CHAPTER-03 Assassins

Who are Assassins?. What is their goal?… Who is the person that killed the General and made the "invisible" snakes "visible" to all the public… And what in the hell is "Dark World"…. Let's see…

After the deal with 'King' 'Pro' and 'Vein' reached 'Nirva' and saved him…and on the very next day…

Time :10:00pm…

"The past is the only thing that haunts a man till his last breath"…and I am also a victim to that past. I lost myself in this search for happiness. And while searching for myself in that past…I never thought I would face this kind of day in my life…that is eliminated from the place where I belong and held in the place which I hated the most… The flow of memories in the Nirva's brain is still searching for his happiness where are those memories? and what are those memories? Is he searching for someone… or Is he running away from that person?…

The story is moved into the year 2024…

Place: Shallow land…

As the name suggests the people here have no serious intentions on their life…that means they have no depth for living…The people who stay here are the people who lost something and are living their life as beggars.

The people and this place are not even considered by normal people as humans and they never thought about them… in the sense, no one ever cared for these people who stayed here, and these people are just outsiders to everyone. They all are abandoned and forced to live in this valley where the borders of this land are surrounded by huge rocks and from the sky this place would just look like…a valley, but for the truth they are people who once worked for the government.

They were removed because they committed a single crime that is questioning the government. A boy who is seven years old is sitting on the cliff is looking down on these people in his thoughts.

What are these people doing? How can they bear this much pain and live their life normally. And why can't we cross this valley and roam that place where that big buildings are there.

The boy suddenly turns his face backside and finds a large city which looks very well developed. The people who are living there are always busy with their work and they never really cared about us. I am not able to accept this life, its like we are obeying someone. Why can't these people look at this harsh reality. What the hell is happening here? With this frustration the kid shouted, "I want to teach this government a lesson" and- and-

"I will kill each and every every person who did this to us" He now gasps and breaths slowly, his voice goes down completely as he is powerless now. How- How can I change this situation? how can I make those people realise our worth?

In that hopeless situation the wind starts blowing rapidly as if it is going to wreck our house, suddenly in that blazing wind.

A man wearing a suit, with a weird mask walks towards him slowly. Suddenly the weather around us changed it is completely calm now. Is it some kind of magic or is he a god. But what kind of god wears a suit and a weird mask?But he looks pretty strong, He has very broad shoulders, and I think he got super muscles behind that suit. For a instant, I thought if there is someone to change my dream into reality. I think, I should possess that body.

The man had an unusual voice and that unusual voice called me, "Kid!! Why are you standing on this cliff? How did you climb this fifty meters tall wall?

I thought he was a good person but I think he is the guard about whom the villagers used to talk, the one who kills the people if we climb this wall. He looks like he is scanning me. After saying those he just started staring at me.

This is what the stranger is thinking in his mind, looking by his fingers and the blood in his nails it proves that he used bare hands to climb that cliff but I am still not pretty sure about that let me confirm it.

Kid, who are you, asked the stranger?

I heard his voice but I am still stunned to answer his question actually there are many questions running at my mind then they are, "What is with him? Why is he wearing that mask? Is he from that side? Why is his voice disturbing?

The man removed his cigar from his pocket and took it in his left hand and is looking at the ground.

The masked man now said something which made me shiver, " I think I heard someone is shouting about killing someone".

Hearing those words itself made everything clear that he came to kill me. I was in shock and I am not in a position to speak as there were no words coming in my mind. I am.looking at the images how the people were killed when they tried to climb this cliff. I thought it was the end of my life.

The man took the lighter from another pocket, when he tried to put the cigar in his mouth the mask opened on its own only upto his lips his face is still half covered, While lighting the cigar I merely saw his jaw line beneath that mask.

But the cigar didn't light up due to the wind and he seemed pissed off and looked like he is expecting something from me. He again tried lighting his cigar but it was unsuccessful. He again tried it but now the wind blew heavily, at that moment the suit raised, I saw a pistol inside his coat. By seeing that my heartbeat rose and I moved backwards.

The man out of blue suddenly shouted in anger "Damn this air If only I could shoot it".

In that heated moment he saw me and asked, so kid where are we? " Whom do you want to kill "?

To be frank, I am not in a situation to answer that question. I think this the value of life. This is because of the fear and my love towards living my disgusting life. I think no matter what life it may be. This is what makes the people stay here. But, I will not surrender. I will not be like the people who are living in this hell. I have to change this world. I have to change myself.

I took a big and answered him "I want to kill the government".

