Years ago in world war two four gods had relinquished their mortal lives to take arms against the oppressors, the Nazis. They attacked Nazi bases and towns leaving no survivors from either side. The only evidence that it was something other than human was at a secret base in Germany that created weapons for soldiers, the base was twisted and misshapen as though it came to life and crushed everyone inside. People thought of it as a gift from god.
Water and darkness sometimes a fish but mostly water and darkness. Dylan could see nothing but water and darkness. He had jumped off the dock knowing they wouldn't follow it would create too much of a scene if anyone but Alexander followed, but even then Dylan was a faster swimmer. And Skyler couldn't conjure a storm to help her follow me without raising suspicion. So Dylan could swim until he reached the southern tip of Africa and would take multiple trips on land, sea and sky through the many countries until he made it to Egypt where he left a stash of weapons the others didn't know about, except Grace. Grace was the goddess of the hunt, she spent most of her time in Africa and he would meet her in Gabon and they would travel the rest of the trip to Egypt preparing for the chaos they would make. They had spent far too long as people, now it was time to be gods.
The arrival was simple enough, Dylan swam to shore and walked in his now drenched clothing. He let loose a small amount of energy to dry his clothes and walked through Gabon without drawing much attention. He arrived at the airport close to an hour later and was on his way to Cameroon. During the flight Dylan changed out of his colorful shorts and T-shirt and into gray sweatpants and a red long sleeve shirt. As he walked down from the plane two people waited for him at the bottom; Grace and a businessman by the name of Jordan who originated from England. From Cameroon they went straight to Egypt, there they went to the black pyramid. Dylan had set up a bunker next to the pyramid during its construction, though he didn't use it until better weapons were created. Now it's full of guns, ammunition, explosives, and other things Dylan enjoys using for chaos.
"Why may I ask, do you have stacks of toilet paper?" Jordan asks, wiping sweat from his brow.
"Have you ever tee-peed a house? It's like that but with fire." Responds Dylan calmly, while grabbing a rifle from the days of the first guns. He had recently made upgrades to this one in particular, it now was easier to load and had more fire power.
"So what's the plan, just chaos or calculated attacks?" Grace asks Dylan, though she already has her answer. Dylan had been planning this since the others had made their 'medicine'. He was going to hit where they loved.