Chapter - 4 The Eternal Fate- I

Day- 02 continues. Time: 18:00 hrs

On the way for cloakroom, Nirva catches a taxi and after boarding it he fells into his thoughts and he is talking to himself like this

Nirva: who is that on the chorder… Are they(assassins) making their move already. It is too early for them to make their move but why so fast or are they just trying to see my reactions. Damn that!! voice modulator...

Problem: Hi everyone it's me again!!!! As I told you before every assassin has a voice modulator installed in their masks they can alter their voices up to infinity. But, there is an altered version of voice used by these assassins to communicate among their fellow assassins which should be never changed. This altered voice helps the assassins to recognize others over the chorder. for example, every assassin has two voices that is the original voice which is used in the "world" and an altered voice used to communicate with their fellow assassins. In the above case Grace used another voice to talk with "Nirva".

So, I think you got my point then let's get back into the story…

Nirva: In any case, I have to be on alert.

Nirva after reaching the plaza gets down and he has to walk 2kms to reach the cloakroom.

Problem: Hi !!! there I am back. I think you have a doubt right. why did he get down before the destination? The reason is

"The assassins while on a mission, travel differently so that they leave no traces of their destination. They will take a walk so that they can encounter any person who is following them secretly that is the reason why he got down and is taking a walk.

The assistants will also be nearer to him in their normal form to take immediate action when the situation goes out of control. So, this is what I need to say take care.

When Nirva got down people who are present there started staring at him with fear on their faces and they were running away from him.

Nirva doesn't care much and speaks to the cab driver.

Nirva: How much is the fare sir?

Cab driver:350/-

Nirva: Here.

Cab driver: excuse me sir, can I ask you something…

Nirva: yes!!

Cab driver: why are you wearing a mask. Are you with them.

Nirva: Oh this!!!no. I am somewhat allergic to the air so my doctor suggested me to wear a mask whenever I move out. So, that it can protect my face..(laughs calmly)

Cab driver: oh take care son..anyway these days are not safe for us to live. We don't know when an assassin will come for us and the police are not showing any mercy to the people who are wearing those masks. It also goes to the people who talk with them…(laughs)

Nirva: yeah sure thank you!!! old man…

Time:7:30 pm

Nirva: connect Ray, vein, pro…

Nirva: I am near to the location. where are you people.Shift to numbers language.

Ray,vein,pro: 933 277733 28 5556662222844466666.

Nirva: message received. Negate

Problem: it means we are at location this is one of the communication methods used by Nirva during a mission…there are more languages he uses in a mission. We will see more about them in future.

Let's get back to the story…

Around same time alternatively In a supermarket.

shopkeeper: Thank you!!! madam. Have a nice day….

Aadhya gives a smile and leaves from there. Nice day you say, She looks up at the sky and says, "There was never a nice day in my entire life(in her mind)" . She walks out into the street with those groceries.

This supermarket will be crowded with public only on weekdays and the streets

are normally full in the normal days.

A person lying on the roof top with a sniper in his hand is aiming at someone and he is contacting some of his allies-

Spect: Connect "Black". I have my eyes on the target

Problem: Hi again do you remember him he is the one who is assigned to Nirva 's team on the starting day to kill Aadhya.

The area where the supermarket was located is surrounded by huge buildings which is an asset for the snipers, from the top view the supermarket just looked like a 'Pupil' in an eye and it is surrounded by the road in all the directions which is making the Junction look like an 'Iris'. The huge buildings which are present here acted like the eyelids which is protect this supermarket. But for now in this it is just like the highest point, which is suitable for taking a shot at the people on the ground...

Black: Take a shot if possible but there should be no mistakes, it should be clean…

Spect: Roger that!!

Problem: guys these are the words going to be used in the entire story make sure to remember them

Black: Give me all necessary updates even the small one how much distance can u cover.

Spect: This whole street is in my control….

Black: Copy that…

Spect: Total 5 members are present around the target

a couple with their kid, a young man aged around 25, an old man crossing the street.

Black: Roger that.

Spect: I am trying to take a shot.

At the same time all the three assistants of Nirva contacted him alternately

Ray: Connect Nirva…. code red...boss

Nirva: where are you….

Ray: I am at the supermarket street

Pro: Connect Nirva…code red…boss

Nirva: what…u too…

Vein: Connect Nirva code red…boss

Nirva: what is happening here? where are you vein, pro

Pro: I am at the junction boss.

Vein: I am at the clock tower master.

Nirva: Explain the situation…

Vein: Sniper spotted on the top of the red cross building.

Pro: Sniper spotted in the 13 floor of "Ramsay hotel".

Ray: Spotted a person roaming here for two hours without making a scene as if he is waiting for someone.

Pro, Ray, Vein: Waiting for your orders sir they are maybe class 2 assassins and they didn't spot us untill now.

Nirva while thinking walks on the street towards the supermarket

Nirva: Take the charge. But, wait for my orders they may try to kill us but why us. No!! it's not the case, I have to hurry. I think she came here. When he starts to run he suddenly bumped into a girl.

