The Dawn

Alexander woke with a start, remembering the dream he had just witnessed of him killing a man. Which is not generally strange for his situation but never failed to scare him of everything that could show his face.

Alexander reminded himself in a low mutter, "He needed to be killed, he would have killed so many more, He needed to be killed, he would have killed so many more, He needed to be killed, he would have killed so many more,"

But no matter how much he muttered he couldn't get the grief from his eyes. He shuffled down the hall to Dylan's room to wake him up. They were good friends no matter how many times they have stabbed or shot each other they found solace in each others company, that and Alexander was the only one who could get Dylan out of bed on a Tuesday morning.

Alexander shook Dylan once, twice, and then heard muttering about not waking up. "Not sleeping in today, you need to meet up with Skyler and James today."

"Fine, but I had better be able to burn something down before we get there." Dylan said half asleep. He sat straight up with his mullet in a tangle of blond hair. His eyes were green but not entirely awake, and he had a small amount of stubble on his sharp but short chin. Unlike everyone else he never got any tattoos or piercings, only saying that his body was a temple and such things would be to destroy it. But Alexander never minded the tattoos on his left arm and back, they gave him reassurance even though they make the others worry. He has every name he has ever used and the names of every family he has had. Sometimes Alexander hates eternity.

"I hate the medicine" Dylan protests as he pulls up his pants, making sure to highlight the word medicine. Dylan has a lot of opposing ideas to the rest of us. He believes that we should be known and praised like in the past, but we decided long ago we would stop fighting wars made by others.

The drop off for Dylan was simple and public as to keep him quite and from making a scene. And all that Alexander could do on the walk over was hope that no one would side-track them. They arrived at a dock that points directly off of Florida and reaches out to sea until coming to an unfinished end with boards missing. The perfect space to hand Dylan over to Skyler and James.

When they arrive they wear black suits, no shorts or T-shirts like Alexander or Dylan, they couldn't look more out of place here.

"I see that Florida isn't on fire." Skyler says in a voice that sounds as if she doesn't want to be surprised.

"And I see your ability to blend in has remained the same." It was a simple remark from Dylan but it still made James laugh and give him a high five.

Skyler had a sharp face and Bright red hair and grey eyes, if she could dress normally she could have easily passed as normal but instead she wears a suit to the beach. And James has almost pitch black skin with bright yellow eyes that he always hides behind a pair of black circle glasses. He wore a brown suit with a fedora that matches and in his breast pocket he has a dandelion poking outward. Both looked good in their suits but they were also drawing a lot of attention.

"Look, are we gonna do the hand off or am I going to wait until the next war." Dylan says impatiently, he may have been unable to see these two people for years but he didn't care he found solace in playing online games all day instead of going into the real world and getting a job.

"Yes, though we've tried something new that may be able to help with our condition longer than the original medicine." James replies.

"Why do you make these things? We're gods and what we do is lie low not showing what we are. Alexander is supposed to be this war god but he gets nightmares from killing a man who was a slaver! You, Skyler and supposed to be a god of storms but here you are at the ocean and I don't see a single cloud! James, at least you do what you are the god of, but you make stuff to shut everyone else off! And me, I've accepted that war may come at our hands and that we may need to fight in it, but you won't let me do anything." He then turned to face the ocean adding a whole other effect of solemness to this situation, Alexander almost felt like Dylan shouldn't be stripped of his fire for another hundred years, then he jumped off the dock and vanished into the depths of the ocean.