The stranger suddenly laughed and said,

"Kill the government you say" Do you think he is a person? He is not a person. It is the organisation which is corrupted by some rich officials. A child who is afraid to answer a question of a stranger can never achieve anything. Don't think about it you cant change anything.

The wind is howling again it just like it hit me. Due to that the suit raised again. I saw the gun again, but I don't want to be afraid of that pistol anymore. I hate it! I hate him!

By seeing me the masked man said, Oh you are looking at this gun, I have something to say, first of all this is "Glock-19". The world's most powerful and perfect handgun.

While he was explaining, my mind started thinking the other way what if I had that gun? What if I hold it? Will I win against him? I will not know until I try it? With these thoughts.

I interrupted him and asked him with a eager look, Can I hold it? To my surprise the masked man threw his gun towards me. With a sheer luck I caught it and I aimed right at his face.

With a confident look I said, "Idiot how can you trust a stranger? I know you are from that side? Now your life is in my hands?

The masked man didn't even flinched a bit, He is not at all afraid. He looked as if I hold a toy gun. He raised his arms and said,

"I think I can light my cigar now…" He took a puff and said, " You are a fool really".

Shut up your life is in my hands, shouted Nirva. Kid, you are irritating. I am from the other world. Screw that shit, if I am one of those you would be dead until now.

I am an Assassin and an assassin never trusts anyone except him. So if you think you are holding my life go on shoot me. But think I can make your dream come true!!!!

To face the government you need a mask!!The power which this mask provides. The power to which this whole fears one day and I think you can achieve that goal.

Shut up!!! Shut up!!! I don't believe in strangers!!! I don't believe in starngers. You are one of them. You are one of them. With tears flowing in my eyes I started to aim at him but in seconds he got beside me and he hit me on my neck. I am slowly losing my conscious. In that moment, I saw him. I saw him smiling.

After few hours, I woke up and found a note and a visiting card. The noted stated like this "If you want to follow your dream come to this address" Without any thought, I reached the place it is not in the city it is far away from the place I live, since I have no one I thought it would be the best idea…and left to that address from my place.

After some hours I reached a restaurant in the forest. I was surprised to see a restaurant at this place.I entered that restaurant and I was surprised to see no one there not even a single person that startled me actually, there was no one including the receptionist in that restaurant. But there were several posters attached on the wall and I found a clock and it showed it was 11 pm at the night. "The only thing which caught my attention was one poster that one poster made me look into that for several hours".

I heard a cracking sound suddenly it was the sound of the chair and when I looked at the other way, there is an old woman sitting on that chair and she is knitting a scarf and is laughing continuously for a second, I thought that I am in the wrong place but the poster kept on reminding me that I am at the right place and it is what made me stick to that chair for long and not only that there is something unusual about this place too. I am a bit worried about the old woman and the scarf she is knitting it is like something which I never saw. Its been hours since I went there but there was no moment by that lady she is still sitting there by knitting that scarf and at that moment, I remembered the man who I met there on the cliff. He mentioned something like

"Assassin" what does it mean. I am not sure about that let's see how it is going to be in that restaurant. It became so silent that I can hear the clocks ticking and I can even hear the dogs howling from the distance clearly as if they are right beside me. The clock's ticking amde me wonder about the time and when I watched it I was surprised it was 5:45 pm.

Suddenly I got up from my chair and there was no response from that old woman. she is just doing her work by laughing and then I dared to ask something in the next few minutes.

When I was about to ask my question a needle came in my direction and grazed my skin to my surprise I somewhat felt unusual. I looked around but there were no one other than that old woman. She is not an ordinary old woman. Her reflexes are amazing just like a young lady and what is that speed. Is she really the one who threw that needle towards me. I think I would have no chance if I fight with her. It was just like him exactly same as the masked man.

" I think never judge a book by its cover is the correct description of this scenario".

Why have you spaced out boy, said the old woman. You are selected in the "Patience test" follow me now. The only thing which caught my attention stated,

"Somewhere, someone powerful is waiting for you".

By seeing that the only thing rotating in my head was "Is it for me or for all" am I safe here were the only thoughts running in my head at that time. After that we reached a certain place and there is a board and a big gate in fromt of me and the name of the church was stated like this,

"Welcome to St.Granule church"

From there we went to the graveyard which is at the back of church. It was a half-moon day. I don't know why but I can hear dogs howling continuously but, I think "I am not afraid now" were the only things I repeating to myself.

It was one of the biggest churches in the city. So I have never been to this place as we are prohibited. From there we walked almost 500meters and there I saw an ancient relic or in the sense an ancient door which is very huge but has no room to that. I think it was just an relic. But, there were many historical carvings on it which I can't read.

