they are on their way to Nirva's apartment. Is this the place where she(Aadhya) lives", asked Jim.

Yes, Its only miles away from the master's(Nirva) apartment, replied Vein. "So let's hurry, The assassination should commence tomorrow", said Jim.

After that, they reached Nirva's apartment…

Is this where he lives now, asks Jim. No sir this the common base to the assassins, replied Vein".

They all are talking in different voices since there is a rule not to expose their original voices. They have to wear their masks all the time while they are with their fellow members. The voice is altered via voice modulators which are installed and developed in the masks itself and the masks can shift into any type according to their requirement but there is a certain mask which should not be changed since that is the only way by which they can recognize the person and this mask cannot be used by anyone except the one who is assigned to and it goes same for the voice.

Jim explains the plan of assassinating Aadhya…without mentioning her name and calls her as a target.

The plan goes on like this there are 3 escape places and Spect and I will accompany you after the assassination and your(Nirva) team should work with Spect and be ready at any time. As you shot the target, Pro will be taking care of the things. In any case you missed the target. Why would I miss the target. Jim are you provoking me, asked Nirva.

I am not provoking anyone. It is just a countermeasure.

So this is the plan and we will continue our work, after that we will leave for the dark world, said Jim

The next day morning….

The preparations are all set. We will be heading our way as soon as the mission completes, said Nirva. But sir why five members are assigned to kill a girl and that too why an ace is entrusted in this mission and why are all the elites looking forward to this mission and why should we all head back to the "Dark World" after we kill her. "Since, she is the only one ordered to kill her", said Pro.

First of all and we became famous after the assassination of "General. Cooper" and the king is thinking that this might be a setup of the police to lure us out. Just like mice which are lured into the cage with a tomato placed inside that. So by judging this situation we are taking a step so that we can know if the police are after us if not we will just clear our mission and go back to report the same thing. Master, I think they planned for the assassination. But what if the police are trying to lure us, asked "Pro". That's when my plan comes into action, said "Nirva". Do they(Jim ) know about these things. I asked."Pro" he is just a hacker that's it this is my mission so be quiet, said Nirva.

Time 7:40 am. Weather is astonishing due to the rain which poured last night and the heavy breezes are going on around and on the top of the opposite building "Nirva" and "Pro" are getting ready.

On the top of the building Nirva holding a "Barrett M82" rifle adjusting his scope..towards the target balcony… on the chorder (connect Jim)

Status "negative" I don't find the target, said "Nirva".

She will be out in few minutes..take a shot and leave immediately, said(Jim)

Nirva: Copy that…

The cold breeze flowing slowly…towards my this tense situation brain is asking me only one question…is it a "trap" or a simple target…I am not able to confirm.. this anyways I am going to kill her….

Pro: sir there is a moment…

Nirva: Here comes the part… "Is it the beginning of my ending"lets see.

A beautiful woman walks into the balcony wearing a white dress…holding a coffee cup and stood there leaning on the balcony…

Pro: I have eyes on the target master..take a shot

Nirva: roger that…

Nirva adjusts the scope and he slowly while looking at the face and he surprisingly says "ANGEL". Everyone on the chorder is surprised by hearing that word.

Jim: What are you saying, "Nirva". Are you out of your mind.

Nirva: She is just like an Angel, Abort the mission.

Jim: it is impossible we cant pro, take a shot.

Nirva: No one will take a step mission is aborted. let's move or else I will kill you all.

Jim: How are you going to do that?

Nirva: Did you forget the incident which occurred 3 months ago a smoke grenade can lure them to you, I know where you are, Pro can shoot me now but I think he will not you are cornered here with that comedian(spect) abort or else you will see your end here.

Spect: how can you escape after killing us….

Nirva: It is so simple. I will create a story by telling all the assassins that this mission was fake.. the police tried to catch us using that girl and I will say that you people were murdered in this escape process. So, think wisely and tell spect to come down who is lurking behind my back.

Jim: When did you saw him.

Nirva: so let's move to the dark world

--Dark world--

The dark world is a place where the assassins stay usually and we can say that it is the base of Assassins and King is the leader here. The assassins used a certain code word they are all related to this world itself.

Mother Jennie is the goddess here. "Death" is the son of Mother. Since dead cannot sense or reach anywhere he is accompanied by "Sense" and to reach anywhere he is accompanied by "Reich". But now we don't know whether they existed or not because they are the founders of these "Dark world" .

King: I heard you disobeyed the rules… "Nirva"..why did that happened and I heard you threatened your team to abort this, what is happening to you? As an ace, you should be the one to carry out your operation successfully. Instead, you crossed your limits.

The tension around me rose and all the people who present here are just reading my actions. They are ready to fire at me at any second.

Yes master I committed a mistake but I don't think I can kill her, said Nirva.

King: So why did you commit this treason.

A moment of silence is maintained all around me. My heart rate increased rapidly. I am feeling like I am on a double-edged sword, where I cannot choose either side Nirva!!! Nirvaa!!! the King shouted.

I think I asked you a question ,said King…

I think I am not ready to say those words my heartbeat is rising rapidly and it is not stopping. I took a long breath long breath and shouted, "I am in love with that girl".

(in his mind)the thing which I hate the most is happening right now. To stand as a criminal in front of my father like figure. The one who raised me, the one who made me who I am now is nothing but shocked!! Not only him, everyone present here is shocked to hear my statement. But what values the most is the answer of King. Who is standing silently in front me. Suddenly a person rushed towards me and pointed his sword, towards my neck. Order my lord, said "Slash".

Here comes the right-hand man to be precise women. who is the only team member of king who is always ready to kill anyone. Anyone in the sense her own child too if the king ordered to do so.