Nirva: You are…..

Pro: Boss!! What happened!!!!

Spect: Black!! A guy bumped into that girl

black: What!! Explain the situation and his personality.

spect: He is wearing an unusual mask, I think it is him.

Black suddenly drops the call.with Spect and with a shocking face He says, Mask- Mask- You say, He hits his head with happiness and fear and says, it' 's him it's ofcourse him and laughs loudly.

Black: Connect Nirva...

Black: Hello Ace, You are really something man. How did you find us. How did you know I am after that girl.

Nirva with a angry tone Negates the call with Black.

Nirva: connect Pro, Ray, Vein

Aadya: Are you mad!!! Can't you see me? Why are you in such a hurry Is the world going to end for you…

In mind: She is as lively as a kid same like those old days. But why!!! But why do you want to die?.

Nirva in a hurry says sorry and tries to run from there…

Aadya: The kid is hurt because of you….

Nirva: Sorry!!! Sorry!! …I will catch up with you in five minutes. I have to hurry.

Ray, vein you stay where you are and pro take action. Switching the language...

Block their view since their target is Angel. Since, she is moving now there is no way now to take the shot clearly…. Precisely use smoke bomb to block their view!!!.

Pro, Artery, Vein: We are at their location sir and we are waiting for your orders….

Nirva: Pro take a shot only injure so that he can't move on the left hand right below his shoulder.

Ray take the man in the street Knock him out completely

Coming to you Vein use your special move, "Vein's special move"

Problem: "Vein's" special move: He knows everything about electricity departments and the substations which are passing the currents to the streets. His only work is to read the maps and to memorize the precise location of these substations so that he can stop the current at the needs of Nirva. Since electricity is a major asset at night same as the Veins which carry the oxygenated blood to the heart. This Vein resembles the electricity supply from substation to the streets. That is the reason why he is named as Vein.

Vein: Got it!!! Here goes down the electricity. Bye-Bye lights.

Spect: Lost the view Black!!!!

Black: Of course!! The moment he know we are here we felled into his hands. He is an ace of course. Do you know why he became an ace, So early that's because of his patience there is a rumor that he sat 7 hours continuously without reacting to anything.

Spect: Seven hours!!!!! what is he doing is he sleeping with his eyes open…

Black: No!! the people used to say, he memorized the whole things which are present in the room the paintings, arts, everything. We don't know what he is thinking but he only looked at those continuously for 6 hours and 45 minutes and the last 15min is the only time he started looking at the old lady.

Black: That is what we are up to. That is the reason He became an Ace.

Spect: Takes a gulp. Why did he leave us then…

Black: He didn't leave us. Its a checkmate his team members skills his intellectual and planning are out of bounds. That is the reason why I Envy him.....

Nirva: Connect black. Sorry for the disturbance and the trouble. Where are we before I disconnected the call

Black: So what are you going to do now. Did you came with her.

Nirva: Please leave this place as soon as possible. Otherwise turn around I will show you hell….

Black: Raises his hands into the air and laughs Hahahhaahahaaa. Man!!! Damn look at you!! Look how badass you are. that's the reason why I respect you the most. But I am not going go spare her.

Nirva: Quite interesting!!! This is getting thick now.

Black: How did you find me…..

Nirva: Habits never change regarding how hard we try right

the time I heard your voice. I know you are here. You always watch your underlings from the top. So that you can immediately complete your job if anyone misses the shot. You were always like that since our childhood..

Black: So are you going to kill me now…

Nirva: First-year lesson 36: Never hurt our fellow men!! Which was told on the date of Feb 28, 2025. The day we met and became rivals…

Black: You are as sick as ever!! How did you even remember the exact date. and how are you following those rules…

Nirva: Don't come after her!!! I love her!!

Black: Lesson 1 on the very first day: Never make your emotions overcome you, if they did the only thing waiting for you is "death".

Nirva: I am taking a leave and tell that spect not to push these kinds of stunts again or else tell him that Hells gates are always open to the idiots.

Black: okk okk see you around…..

Spect: How did he know I am helping you??

Black: Idiot!you are the only assassin who monitored her and knows everything about her.

It's so simple just leave it we are going back.

Black: Connect Grace. Hey grace…

Grace: Status.

Black: Negative...

Grace: As expected…

Black: Yeah. But why did you want to attack her.

Grace: I wanted to know whether he is sticking with her or not.

Black: It seems yes.

Grace: I will be joining the game. But as of now it should be kept as a secret.

Black: Ok are you coming now.

Grace: Negate…

Black: As cold as ever. These women will never change.

somewhere in the "dark world"

unknown 1: Did you find them

unknown 2: No my lord…

unknown 1: Find them… find them… Once, I find them I will show them what the "Dark world" is. They are killing, enjoying and roaming out there.

"Envy" I am never going to spare you....

End of the chapter.

Who is this Envy? Who are those unknown people? what happened to Nirva and Aadhya afterwards. Did they meet again? Does Nirva met Aadhya before? Who is Grace?. Will Nirva save Aadhya?

Let's look forward to see those things.

To be continued.