Yes, I cant actually because they were in ancient

So the old woman the old woman suddenly started chanting some sort of words out of blue like a witch and she cut her finger and pour that blood near the door. By watching that creepy scene gave me chills all over my body and my legs started shivering. I am trying my level best in controlling myself being spaced out. It was so calm suddenly, everything went completely mute in that silence, I saw a dog which is nearby started howling by which another dog from somewhere responded to it and it too started howling and all the dogs started howling. It was just like triggering something and the howling went om continued.

Then I experienced the ground rumbling and everything which was present there started shaking the trees begun swinging as hard as they can for a moment I thought it was an earthquake but to my surprise I didn't want to believe it but- but- the door opened, the large door which was in front of us opened. The old woman went inside and called me…The moment I stepped in the doors were closed it was completely dark inside. I am not in a position to see anything in that dark. The only thing guided me was the old woman's voice but suddenly, I heard a voice of a young lady it was very sweet and pleasant to hear and she said, "kid are you there"? I was literally shocked to hear a lady's voice and I answered yes. and questioned her at that moment itself, "whose this". In that dark I spotted a light appearing to be bigger as we move forward and there, I suddenly saw a young woman wearing a mask standing there waiting for me.

When I finally reached there, I never found that old woman who accompanied me out of curiosity I asked a question to the lady who is in front me.. "excuse me!! , I came here with an old woman! but she is missing now do you know where she is?". To that question, the lady replied like this "the old woman!!! She is right in front of you". By hearing that answer I searched for her but I didn't find anyone The lady once again turned towards me and said, with pointing her hands towards herself, "she is right in front of you".

I was shocked by seeing that, but now it makes some sense about her inhuman reflexes, which she used back in the restaurant but there are still many mysteries that should be uncovered. I am amazed to experience this place.

While walking with her she said "while on our way, I will fill you up with the details "We are Assassins" and the place we are now is called "Dark World". In this world we are an elite assassin group called "Snakes" there are a set of rules which we must obey and we have to follow as assassins they are







Oh we reached our destination I will explain the remaining rules soon there will be other members along with you so please don't get along with the sense don't talk with them and take care-

After hearing that with excited face and out of curiosity I shouted, mam!!! mam!! what am I supposed to do here!!!

As usual for that question she replied as coldly as ever

"oh did you forget your test already"…boy…(laughed evilly)…

No mam!! I shouted and she left from there and I waited in this new world to see someone, who is stronger than me...

AT the PRESENT YEAR 2039...


Problem: Hello guys I am "Problem"…I am here to explain to you with a set of problems and introduce newcomers in the story and I will also travel with you from now on in this journey and studying with you and explaining everything l clearly. So since we came back to present The Assassin's are using a device called "Chorder"now. For contacting someone you have just Connect and their name attached to it. and to end or decline the call you have to say Negate. So enjoy the story to the fullest…

Somewhere in the world…

A stranger said, Connect Nirva.

starnger: You are going to die…..(on chorder)

Nirva: No!!!!!

Stranger: Do you think you can save her….(on chorder)

Nirva: No!!!

Stranger: Thank god…I thought my time would be wasted. if you were to interfere. So thank you I will show her no pain. I promise you….(on chorder)

Nirva: oh!!! that's good

Stranger: Are you figuring out who I am don't worry I will not let you win this time….(on chorder)

Nirva: oh…..

Stranger: I am that someone whom you are searching since your childhood…..(on chorder)

Nirva while seeing his face in the mirror- "No, I am that someone who is waiting for someone "…Negate

Nirva: Connect "vein", "pro", "Ray"

Ray, Vein, Pro: yes master…

Nirva: we have a me at the clock room…

Ray, vein, pro: yes master…

Nirva: negate.


Renlee: do you think he recognized you

Grace: No….he is a strategist but he can't beat the voice modulator…

Problem: Sry guys it's me again. Grace is the one who contacted Nirva a while ago and she is one of the three aces along with Nirva and other one.

Renlee: So are we going after her….

Grace: As an ace, we should make a move but I don't think this is the time…

Renlee: So what about "him"…

Grace: who knows.. let's wait and see. Damn that idiot why did he commit such a treason. This makes us no choice. We will go after that girl before "he" enters the game.

Renlee: Do you think Nirva can save that girl…

Grace: Of course not… long as we have "him" there is no chance of Nirva to win…

End of chapter…

What is going to happen? Who is "him" mentioned by Grace in the story? Will Nirva save Angel? What is Nirva's past? and who are assassins actually will be revealed in the coming chapters.