Why Nirva

you are the candidate to become the next "King" the others always lack in something. But, I saw you perfect in every way. Please step aside and take some rest, I think you are out of your mind. So get away from my sight.

The assassination will be continued by "Grace" or "him", said the King.

Nirva shockingly says, "I don't think he is going to come here to kill a woman" if he does so too.I am going to stop "him" with all my might.

So you think you can stop "him".Did you forget why we expelled him, asked King.

Master, please give me an option. I will do anything to save her, pleaded Nirva

King: what are you going to accomplish by doing that.

Are you going to have a family and make babies. This is ridiculous.

Nirva: I want 39 days to save her…

Save her!!! you say!! So how are you going to do that. Are you going to become rogue. Are you saying that you will go and show your beautiful face to her. And make her fall in love with you. This is all bullshit!! Nirva. I thought you have the leadership qualities to guide the "Snakes" into the future,said King.

I don't know anything, I just want to save her at any cost, shouted Nirva.

The sword slightly crosses Nirva's neck! , Don't be hasty kid, I will slash you next time Nirva. Dont raise your voice in front of the king, said "Slash".


Nirva there is no way to save her. Let them do the assassination or else do you something with that girl.

Do you know that girl?

what is the name of the girl, asked Nirva?


Name!!!! you dare to ask her name in front of me and he shouts, Slash!!!!

In that moment without any hesitation the sword pierces through his abdominal and the blood flows on the sword. You have so much blood in you kid!!, said Slash sarcastically

But Don't you worry kid!! I think she missed the major organs. If you don't stop that flow you will be unconscious with minutes. Now take him away to his chamber, shouted king.

With heavy breathing Nirva stands up and says, "Wait!!! you all!! Do you think that can stop me?

Master I know I have gone rogue. Do you really thought,

I could'nt stop that sword. How can I take an injury from King's right-hand man. I did that on purpose which is the punishment. I took for myself for letting my mission down and as you know I will never fail in my mission. I will take my next mission as saving that girl. So, I think the blood promise in a dark world means we have to do it for sure

So you have no choice now but to accept my mission.

Everyone in the Snakes hideout is shocked to see this even the King and the Slash never saw that determination.

Suddenly the King laughs and there were this thoughts in his mind, "that's how a King should be!!! that 's the reason why you are selected as my successor. Damn you kid!! You got me now!. Coming out from a critical situation as always. No one here knows about that kind of rule. As expected from an "Ace". But in terms of strength, victory, and Intelligence. You cannot beat those two "Aces". I am amused and I am interested in you. But, I also hate losing.

king : Nirva, I am impressed. But, I cant assure you that, I will not kill her. I am accepting your challenge and I think you know that anyone can make the rules for a deal.

So my deal with you is you have to follow our "Dark world" rules that means you have to not betray our world. Since the deal you made is in the dark world. Here comes the rules for your deal and information for you and all the assassins…

1. You have to wear your mask all the time that is you should not expose your real face to that girl or anyone…

2. You should not talk with her….while you or in the mission…

3. You should not threaten her to take back the deal..since we cancel the deals when the contractor wants to cancel this case as she is the person who gave the contract.

4. you should never kill our comrades

5. Never use your voice to talk with her….

6. And you have to never stay close to her by any means that is in her regular household…

I will give you 39 days. But, I cant guarantee you that I will not attack her. I will not reveal the person who is going to attack her or when the attack will come. But, be ready if she seeks death. I will giver her that with utmost smile. I will make her hell into heaven.

Love is just a word kid which is as hard as a hell. We reach hell when we die but living and experiencing love is another kind of hell, if she loves you too, then it is another thing if a person is willing to die it means that she is missing something which can't be replaced no matter what. So, never try to do fill that lost part. We are assassins and we are pledged to kill anyone without any mercy. So, I think you will understand this, said "King"

Love is just a word master but the pain it carries is painful then the wound which "Slash" gave me. It is nothing compared to the pain it gives.

Love is a hell I know but seeing her made that all pain go away in just one glance. I think she is an Angel, who spreads harmony around her. I have a request master!!!

What is her name,asked Nirva?

king: Kid!! You are annoying

Do not forget that we are going to hunt her down.

Get ready the game has just begun! The hunt for that girl begins in few days

Dismiss, said the "King"

By that word Nirva came back to "the world" at the corner of one street.

He is breathing heavily and he stated, "I am finally at the place where I begin and hate the most "the slums". I think, I cant make it. He breathes heavily and the moment he is going to fall on the back. Vein and Pro came and caught him and shouts Master,

Vein: we are here master! let's go to the hospital.

Vein I have a mission for you. Go to Aadhya's apartment and keep an eye on her. I think they will make a move.

No master, King ordered us to treat your wounds they won't attack her now.

He also said that the game will begin after your wounds are healed, said vein.

Nirva laughs while breathing heavily that old man said that.

And he goes on lectures me by saying love is just a word. But see he loves me.

Damn that slash. She said she missed my major parts,

Master regarding that she didn't miss actually that's the reason why we are here now, she got the major organ. Please be calm!! Don't talk master, said "Pro"

Few minutes before In the dark world

King: I think you missed the major organ right, Slash.

Slash: I never miss my target. I think you know that well…

King shockingly Vein, Pro go to Nirva and treat his wounds….

Slash: You never change!! King!! tsk….

In "The World"

So that's how it was Nirva grinned while speaking slowly. And he fell asleep by saying these words, "What is your name "Angel".

End of the chapter…

So the story has just started and it has a long way to go..who is "Him" mentioned in the story why he is expelled from Snakes.. is he going to come for Aadhya's life and why did Aadhya want to die let's see this all shortly….